Viral Marketing Search Results

News: A Common Cancer-Causing Mono Virus Has a Special Trick to Hide from the Body's Defenses

Most of us have already had an encounter with the Epstein-Barr virus, or EBV, for short. As part of the herpes family, it's one of the most common disease-causing viruses in humans. We get the disease with (or without) some nasty symptoms, then we recover. However, EBV stays in our body after the illness has ended, and it's one of the few viruses known to cause cancer.

News: 4 Billion Year Old 'Fossil' Genes May Be Our Secret Weapon Against Infection

The evolution of our infection-fighting systems may have something to teach modern scientists. That's what a group from the University of Granada in Spain found when they studied a protein that's been around for over four billion years. Their work, by senior author José Sánchez-Ruiz and colleagues in the Department of Physical Chemistry, was published in the journal Cell Reports.

News: Google Joins Netflix in Shaming ISPs into Faster Service

Netflix releases monthly reports on major ISPs relating to how well their service works on each provider. The purpose is to educate the public on their choice of service provider, but since many of us hardly have any choice at all when is comes to an ISP, it backhandedly works to shame them (if they're even capable of feeling shame under all those millions of dollars).

News: Berlin - Market and Alexanderplatz

I went to one of the Berlins market on a search for Pearls / Beads and other stuff for Macrame. I really love the sound of this market which is in lots of different languages of the world and its so cool. And then I went to Alexanderplatz and you can see how it looks there, if you haven't been there.

How To: Get pink eye from your makeup

Carolyn Dickerson teaches viewers about the connection between pink eye and makeup! Your pink eye may first start off and seem like a cold in your eye! Sometimes you may not know which pink eye you have. If the week progresses and your pink eye does not get any better, then you do not have a viral pink eye! It will continue to get worse if your eye does not drain properly! First, you can use sulfur based drops but this may be too much. You can also use a oral antibiotic! Swelling, draining an...

How To: Play the Auction House market to make gold in WoW

In this tutorial, we learn how to play the auction house market to make gold in World of Warcraft. The first way to make money is to play the world of bets so you can sell things that people need for a 300-500% income on what you are selling. After this, you will make hundreds and thousands in goal in just the first day. After you do this and get the hang of it, it will quickly turn into one of the easiest ways to make money while playing this game. Practice learning the auction house and wha...

How To: Carve a turkey (the right and the wrong way)

Mark Dommen, chef-partner of San Franciscos One Market Restaurant, advises viewers against the wrong approach: Do not use a dull knife, do not carve at the dining table (as much as you might want to), and do not hack at your bird willy-nilly. This video demonstrates all the wrong ways to carve a turkey. Pay attention for advice on the correct way to carve a turkey!