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How To: Prepare an Italian tuna salad

Are you tired of eating the typical tuna salad? Watch this video tutorial to learn how to make a tasty and healthy Italian tuna salad without mayonnaise. You will need the following: Italian tuna, arugula, cherry tomatoes, salt, red onions, scallions, pepper, olive oil and parsley.

How To: Make Brazilian feijoada

Feijoada is a typical Brazilian dish dating back to the time of slavery. A rich black beans stew with pork, dried beef (carne seca) and spicy Portuguese sausages. Feijoada is an ideal dish to prepare for big parties as all the ingredients are just mixed into a large pot. There's no way to go wrong - in fact the longer you boil it for the better it tastes!

How To: Make quindim a Brazilian dessert

Quindim is a typical Brazilian Dessert made with eggs, coconut and lots of sugar. The dish was probably a Brazilian born adaptation of a Portuguese sweet, mixed with heavy African influences. In the African Banto language, Quindim means "Girlish Charms". This recipe is so easy I've asked my 7-year-old daughter to prepare it for you.

How To: Make a Indian inspired frittata

Recipes for the frittata can be quite simple, you can use any combination of ingredients you have around the kitchen. And the result are excellent for breakfast , brunches or lunch. In this how to video we show you step by step how to make a fritata with a few ingredients typical of Indian food and of course eggs.

How To: Stir fry vegetables

The key to stir-fry is having a very hot pan and very thinly sliced vegetables that will cook on contact. I like to cook my stir-fry in a wok, an Asian frying pan. Woks are great because they give you a large surface area. You can make a stir-fry in a typical skillet, but the problem is that if you pile the vegetables on top of each other they will steam instead of fry.

How To: Tie a karate belt on your child (or another person)

In this how-to video, Sensei Paul Adams will teach you how to tie your belt on your karate kid. The belt will be very stiff at first, but will loosen up over the years. Take the middle of the belt and place it on their belly. Take the ends and pull them all the way around until they reach the belly again. Make sure the belt is snug the whole time. Place the right side over the left and pull that end under both layers of the belt. Once this is done, pull the left end over the right and tie a t...

How To: Create a macabre and beautiful dark fairy Halloween makeup look

Fairy costumes are as common as witch costumes or vampire costumes (especially now with the "Twilight" fever) for Halloween. But dark fairies are a whole other category altogether. Rather than the cute pink frills, golden hair, and pixie dust you imagine your typical Disney fairy to have, the dark fairy in this makeup tutorial is scary, though still beautiful.

How To: Make Crispy Onion Rings with Instant Mashed Potatoes

Onion rings are one of our favorite types of vegetable, right after ketchup (#1) and french fries (#2). They make virtually any food taste good, delicious topping burgers, hot dogs, salads (so bad, but so good!). Which is why if you love onion rings as much as we do, then you'll have an orgasm in your mouth with this recipe.

How To: Make nori (seaweed) crisps with Mark Bittman

Nori is the Japanese term for seaweed, in particular the pressed and salted kind that you can find at most Asian supermarkets. Many nori fans eat the stuff as they would chips, since nori is slightly crunchy, slightly salty, and quite addicting. But nori is exponentially healthier than your typical Lay's salt and vinegar chips.

How To: Make lamb meatballs with Mark Bittman

Meatballs are such a versatile, easy to make dish that you can whip up and serve no matter how busy you are. And there are many varieties: Italian meatballs, Swedish meatballs, etc. If you're feeling rather carnivorous tonight and want to get your fill of delicious meatball goodness, then watch this episode of The Minimalist by Mark Bittman for an easy meatball recipe.

How To: Make a delicious and healthy wrap with sprouts

You may think that wraps and sandwiches are pretty much alike, since they contain most of the same ingredients (your choice of meat, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and whatever else you like to throw in) and taste mostly the same. The only difference is, of course, the consistency of a flat tortilla and sandwich bread.