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How To: Understand propositional logic

In this video the author talks about the basic concepts in propositional logic, explaining how important this concept is to understanding the basic concept of logic. He says that propositional logic is also called "sentential logic" or "statement logic". He states that a proposition is synonymous to claim, statement or insertion. He states that propositional logic deals with logical relationships between propositions taken as wholes. He states that in proposition logic the proposition is deal...

How To: Understand the basics of exponent laws

Before you can effectively use exponents, it is necessary to understand the laws behind them. First, in order to multiply a number raised to an exponent, by that number raised to another exponent, just add the exponents: for example, 2^5 * 2^2 is 2^(5+2), or 2^7. In short, a^m * a^n = a^(m+n). Similarly, dividing a number raised to an exponent by that number raised to another exponent can be done by subtracting the exponents: a^m / a^n = a^(m-n). To raise a number raised by an exponent to ano...

How To: Cite sources in the APA format

In this video, , peakDavid, demonstrates how to use and understand the APA (American Psychological Association) format for citing sources for references in papers, essays, and theses. You will learn the different types of citations used in APA format, and learn to understand how they are used to reference the works you used in your paper. Also, you will learn why you should use the APA format to cite your research, to avoid confusion by the reader, as well as any claims of plagiarism.

How To: Understand guitar tabs

Essortment teaches you how to understand guitar tabs. There are six lines that represent a string: E, A, D, G, B and E. Numbers are written on the strings representing fret tabs that tell you where to fret on each string. Also learn how to read a cord which is all the numbers placed at the same time. Numbers on top of each other is a string and lined up means to strum. These are the basics to reading a guitar tab so when you see a tab you are able to play and understand.

How To: Understand how the Google robot spiders your website

If you're looking to increase the ranking of your website in Google, and so increase your traffic, you'd do well to at least a rudimentary understanding of what Google looks at when considering the relevance of a web page to a given query. This SEO tutorial offers a cursory explanation of how the Google search robot sees, or spiders, your website. Drive more traffic your website with this SEO how-to.

How To: Understand the structure of dance music for a DJ

Wonder how to become a great DJ? To be a good DJ you need to understand the concepts of mixing tracks, adding cool effects, and of course you need a good sense of rhythm to line up the beats. This how to video explains how to DJ dance music. You must have a grasp of the structure of dance music in order to mix it well. Watch this DJ tutorial and you can learn how to understand the structure of dance music.

How To: Read the meaning of kings in tarot with Peter John

Peter John explains the meaning behind individual tarot cards in this video tutorial. The king of pentacles, the king of swords, the king of cups, and the king of wands all have a deeper understanding within a tarot card reading. Watch this tarot reading how to and learn how to predict and uncover the future by understanding the meaning of the king card.

How To: Read the meaning of queens in tarot with Peter John

Peter John explains the meaning behind individual tarot cards in this video tutorial. The queen of pentacles, the queen of swords, the queen of cups, and the queen of wands all have a deeper understanding within a tarot card reading. Watch this tarot reading how to and learn how to predict and uncover the future by understanding the meaning of the queen card.

How To: Read the meaning of knights in tarot with Peter John

Peter John explains the meaning behind individual tarot cards in this video tutorial. The knight of pentacles, the knight of swords, the knight of cups, and the knight of wands all have a deeper understanding within a tarot card reading. Watch this tarot reading how to and learn how to predict and uncover the future by understanding the meaning of the knight card.

How To: Read the meaning of the ten in tarot with Peter John

Peter John explains the meaning behind individual tarot cards in this video tutorial. The ten of pentacles, the ten of swords, the ten of cups, and the ten of wands all have a deeper understanding within a tarot card reading. Watch this tarot reading how to and learn how to predict and uncover the future by understanding the meaning of the ten cards.

How To: Improve your download speed

The key to understanding download speeds and if it's possible to improve yours, is really to understand that you want to increase your bandwith. Check out this video and see how to learn about bandwith, kilobytes and kilobits per second and improve your own download speeds.

How To: Understand polyatomic chemical formulas

This is a video tutorial in the Education category where you are going to learn how to understand polyatomic chemical formulas. When writing the formula using polyatomics, the same cross-over rule applies. 1st identify the metal and non-metal. Then you write the symbols, write the charges, cross-over the charges from top to bottom, remove the charge and simplify the numbers and remove the 1s. for example, iron (II) phospahate. The "ate" ending implies that phosphate is polyatomic. The symbol ...

How To: Play the 12 bar blues on the piano in both major and minor tonalities

The 12 bar Blues is something that EVERY musician should know how to play. It may be "simple music" but as they say, "simple music is the hardest kind of music to play". Understanding the theory behind the 12 bar Blues is crucial to feeling measures and also gives you a chance to really make a very simple three chord phrase your own. In this video you will learn how to understand, play and feel the 12 bar Blues in it's various forms including the major, minor and dominant Blues.

How To: Know what your cat is trying to tell you

Have you ever wondered why your cat does wacky things like head butt you? Do you wish you and your cat could speak the same language? With input from an expert animal behaviorists, you can! In this video, Sara gives you the low down on why your cat is so aggressive, why he won't stop scratching your furniture, and how to interpret your cat's meows. Now you can finally understand what exactly is your cat is trying to tell you. Here you'll find a brief introduction to some common behaviors you ...

How To: Pick a lock

This is a lock picking video which demonstrates how to pick a tumbler lock. Of course the only way to really open locks is to practice. But this is the basic info to picking locks. This lock picking tutorial also covers security pins and clear instructional animations to demonstrate. Learn how to pick a lock and use this video to understand lockpicking, security pins, skill tension, and bump keys. See all about how to pick a tumble lock & understand lock security pins.

How To: Understand the Dewey Decimal System

Feeling lost inside a library? The Dewey Decimal System is a logical and popular book classification system for libraries and schools helping you to easily locate any book or periodical you need. Fool these steps to better understand the Dewey Decimal System.

How To: Understand music notation when reading sheet music

In this video, we learn how to understand music notation when reading sheet music. To help you read sheet music wherever you are, it's an easy process. You can learn how to read sheet music within just a few minutes and practice. You can be great at reading any type of sheet music so you can play with a band or just by yourself. Music notation is a big part of sheet music, so you must understand this before you can read sheet music by yourself. Once you get this, you will be able to play musi...

News: How to Study for the White Hat Hacker Associate Certification (CWA)

Since I first announced the new Null Byte recognition for excellence a few weeks ago, several of you have written me asking, "How can I study for this certification exam, and what material will be covered on the exam?" Now I have an answer for you. The White Hat Hacker Associate (CWA) will cover 14 domains or areas. Everything you need to know is here on Null Byte. There will be no questions that are not covered here on this site, guaranteed.

How To: Understand crescendo, diminuendo & other tempo changes on the piano

In this video, we learn how to understand crescendo, diminuendo & other tempo changes. When you are playing piano, you are supposed to play the note until a dynamic change is shown on the music. A sforzando means that you must suddenly play very loudly. This occurs most in a surprise symphony. A crescendo is when you change the volume gradually. As the lines grow on the symbol you will increase the volume or decrease it if it's from larger to smaller. When you play dimiuendo you must not slow...

How To: Understand the anatomy of the upper back for drawing

In this video, we learn how to understand the anatomy of the upper back for drawing. First, you will need to learn how to draw the skeletal block of the body. Once you have drawn the outline for the skeleton, you can continue onto the rest. Make sure to add in the details for all the parts of the body, using thin lines at first, then thicker lines. Color these in white once you have the bone shapes made, then color in the "meat" on top of those. Draw in lines to create shading and realism on ...