Weather Condition Search Results

How To: Easily weather seal your garage door

If you have a garage door attached to your home, it's important to know that it's a space that needs proper insulation as well. Not doing so can lead to a room that is cold to walk into and can cause other rooms in your home to become cold as well. In this next tutorial, you'll find out what you need to do in order to easily weather seal your garage door. Enjoy!

How To: Winterize your car brakes & ABS

For most people who deal with seasonal cold weather, it makes sense to prepare one's car brakes/ABS for the winter weather. Ed Kriston from AAA Mid-Atlantic discusses typical brakes and anti-lock brakes. Kriston goes over the general makeup of how brakes work and what components make up the brake system. He goes over how to tell if there is sufficient brake pad to get you through the winter. To make sure your car brakes or anti-lock brakes are prepared for the cold weather, follow the steps i...

How To: Protect your garden from cold and frost

During the winter and freak weather events in spring and fall your garden can take a beating from frost and excess cold. Watch this video to learn how you can protect your plants and flowers during the cold so they are healthy and ready to grow when the weather improves.

How To: Create rusty, corroded type in Photoshop

Making text look old and weathered, or rusty and corroded is a long standing effect but it's a good one to know. In this episode, Bert will show you how to do a nice, detailed weathered type from scratch. You may want to download his example files or full rez version to see a detailed view.

How To: Make grilled shrimp with cured lemon aioli

Summer is the absolute best season to fire up a grill. The weather's like a dream, the sun's up longer than usual, and seafood is at its freshest. If you're dying to eat some fresh seafood this summer but don't know how to go beyond the grilling part, then watch this food video.

How To: Increase car safety, reliability, and longevity

This video gives helpful information to increase your car safety, reliability and longevity and how you can do most of the checking yourself. Checking the tires is a safe way to start with safety maintenance. Check pressure while the tires are cold and the pressure correctly by using you owners manual or by the identification sticker inside of the door jam and not by just what's written on the side of the tire. Next is the tire condition such as the tread depth for regular ware and for the we...

How To: Make a simple and quick fan to fight the summer heat

Unless you live in Sarah Palin's home state, you're probably sweating through the hot and humid summer like the rest of us. Sweltering temperatures usually mean heading inside into cold air conditioning, but if you have the misfortune of having to be outside during particularly sweltering weather there is a way you can cool down on the fly.

How To: Use Siri with a Third-Party Weather App Instead of Apple's on Your iPhone

If you ask Siri to check the weather on your iPhone right now, you'll get information from the stock Weather app in iOS — even if you have and prefer other weather apps installed. But that doesn't have to be the case. Thanks to Siri Shortcuts in iOS 12 and later, you can set specific phrases that Siri will respond to for any compatible weather app you want.

How To: Unlock the Hidden Weather Lock Screen Widget in iOS 12 on Your iPhone

There are a lot of things that make iOS great, but lock screen widgets are not among them. If you want more information on your lock screen other than the date, time, and notifications without having to swipe to a sidebar of widgets, you'd normally look toward Android. However, iOS 12 aims to shake that up a bit with a secret Weather widget for the lock screen — not for the Today view.