Unique Produced Stickers Search Results

How To: Make a book out of recycled material

Make your own book out of recycled material. You can use thick cardboard pieces for each page. Find some strong tape to make an outer binding. Tape each page of the book down with masking tape. You can then reenforce it by glueing down strips of brown paper bag. Decorate your book with other recycled items such as stickers, photographs, and plastic bags.

How To: Make a Rose Designer Collection Floral Card

This project sees me create a stunning card using the Anna Griffin Rose Designer Collection and the 12" Trimmings dies, together they are the perfect combination. The card is a full floral and includes using the stickers from the kit as well as some of the beautiful embellishments. I have even included some paper folding to give the card even more depth. Step 1: Now Watch the Tutorial

How To: Make a Spectacular Layered Silver Flourish Fan Card

This card is a work of art however it is so easy when you have seen how it is put together. following this easy project you will be able to create a masterpiece of your own. Using lots of the Anna Griffin Silver flourish stickers, I create this card in front of you, showing the steps I have taken including making a fabulous insert to match. Step 1: Now Watch the Tutorial

How To: Make Pretty Paper Ribbon Sentiments

This technique is great for using up scraps and making any sentiment stamp or sticker even better. This is a simple technique that you can make in advance for any paper, card or scrapbook project. In this demonstration I show you how to make the same paper ribbon sentiment that I have used in the Vellum Rose Wreath Card Project. Step 1: Now Watch the Tutorial

How To: Replace a Refrigerator Water Filter

If the existing filter no longer works and/or it’s past the month marked to change the filter on the sticker inside the refrigerator; Refrigerator “change filter” indicator light is on., you will probably have to replace Water Filter. You can follow the steps in this video to help you do this easy repair.

How To: Make a stained glass mirror

In this Arts & Crafts video tutorial you will learn how to make a stained glass mirror. This video is from Artists Resource. You will need a Marabu GlasArt kit, some spirit, a china graph pencil, scissors, a ruler, masking tape, a container to mix your paint, an object to draw an oval shape, Marabu outliner paint, a mirror and peel off dolphin stickers. Take a few dolphin peel offs and stick them on the face of the mirror; on the edges, to form a design. Place the oval shape object in the cen...

How To: Maintain your Rubik's Cube in six easy steps

If you are so good at solving Rubik's Cubes that your cube is starting to show signs of wear and tear for your excessive, fast solving, give yourself a pat on the back. You are really smart. But not your cube is sticky and the stickers are falling off! Don't let your pride and joy fall into disrepair. This video will show you six easy steps for cleaning and maintaining your Rubik's Cube, making it work even better than it did out of the box. This may take you longer than solving the puzzle, b...

How To: Cook spaghetti squash for a healthy alternative

This is a great method to use squash as an alternative to pasta. Take spaghetti squash and slice it in half. Scoop out the inside and discard. You now season the two sides with butter and want ever other seasonings you like. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In a baking dish place the squash upside down and add an inch off water in the bottom. Bake the squash for one hour. It will now be soft and the middle is easily scooped away from the skin. Just add some spaghetti sauce and Parmesan cheese...

How To: Access your Xbox 360 hard drive

In this Video Games video tutorial you will learn how to access your Xbox 360 hard drive. You need four tools for this. They are an exacto knife, T6 torque wrench, T10 torque wrench and a small fly head screwdriver. With the exacto knife cut a hole in the sticker as shown in the video so that you have access to the screw underneath it. Remove the 4 screws with the T6. Pull out the back, with the screwdriver pop up the two clips on top and remove the back. Now remove the 4 screws with the T10....

How To: Use a Breville Juice Fountain Plus 850 Watt

This video fully explains how to correctly use the Breville Juice Fountain. The product is 850 watts and has both a high and low setting for your convenience. Everything, except the motor itself, is dishwasher safe. One container collects all the juice, and another container on the opposite side collects all the skin from whatever it is you are juicing. Using a whole apple (with a sticker still on it) as an example, our demonstrator inserts an apple into the top of the machine, pushes down wi...

News: You're Not Crazy, Your iPhone Is Making Strange Noises

Apple hasn't really changed notification sounds on the iPhone since iOS 7. So how come you hear strange pings, plunks, and doots coming from your iOS device? No, it's not an app you downloaded (although third-party apps can have their own notification sounds). Instead, what you're experiencing is likely the result of updating your iPhone to iOS 13.