Vast Majority Search Results

How To: Clean Up Liquid Spills More Easily with Flour

Spills happen in the kitchen, and while every good cook knows to clean as you go, not every cook has an endless supply of cleaning materials. Besides, one spill can exhaust your entire stockpile of sponges, paper towels, and rags in a matter of minutes. Particularly egregious mishaps can make everything they touch feel sticky and gross.

How To: The Nuts and Bolts of Steampunk: Using the Right Screws for the Job

Let me start out by saying that Steampunk isn't about being historically accurate, and that everything I'm about to tell you is entirely optional. That said, let's take a look at the history of screws! What many people don't realize is that before we had metal screws, wooden screws were in wide use for things like wine and oil presses. Generally, the invention of the screw is attributed to Archimedes in the 3rd century BC. That was a long, long time ago. Metal screws and even screwdrivers hav...

How To: Think You Might Be Tone Deaf? This Online Musical Test Will Diagnose You in Minutes

If you've ever listened to your loved ones sing in the shower or watched a few minutes of American Idol, you would think that the majority of the population is tone deaf. In reality, only about 4 percent of the world's population suffers from tone deafness, or the inability to distinguish between different pitches. Che Guerava, Charles Darwin, and Ulysses S. Grant were all tone deaf.

How To: Check and replace the fuses on a car

Kim, a staff mechanic of Driverside, demonstrates how to check the fuses in a car. In majority of the cars the main fuse box could be located on the left side of the kick panel situated near the driver seat. Inside the car, he opened a cover stating fuse box (near the driver seat), by turning a small lever, he dispatched the fuse cover with ease. A pilot map can be found behind the back of the cover panel. The Map elucidates all kinds of fuses distributed in the car and their amperages. Then ...

How To: Prepare a pumpkin for cooking

Pumpkins are not just for Jack-O-Lanterns! Pumpkins very inexpensive right now since it is after Halloween! You can use pumpkins to make pumpkin soup, roasted pumpkin, roasted pumpkin seeds, etc. First, we will show how to properly cut a pumpkin. You'll need a big knife (the bigger the better), due to the vast diameter of the pumpkin. You also will want two buckets, one for seeds and one for flesh. Also, keep a garbage bag handy as a lot of garbage comes off of a pumpkin. They are messy, but ...

How To: Do abdominal crunches on an exercise ball for a great abs workout

Exercise is a very important for everyone on a daily basis. Our society has evolved into a life of work, work and work. The majority of these jobs are sitting at a desk in some sort of cubicle. Humans are not built for this purpose; we are made to be active every single day. Thus, we must incorporate exercise in one way or another during our 14-16 hours of wake time. And this instructional video will show you a great exercise— how to do an abs crunch on an exercise ball.

How To: Grow blue corn

Blue corn is a special variety of corn which can be differentiated by the majority of the corn species by looking at the unusual top growth of the corn. It is a hybrid and grows very uniformly throughout. Now take a corn from the field and peel it off. You shall notice that it has a blue color corns. Blue color corns are hard from outside but they are very soft and tender in the middle. You can use these blue corns in making commercial products like blue corn chips, tortillas, and atole ’,‘ c...

How To: Tie a tie - Expert instructions

One of the hardest things you'll ever have to do in adulthood as a male is tie a tie. Neckties are one of the hardest things to teach and hardest things to learn. Tying a tie is so hard that the majority of men are picking up clip-on ties instead, despite their lack of maturity. If you want to learn how to tie a tie, this video tutorial might finally show you the ways. See what you've been doing wrong all of these years.