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How To: Relieve stress with tapping

Stressed? This video shows you how Tapping (EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique) could help. Notice if you find yourself feeling differently about stressful situations after applying the technique. Sometimes the change is dramatic - although sometimes it is subtle so note carefully any changes. THis is a style of self-hypnosis and acupressure.

How To: Take apart or disassemble an iPhone 2G/1st generation

In this video by PDA Parts, learn how to take apart and disassemble your Apple iPhone 2G (or, 1st generation iPhone, the same phone). By taking the back off and opening your iPhone, one can replace a broken screen. It is wise to listen to these instructions very carefully, as a small mishap can ruin your phone. Also, it should be noted, by doing this any Apple warranty will be void.

How To: Use the Godswar online cheat engine 5.5

If you're into Godswar online and looking to level up quick, check out this how-to video and see how to use the cheat engine. You'll need an Godswar account and you'll want to follow the directions very carefully. OK, go for it! With this engine you'll be able to hack for more gold.

How To: Fold an advanced modular origami ball

Before you embark on folding this cool empty-centered origami modular ball, be warned: This is not for the butterfingers or beginner origami students among us. With a multitude of sides and a delicate balance of paper that keeps the ball from collapsing in on itself, this is one origami project that should be attempted carefully.

How To: Successfully introduce your new boyfriend to judgmental friends

You have a new boyfriend, one you really love, but you're afraid your friends won't like him. Well, introducing your boyfriend to your judgmental friends does NOT have to bet a stressful experience. You just have to approach it carefully. Follow these three simple steps to make those introductions go smoothly, by controlling the situation rather than letter your friends have all the power.

How To: Use a fishing jig

Learn how to use a fishing jig which recreates the motion of a fish swimming in simple steps. First connect the fishing jig to a fishing rod and tie a knot in it. Throw the jig in the water by holding the rod properly in your hand. Control the rod carefully and pump them in slowly. Keep the fish in the line of your reel and slowly bring them in.

How To: Say "TV set" in Polish

Learn how to say "TV set" in Polish from this video in simple steps. First find out the Polish word for "TV set" in Polish language which is "telewizor". Now spell out the Polish word carefully without any mistakes. Speak out the Polish word slowly and keep trying until you pronounce it correctly. Now try to speak the word fast and practice until you are good enough.

How To: Prune a Japanese Maple tree

Sometimes your Japanese Male can get a little out of control and ends up looking like a bush. In this how to video, Dave guides you through the process of pruning a Japanese maple tree. Make sure you prune your Japanese Maple carefully because the tree takes a while to grow the branches back.

How To: Perform the 'ambitious card trick' with ease

This excellent version of "Ambitious Card" uses a clever slight-of-hand move that looks hard to learn, but it really isn't. Give it a try. The spectator will see his card placed smack in the center of the deck, and suddenly pops up to the top. The method is shown very carefully and slowly, but note that there are some audio problems (which doesn't affect the explanation.)

How To: Help your female dog deliver puppies

Dogs require a lot less fanfare than humans to deliver their puppies into the world, but if your pet is having puppies you should still supervise the process carefully. Watch this video to learn how to deliver puppies yourself at home.

How To: Recover Deleted Gmail Contacts

If you accidentally deleted a few contacts in Gmail, don't worry. You could still restore or find those email ids. This video will show you how to recover those contacts and bring back to your contact list. The process of recovering those contacts is quite easy. So please watch the video and follow all the steps carefully.

How To: Change Downloading Location from Google Chrome

This video will show you how to change downloading location from Google Chrome. If you download a special type of file often then you have to visit default downloading folder and move them to your preferred location. But you could set the downloading location to your preferred folder from chrome. Watch the video and follow all the steps carefully.