Unwelcome Fatty Search Results

How To: Avoid eating saturated fats

There's actually several different kinds of fats. You have your unsaturated fats, which are typically heart-healthy fat, which are like olive oil and canola oil. And then you have other fats like saturated fats, which are found in food such as meats, especially any animal product, fatty cuts of meats such as bacon, sausage, butter, lard, high fat dairy products, whole milk, and creams. And saturated fats have actually been linked to increased risk of heart disease. So these are things that yo...

News: Sentinel Nerve Cells Spy on the Intestines, Linking Gut & Brain

If the all the fingerlike projections in our gut were flattened out, its surface area would be 100 times bigger than our skin's. It's so large that the actions of just a small part of it can impact our health. A new research study has found that enterochromaffin cells in the intestinal lining alert the nervous system to signs of trouble in the gut — trouble that ranges from bacterial products to inflammatory food molecules.

How To: Prepare a delicious baked salmon dish

Baked salmon makes a very healthy and delicious meal. The fish is low in calories and carbohydrates and rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Because salmon is so flavorful you only need a few simple herbs, spices, or other basic ingredients to enhance the flavor, making this fish very easy to prepare. Baking salmon is quick and simple and can be prepared ahead of time. 1. Prepare the marinade in a glass bowl. 2. Mix the garlic, basil, parsley, olive oil, salt, pepper, and lemon juice together. 3. Set...

How To: Could This Clever Trick Really Keep Bacon from Shrinking?

Part of the reason bacon tastes so good is because of its high fat content, but that also means that it shrinks significantly when you cook it. How much it shrinks depends on how fatty it is and what method you use to cook it. Bacon cooked on the stovetop shrinks quite a bit more than bacon that's baked in the oven. DIY blog Franalan tested a Pinterest tip that claimed rinsing bacon under cold water before cooking it could reduce the shrinkage by up to 50 percent. Yes, we just wrote about how...

News: Why Skim, Low, & Reduced-Fat Milk Are Actually Worse for You Than Whole Milk

I don't drink a lot of milk, so when I do, it's always whole milk. I'll drink two-percent if it's the only kind available, but skim? I'd rather have none at all. Tons of people buy reduced fat milk because they're trying to eat healthier, but to me, the extra calories are totally worth it. And, contrary to popular belief, whole milk is actually better for you anyway. Just like diet soda, the downsides of reducing the number of calories in milk outweigh the benefits. Studies have found that co...

How To: Protect Your Home from Mice for the Winter

Brought to you by Tomcat. Falling snow, warm fireplace, delicious hot cocoa, quiet reading time, mouse. Quick quiz - which one is not like the other? Nothing can ruin a perfectly cozy afternoon in your home like a pest on the loose. With dropping temperatures, you may have some unwelcome residents, like mice, looking for shelter from the cold.

How To: Running Low on Storage? Safely Clear the Cache of All of Those Hungry Third-Party Apps on Your Galaxy Note 3

Repetitive use of apps over time will eat up your storage space with by caching data on your device. This can be useful at first, speeding up your apps by not requiring them to re-download frequently used data, but as a cache grows, even the initial performance improvements can be outweighed by the unwelcomed loss of storage space. And if a cache grows too large, the time it takes an app to access the cached data can be even slower than the time it would've taken to re-download the data in th...

How To: Keep your brain active by eating brain foods

Your brain actually needs to be refueled throughout the day, and our brains function best on carbohydrates. Brain foods like fruits and fish are important for fueling your brain all throughout the day. Learn some tips on eating brain foods and keeping your mind active in this nutrition how-to video.

How to "Eat" Your Sunscreen: 10 Nutrient-Rich Foods That Will Increase Your Sun Tolerance

Even as someone with super pale skin that burns instead of tanning, I don't use sunscreen nearly as often as I should. Or, uh...ever. My skin cancer prevention routine mostly involves hiding from the sun as much as humanly possible. If you're like me and hate the greasy feeling of sunscreen, there are other ways you can protect your skin by increasing your sun tolerance. Your diet actually has a lot to do with how easily you burn, so by getting enough of a few key nutrients, you can decrease ...

News: You're Eating Mold & You Don't Even Know It

Koji is a culture made up of a certain fungus (mold) called Aspergillus oryzae, which has been used to ferment rice and soybeans in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean kitchens for centuries. Koji can actually have other involved fungi, but Aspergillus oryzae is the most common, and therefore the names can be used interchangeably. Its end purpose is to enhance the flavor of items like soy sauce, sake, and miso.

How To: Lose Stomach Fat in 10 Steps?

As our lives grow busier, we get secluded in our indoor activities, consuming all types of fatty junk food and what not. Obesity is a very obvious yet unfortunate outcome of our unhealthy living standards. With it comes the predictable rush towards efforts to lose weight. Consequently, we have designed hundreds if not thousands of ways to lose fat and grow slimmer. To ease out your choice of ways, here is a list of the best ways to lose stomach fat. Step 1: Don't Eat Sugar

How To: This Hair Care Product Will Keep Water Spots Off Your Car for Good

Taking care of your car requires effort, whether you take it to the pros for washes, waxes, and detailing, or you spend time to make it shine yourself—and it often seems that, right after your car is sparkling again, rain or midnight moisture appears to cover its surface in water spots. With a small tweak to your typical car care routine, you may be able to keep your car's surface and windows shining longer and better: you just need to add a little hair conditioning liquid.

News: Why Cold, Leftover Pizza Always Tastes So Damn Good

Cold pizza is the holy grail of leftovers. That's a statement that elicits a slew of impassioned feelings. Either you love the idea of biting into soft crust and cold, fatty cheese, or scowl at the idea of pizza that isn't hot, crisp, and melty. Yet if we were to stand by the former sentiment, how would we argue on its behalf? Food Science Explains Why Cold Pizza Rules

Real Brain Food: What Geniuses Actually Eat, Part 1

It's common knowledge that certain foods foster brain development, health, and memory. Fish almost always makes the list, as do any foods that are loaded with antioxidants like blueberries, nuts, whole grains, green tea, and dark chocolate. Spices like turmeric are being studied for their ability to prevent Alzheimer's, among other things.