Web Bets Search Results

How To: Make five dollars doing a trick

Kipkay demonstrates how you can make five dollars by doing a bar trick and you bet your friend that you can lift a half full shot glass up with the palm of your hand. You have to use 100 percent liquor and when the flame goes out the glass will stick to your hand.

How To: Optimize your deep web assets for Google

Google is one of the most powerful forces on the Internet, and their technology can be the key to helping you find success in whatever your online endeavor might be, from web design to filmmaking. This video is a part of their Google Webmaster Series, offering help to webmasters the world over on how to best utilize Google in their work. This video will show you how to optimize your deep web content, like databases and forms, to be crawled by Google using a few simple tricks.

How To: Use the web browser on Android cell phones (2.0)

The browser on your Android-powered cell phone offers numerous features that enhance your overall web experience. Some of the great features include double-tapping to zoom in, searching for text on webpages, sharing websites with friends, and copying and pasting. There's a lot more, so watch this video tip from Google to see how to fully enjoy your web browser.

How To: Create & export a web text box in HTML with Photoshop

Create a text box for the web using Adobe Photoshop! Whether you're new to Adobe's popular image editing software or simply looking to pick up a few new tips and tricks, you're sure to benefit from this free video tutorial from TutVids. For more information, including step-by-step instructions on how to create and slice up your own custom text boxes in Photoshop from scratch, watch this web designer's guide.

How To: Hack web browsers with BeEF

This video tutorial talks about browser exploitation. Particularly, it talks about tools, like BeEF, that can be used to hack known vulnerabilities within browsers and some cool frameworks that you can use to check the security of your own browser. To get started hacking your own browser, watch this how-to.

How To: Make 15mm scale miniatures

This video provides an introduction to building 15mm scale buildings for Warhammer or miniature dioramas. Simulate roofing shingles and with small pieces of cardboard. Create a haunted scene with real spider webs. Preserve tiny spider webs with a protective spray or make miniature spider webs out of milkweed. Build small scale grapevines with toothpicks, wire, and painted leggy moss.

How To: Do the Ribbed Spider Web Stitch

The spider web stitch and the ribbed spider web stitch are both "woven" embroidery stitches, either used as isolated accents or used in clusters. They aren't a line stitch or a filling stitch, and they aren't really a "small" detached stitch that can speckle a background lightly, either. Watch this video from Needle 'n Thread to see how it's done.

How To: Play Cash's "Folsom Prison Blues" on electric guitar

Grab your electric guitar, strap, amp, and your pick and check out this free guitar lesson. This video tutorial will teach you country guitarists how to play a Johnny Cash song. Not just any Johnny Cash song, but one of his most famous: "Folsom Prison Blues." The solo for this song is also included in this instructional music lesson. And just so you know, here are the lyrics:

How To: Walk on cornstarch with this non-Newtonian fluid trick

Walk on water? Impossible. Walk on cornstarch? You bet! Check out this video to see what happens when you mix up a tub of cornstarch and water. It's goopy cool fun. Mix cornstarch and water in this classic experiment to form a gooey liquid and solid material that behaves like quicksand. Some people refer to this as the Oobleck recipe, others call it a Non-Newtonian fluid. After watching these video segments, you'll call it a great science lesson as your students learn about the amazing proper...

How To: Do the "trapped coin" matchbox bar trick

In this impressive bar trick, bet someone that you can remove the coin from the matchsticks atop the matchbox without touching or moving the matchsticks. It seems impossible, but obviously it's not. Win beer and money. Maybe just impress your friends. Whatever. The answer for this "trapped coin" matchbox bar trick is a simple as a little flame from a lighter.

How To: Get Rid of Facebook Stickers from Your Timeline & News Feed

While stickers have long existed in the messages section of Facebook, they've only just recently rolled out sticker capability in comments for events, groups, and timeline posts. That means you can now reply with a cute sticker of a cat eating a slice of pizza on someone's status instead or writing something more thoughtful. While an animated sticker can show off enthusiasm and excitement that words or a too-simple emoji may not be able to convey, you can bet that your comment section will qu...