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How To: Flip food properly

There's nothing like flipping food. Not only is it beneficial when making things such as stir fry or omelettes, but it also pretty cool to do as well. In this video tutorial, you will discover just what it takes to flip food properly. Warning! When you first try this, a mess might ensue. So be careful and have fun!

How To: Identify problems with the spruce tree

The first thing you have to understand is that the damage that comes to the spruce is mainly from the weather, moths, and caterpillars. The caterpillars and moths dry out the tree slowly, sometimes it is not noticed until the tree is on the verge of dying. One way to make sure this doesn't happen is to look under the spruce branches and the underside of the plant. You will be able to notice when it is getting withered by caterpillar accumulation. If there is a lot of caterpillars of the grayi...

How To: Determine if someone's lying via Visual Accessing Cues

This video demonstrates how you can tell if someone is lying using visual accessing cues. This is a sample video of Kelley Moore teaching for a breakthrough collaborative application. She uses basic psychology terms to aid in understanding when someone lies. A sample visual cue for lying is to notice the eyes. If someone is lying, their eyes would twitch or unconsciously shift to the left side. If you follow the steps in this video, you'll be able to notice when someone is lying to you.

How To: Make copper sulfate crystals

Learn how to make a copper sulfate crystal. Warning: Copper sulfate is not good for your skin, so if you get any on it, clean well with water. If you eat it, call a doctor. You will need once cleaned out egg with a hole in the top, some copper sulfid (you can get it in garden shops), and 60 ml of hot water. Easy way to make your own crystals.

How To: Do rear deltoid rows

Rear deltoid rows are a great way to work parts of your upper body, letting you go from "bony" to "broad shouldered" in no time. Warning: always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. You will need a barbell and optional: a cambered curl bar. Watch this video to learn how to do rear deltoid rows.

How To: Do overhead dumbbell triceps extensions

The bicep and the tricep are like the yin and yang — if you overdevelop one and not the other, it looks weird at the beach. You will need a dumbbell and a padded weight bench. Warning: In case you drop the weights, make sure no one is standing behind you, other than a spotter. Always consult a physician when attempting any exercise program.

How To: Do a seated military press

When an exercise has "military" in its name, then you know it's serious. You will need a barbell, a padded seat with a padded back, and additional weight plates. Warning: if you are experiencing any shoulder pain, avoid this exercise. Always consult a physician before attempting any exercise program.

How To: Enable blocked macros in Office 2007

Not sure what to do when you get a security warning about a macro? What are macro security settings, the Trust Center, and Trusted Locations anyway? Watch this instructional video to learn how to enable macros and make informed security decisions that can help you keep your computer safer while you work in Microsoft Office Excel, Outlook, Word, Publisher, PowerPoint, and Visio 2007.

How To: Tattoo yourself

This is a clip from the seven hour session in which David I. Herman, known as "Doz", tattoo's his own upper right thigh with a Tiger and Flame tattoo design. Warning: Please do not try this unless you are professional tattoo artist. Do not try this at home

How To: Make your own lightning globe

This instructional video will show you how to make one of those cool lightning globes with about $5.00 worth of parts.WARNING This makes use of some very high voltage. It could be potentially lethal, especially if you are standing in a puddle of water. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to build a lightning globe.

How To: Make low calorie spicy orange chicken

This is a healthier twist on the classic “Orange Chicken.” The main problem with the Chinese take-out version is that the pieces of chicken are first dipped in a batter, fried in oil, then wok fried again in the spicy, sweet orange glaze. While very delicious if done right, it is incredible high in calories. So, be warned, my version uses no oil and should not be compared to the style you many be used to.

How To: Stretch at your desk

Part of the mind body & soul series. The stretches shown are for your head, back, chest, arms and shoulders. They take about five minutes and can be done at your desk. As the stretches are being shown, the narrator explains them and explains how they are helpful. Tips and warnings are given as needed.

How To: Keep your tree from dying

First of all you have to check the root which has started circling. Then notice that there is a dark portion at the bottom of the trunk. You can prevent this problem by avoiding to plant too deeply and not to leave in the pot for too long. You have to plant it at the right depth. Now check the roots of the bigger tree that has died. You shall notice that the roots have started circling around a part and then they stop the circulation to the top of the tree and then the tree dies because it wa...

How To: Glitch your companion to regain health in Fallout: New Vegas

Gltiches and bugs are riddles in the release of Fallout New Vegas, and as Obsidian rushes to put out patches for these problems, that leaves us free to abuse them! If you're in combat and are noticing that your companions are taking quite the beating, you can actually glitch their companion wheel to heal them without even worrying about using up your stimpaks! Check out this video for details on the gltich!

How To: Play a melodic style of rhythm guitar with Paul Jackson Jr.

Paul Jackson Jr. is one of the tastiest session musicians alive and has played with hundreds of artists over the span of his career including most of the guitar work on Michael Jackson's Thriller album! In this video he explains the secret to his style and how to pick apart chords and play the very basic components of each chord to create a more sonically sound rhythm guitar part that doesn't step on anybodies toes but is catchy enough to be noticed in the mix.

How To: Create Underwater Glass Structures and Buildings in Minecraft

If you've been around either the multiplayer worlds or have been watching videos on other video websites, you may have noticed that some people have started creating underwater glass structures and buildings in their game! If you're curious how, this video will show you! You will get a full walkthrough of what materials you will need and what the build orders are.

How To: Get Lady Gaga's CSI/Telephone makeup look

How funky is Lady Gaga? It seems like she is always ready to shock her audience. In this tutorial, learn how to get Gaga's makeup look from the CSI sequence in her "Telephone" video with Beyoncé. This is the look she sports while she is covered in an outfit made only of "caution" tape. This sexy albiet crazy look will definitely get you noticed no matter where you go.

How To: Create an emerald dragon makeup look with Petrilude

Looking for something bright and frosty for a change? Check out this tutorial with makeup expert, Petrilude. In it, you will learn how to create a greenish blue eye look that will turn heads and get you noticed. So, the next time you head out to the club, why not try this look out? It works for any season and looks icy hot!

How To: Use smart objects with layer masks in Photoshop CS3

If you have been learning how to work with smart objects in Photoshop CS3, you may have noticed that some funny things start to happen when you try to use layer masks with smart objects. Most often, you layer mask doesn't move with the smart object. This Photoshop tutorial will show you a workaround for layer masks not linking with smart objects.

How To: Make a faceted heart and knotted bead necklace

This necklace is sure to get you noticed! This video shows you how to make a beautiful teal color faceted heart pendant on a knotted bead necklace. You will need waxed cord, glass beads, a heart pendant, a head pin, and scissors. Learn how to craft this necklace by watching this video jewelry-making tutorial.