Website Design Search Results

How To: Design a perennial garden

In this series of gardening videos, our perennial plant expert Martha Cycz tells you how to design a great looking garden that is healthy and inexpensive. She discusses how to tell if your plants are getting enough sun and how to determine if you have left enough space for them to expand. She even offers tips for controlling pests. The key to a great looking garden is planning: after watching these videos, you will know exactly how to map out your backyard work of art.

How To: Make an animated GIF banner in Photoshop & ImageReady

An animated GIF is a great idea for a banner to advertise your website or services. In this tutorial, you will see just how easy it is to make one of these moving objects using Photoshop CS or Adobe ImageReady. Animations draw the eye to your logo much more than an image that is standing still, so if you are looking to get noticed - this is the way to go.

How To: Create a vector 3D logo in Illustrator CS2

There's nothing better than a cool logo design, except maybe a cool 3D logo design. A 3D logo might just be what you need to have your company stick out. Watch this Illustrator video tutorial to learn how to make a 3D logo. You may want to apply a glassy text feel to the finished 3D text logo. It is a pretty complex logo, but it is good to learn some great techniques for doing some interesting things in Illustrator.

How To: Create an iPod gel process bar in Illustrator CS2

The Apple iPod and iPhone are the hottest electronics on the market, so keeping up with the times means keeping up with designs people like. Apple incorporates all kinds of cool images and icons into their products, so learn how to re-create them so you can modify them or get ideas for your own designs. Watch this Illustrator video tutorial to create a gel progress / loading bar-similar to the progress bar found on an iPhone and iPod -- from start to finish.

How To: Write a landing page that converts

Starting up a website can be daunting if you know nothing about web design or setup, but there are some tips to get the right people finding, looking, and returning to your site. A good landing page gives visitors exactly what they are looking for, and converts them from browsers to customers.

How To: Draw a biomechanical-themed tattoo sleeve design

Designing a tattoo sleeve is a challenging and important task for any tattoo artist or recipient, as they are huge, expensive, nearly impossible to hide and, like all tattoos, with you forever. This four-part video demonstrates the sketching and inking of a sleeve design with a a biomechanical theme. It is unmeasured and would need to be refined and drawn again before it could go on a body, but is a good place to start.

How To: Make watery ice glass text in Photoshop CS4

In this tutorial, learn how to make a very cool wet writing effect that you can use for graphics and logos. You will be creating this effect in Photoshop CS4. In this video, you will learn how to take tons of different layer styles and transform a basic text layer into a majestic piece of artwork. You will be shown the process step by step from the very beginning. This tutorial also shows the use of gradients and color corrections tools to optimize the full piece of work.

How To: Import different shapes into Xara3D

This video shows how to make simple 2D shapes into 3D. The video starts out making three different 2D shapes, and copy and pasting them into the Xera 3D program. The shapes can then be moved so that they are on top of one another, and different colors. When finished one of the 3D shapes looks as though the other two are inside of this shape, yet all of the shapes are 3D. This is very interesting, and would be very useful for many people. One example is someone making a PowerPoint presentation...

How To: Design vests

Vests can be a fashion icon with flair and many fashion designs include vests inspired by a variety of traditions. Learn to design vests from a pro designer in this free fashion illustration video series.

How To: Use the Firefox Firebug extension for web design

Firebug is an essential Firefox extension for web designers and developers. You are able to quickly target any element on a page to see the markup, the CSS, the layout, and the DOM in an instant. Not only can you see all of this juicy information, you can edit and see the results directly in the browser window. This makes Firebug the go-to tool for debugging CSS trouble. Also indispensable for Javascript programmers. So all you Internet website designers out there, pay close attention to this...

Firefox Mobile 101: How to Turn Websites into Apps on Your Home Screen with the New Quantum Browser

There are over 3 million apps in the Google Play Store, all optimized for the small screen in your hands. While that number sounds staggering, there are still many online tools and websites that require you to use a mobile browser since app development is expensive. However, that's where Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) come into play, a cost-effective way to turn websites into mobile apps.

How To: Make a website using Adobe Flash CS4

Creating a website from scratch is one of the most productive and most challenging things that you can do on a computer, whether the site promotes your own services and interests or you're being paid to make it for someone else. This nine-part video will walk you through the entire process of making a website using Flash CS4. It is very complete, and if you have the patience to watch all nine parts you should be well on your way to creating a really cool, high-traffic site.

How To: Create a website and improve web presence

When you need a website to showcase your product or service, it can be quite confusing. Follow these easy steps to gather everything you need to have a successful website. Start your search for a domain name in the domain name registrar. (Example: Rent space from a hosting company to hold the files for your website. Set up an email account for your company. Create the content for your website (example: products, prices, services, etc). Get internet security to protect sen...