Unique Appearance Search Results

How To: Make a multi-colored duct tape wallet

Why buy a brand new wallet when you can make one? And out of duct tape! Take the original duct tape wallet idea and kick it up a notch with help from this tutorial presented by Seasonal Science on how to make a multi-colored duct tape wallet. Show off your unique style at school with this unique accessory!

How To: Use the "Unique Records Only" filter in MS Excel

Love Microsoft Excel? This clip contains a tip that just might induce you to. With this free video tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 63.5th installment of his "YouTubers Love Excel" or YTLE series of free video MS Excel lessons, you'll learn how to use the advanced filter "Unique Records Only" option and the VLOOKUP, COLUMN, IF, ISERROR and IFERROR functions to merge 2 tables.

How To: Count unique & duplicate records in Microsoft Excel

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 272nd installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to count unique records and duplicate records using the SUMPRODUCT, COUNTIF, COUNT, COUNTA, IF and SUM functions.

How To: Build a simple electromagnet

Electromagnets are super cool to experiment with. In this educational video, Science Bob teaches us about electromagnets - what they are and how to build one of your own. These magnets are are very powerful and make an extremely neat experiment for the science fair. Electromagnets are unique in the sense that they convert electricity into magnetism. Try this experiment with your kids for a unique science lesson.

How To: Fight as Amaterasu from Okami in Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Okami was one of the best games of the last decade, perhaps Capcom's finest, and it's heroine Amaterasu makes a much-deserved appearance in Marvel vs. Capcom 3. She isn't quite as powerful as you'd expect the God of Everything to be, but she kicks serious butt and this video will teach you the basics of fighting with her, including tips on all her normal attacks and special moves.

How To: Make a cute Thanksgiving card using stamps

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a cute Thanksgiving card using stamps. First, cut an oval shape with an oval template. After this, you will stamp the image from the harvest home stamp set on watercolor paper. After this, outline the image with SU markers and color the image in with an aqua painter brush. From here, scallop the edges of the design to make it look more unique. Then, glue the stamp to the card stock and use it as the front of a card for the holidays! Experiment with diffe...

How To: Clean your oven effectively

Ovens get filthy pretty quickly, and that can stink up your kitchen and your food. Watch this video for an in-depth guide to cleaning your grill with cheap household products, restoring flavor to your food and a pleasant smell and appearance to your most important food cooker.

How To: Write with water using Adobe After Effects

In this tutorial, learn how to create the appearance of text being written with a liquid using Adobe After Effects. This clip will show you how to use CC Glue Gun, Fractal Noise, CC Toner, Turbulent Displace and CC Mr. Mercury effects to create this cool illusion. This video is very detailed and comes straight from the experts at Motion Graphics Lab. Enjoy!

How To: Create a distribution for categorical data in MS Excel

If you use Microsoft Excel on a regular basis, odds are you work with numbers. Put those numbers to work. Statistical analysis allows you to find patterns, trends and probabilities within your data. In this MS Excel tutorial from everyone's favorite Excel guru, YouTube's ExcelsFun, the 12th installment in his "Excel Statistics" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to use Advanced Filter 'Unique Records Only" to extract a list of unique items from a data base, and then use the COUNTI...

How To: Make a ring from a coin without power tools

Looking for an incredibly unique gift? In this video, learn how to make a cool, long lasting ring out of a coin! All you need is the coin (whichever size is best suited for your finger), hammer, file, emery cloth, saw and a hand drill. With this method, you will be able to see the writing on the outside of the ring, so everyone will know how unique it is. This would make a perfect gift, fashion statement or even wedding ring!

How To: Fold an origami Christmas tree ornament

Origami is simple and fun and our host proves that right off by displaying how little we actually need material wise, to make something unique and pretty. Just two swathes of patterned paper, put flush together and a paper clip. First folding your little construction into the shape of a tiny kite It gets very precise from there. Incorporating smaller and smaller folds, but with a close-up view and a step by step explanation, this video will ensure success. After creating your unique abstract ...

How To: Install Ford Racing Bullitt pedals

This episode shows you what to expect when installing Ford Racing Performance Parts pedals on your Ford Mustang. These are the same pedals found on the Bullitt edition Mustang. They make a big difference in appearance and comfort but you will need to use a couple of special techniques to install them without losing your patience.

How To: Create Miley Cyrus' bronze cat eye look from Oscars 2010

After spending nearly half her life in show business, Miley Cyrus knows a thing or two about what type of makeup - and what colors - look good on her. If you follow her red carpet appearances you'll notice she usually goes with similar eye looks. Specifically, a very smokey cat eye and nude lips. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?

How To: Use command prompts in Windows

This video demonstrates how to open up the command line prompt and various commands which you can use to make your Windows experience easier. After clicking on the "Run" option from the start bar of Windows, you can then type "cmd" into the box, opening up the command prompt. The appearance of the command box can be changed by left clicking the small icon at the top left, going to properties, and changing the appearance. One useful command in the prompt is "ipconfig", which you type into the ...

How To: Make Windows Vista'saero glass borders fat

Customizing Window Vista's glass borders is relatively simple. In order to expand the borders, right click and choose properties, then choose appearance. Scroll down and click on 'open classic appearance properties'. Under Windows Aero, choose advanced settings, and click on desktop and choose border padding. You can then increase the size to your choosing and click 'ok' and 'apply'. After a few short seconds, you will notice that your borders are fatter than they were before! You can also us...

How To: Create a button for a website in Illustrator

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to create a button or banner for a website in Adobe Illustrator. Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editor. These buttons or banners can be used on personal websites or website channels, such as YouTube. Users are able to customize their button or banner appearance. Basic knowledge on Illustrator is required, but it is straightforward. This video will benefit those viewers who design their own website and would like to enhance their the appearance...

How To: Make a delicious cilantro martini

Making a Martini Zing with Cilantro. There are many herbs that can make interesting martinis. Cilantro is one of the best to create a really unique drink. The ingredients you need are: vodka (the video uses Gray Goose), gin, simple syrup made from equal parts sugar and water boiled until dissolved; fresh cilantro, one fresh lime, and a fresh piece of ginger root. First, put some crushed ice into your shaker. Using a grater, grate a teaspoon of fresh ginger into the shaker. Chop up a large han...

How To: Get rid of ugly scars

Scars can make you feel self conscious. Luckily, there are steps we can take to reduce their appearance without surgery. So, avoid the operating room and check out this video - its full of useful tips for hiding and eliminating your scars.

How To: Make a beautifully unique beaded windchime

Do you have a bunch of flawed beads left over after you make your crafts? You know the ones, the chipped, cracked, sharp ones that don't make the cut and usually get tossed in the garbage? Why not make those into something lovely, where the cracks don't matter? In this two part tutorial, learn how to turn your discarded beads into a beautifully shiny wind chime for your backyard. This chime is unique and makes a lovely noise in the wind. Let's get crafting!