Typical Person Search Results

How To: Make lamb meatballs with Mark Bittman

Meatballs are such a versatile, easy to make dish that you can whip up and serve no matter how busy you are. And there are many varieties: Italian meatballs, Swedish meatballs, etc. If you're feeling rather carnivorous tonight and want to get your fill of delicious meatball goodness, then watch this episode of The Minimalist by Mark Bittman for an easy meatball recipe.

How To: Make a delicious and healthy wrap with sprouts

You may think that wraps and sandwiches are pretty much alike, since they contain most of the same ingredients (your choice of meat, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and whatever else you like to throw in) and taste mostly the same. The only difference is, of course, the consistency of a flat tortilla and sandwich bread.

How To: Make Punjabi mustard greens

Anuja and Hetal from Show me the Curry demonstrate how to make Sarson ka Saag, a typical Punjabi recipe made with mustard greens. Chop the mustard greens and some spinach leaves and put them in a large pot of water. Boil them for about 15 minutes, then drain and let them cool.

How To: Do an easy fishtail braid

Fishtail or herring bone braiding is a very cool new style. Essentially, a fishtail braid is almost like a backwards version of your typical braid. Fishtails require only two pieces of hair instead of three and are actually quite easy to do.

How To: Pick and care for poinsettias

Learn how to choose and care for poinsettias with Southwest Yard and Garden's John White. You will be taken through the typical height and specifications for poinsettias, as well as what to look for in the leaves and flowers. One of the most important parts of growing poinsettias is keeping to a specific schedule. Measuring the plants is also important as plants that are too tall or too short are undesirable. Remember to frequently water the plants, but be careful not to overwater. Also, keep...

How To: Find averages & standard deviation in Microsoft Excel

New to Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly advanced as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 243rd installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to find typical values, or averages – a single value that allows you to talk about all the data points in a given spreadsheet. Specifically, you'll learn how to find the mean, median, mode and standard deviation for a set of numbers.

How To: Use a parang knife (Malayan machete) in the tropical wild

If you're ever stuck in the jungles of Southeast Asia, then your only hope for survival is the parang knife, which is a Malayan type machete. This is the ideal tool for the jungle, especially in Malaysia, where the typical vegetation is more woody, and needs something thicker for stronger chopping action. A parang has three different edges: the front is very sharp and used for skinning, the middle is wider and used for chopping, and the back end (near the handle) is very fine and used for car...

How To: Treat for lawn grubs

This video gives you tips on how to treat Lawn Grubs. The infestation of grubs is fairly easy to detect. The grass will die off in patches. The grubs will be visible. There are about 8 different species of white grubs that can infest your lawn.

How To: Play slash chords on the piano

This video shows how to play the slash chords on the piano. The first step describes how to play the c chord with the right hand and how to play the Enote on the bass with the left hand. The person explains the C/E operations with both the hands is the second step. The third step explained is about Am/g notes. The person gives the final touch by words. The camera is focused on the piano chords and on the person as required. The person used both right hand and left hand to explain how to play ...

How To: Identify problems when your wisteria is not blooming

On Southwest Yard & Garden, John White, a Dona Ana County Extension Agent, gets together with Master Gardener Virginia Podmenik to discuss some common problems with typical garden plants. Having trouble getting your Wisteria or Bouganvia to bloom? John White has several solutions. Baffled when your Dianthus and Artemsia grow into beautiful green mounds, then split and turn brown in the center? John White will help you find out why and what you can do to help. Not sure if it’s the right time t...

How To: Perform the "count on it" card trick

Andy in this video explains us how to perform the "count on it" card trick. First of all it involves with him taking a pack of cards. He asks the person who is about to witness the trick to take a certain amount of cards and asks the person to count the number. After the person has done it. He is asked to see the card corresponding to the count he has when Andy show him one by one. After the person is done with it there here comes the trick. Andy counts the card from one to king. That is coun...

How To: Care for a child with a fever

Dr. Bob Sears explains to parents the difference between a child's fever that may be serious and one that isn't. Only when the child's fever is high and any efforts to bring it down have failed, should you seek medical attention. This means the child could have a serious infection. A temperature of 103 or more is considered high, 101-102 is medium, and 99-100 is typical. Dr. Sears recommends using a regular digital underarm thermometer to check the child's temperature. Hold the thermometer un...

How To: Make your own non-toxic surface scrub

It is of course, non-toxic, and usable on just about anything, from counter tops to pots and pans. To make the basic scrub, you simply need baking soda, as well as essential oil for scent. The advantage of this is that there are a variety of different essential oils out there--if you're tired of the typical commercial cleaner smells, you can make your cleaning scrub smell just about any way you want. To make a more powerful scrub, you can add Borax to the baking soda mixture. The result is a ...

How To: Make soup dumplings

In this video, Andrea Nguyen of CHOW goes to Shanghai Dumpling king to see the perfect soup dumpling which is called xiao long bao. Here the chef, Lu Kuang, takes the dough and rolls it into a long snake likes thing and then breaks nuggets out of it. Then he uses the rolling pin to make small circles out of those nuggets. He then fills the circles with pork filling which has a little sweet flavor too. Then he closes the circle and gives it a nice typical shape. These dumplings are then steame...

How To: Winterize your car brakes & ABS

For most people who deal with seasonal cold weather, it makes sense to prepare one's car brakes/ABS for the winter weather. Ed Kriston from AAA Mid-Atlantic discusses typical brakes and anti-lock brakes. Kriston goes over the general makeup of how brakes work and what components make up the brake system. He goes over how to tell if there is sufficient brake pad to get you through the winter. To make sure your car brakes or anti-lock brakes are prepared for the cold weather, follow the steps i...

How To: Cook crab legs

Many people will agree that their favorite meal to go out for is crab legs. With this video from Chef Jason Hill from CookingSessions.com, you can learn to cook crab legs at home for a nice dinner that costs a lot less than going out to a fancy seafood restaurant. Instead of the typical boiling method, we see how to cook them on the grill! He also explains how to make homemade garlic butter using butter, garlic, rosemary and thyme.

How To: Make a collage in Adobe Photoshop

This video shows you exactly how to great a collage using Photoshop. Step by step, from duplicating the layer, dragging, and every tool you'll need to learn to achieve the best collage possible. You can use this to make a cool, unique, and interesting collage, to share with your friends and family. This tutorial is easy to follow, so if your looking to master your Photoshop skills or are just learning how to use the program. This video shows you an alternative to the typical photo albums, and...

How To: Learn to speak with a Glasgow Scottish accent

In this three-part accent tutorial, learn how to speak with a Glasgowein, or Glasgow, Scottish accent. Gone over are "typical" everyday phrases such as "awrite mate!" and "watty bounce up n git a booze" in part one, while swear words are taught in part three. As the videomaker states: if you feel strongly against vulgar language, this video may not be for you.

How To: Pronounce store related vocabulary in Korean

In today's Korean language lesson, we're stopping by a Korean convenience store to pick up some typical Korean food. We're hungry and ready to get some cheap Korean food on the go! There may be a lot of similarities with convenience stores with your country, but there are some things very specific to Korean convenience stores. This Korean language tutorial shows you how to pronounce office related vocabulary words. This video continues with the Picture/Video Vocab series to go over some Korea...

How To: Frame a wall 16 inch out on a subwall

In this tutorial, we learn how to frame a wall 16 inch out on a subwall with Bob Schmidt. First, grab some straight plates for the top and bottom plates of the wall. Then, you will need a framing square as well. When doing a layout for the wall, you will first need to lay the plates next to each other. Then, find the red marks at the typical wall stud layout. Go ahead and make your first mark at 3 quarters back from every red stud mark. Then, place the framing square on the wood and line it u...

How To: Talk about your daily routine in Spanish

In this video, we learn how to talk about your daily routine in Spanish. First, you need to learn common expressions about doing things. The key verbs that talk about your typical routine include: "despertarse" (to wake up), "levantarse" (to get up), "banarse" (to bathe), and "ducharse" (to shower). These are just a few of the verbs you can use for your daily routine. Other activities include: "estudiar" (study), "cenar" (to have dinner), and "acostarse" (to go to bed). Make sure if you are u...

How To: Draw a black and white male zombie in MS Paint

Though it's not typical for idrawgirls to focus on the male gender, don't count this tutorial out if you're looking for good instructions on how to draw a zombie. This male zombie is being drawn in MS Paint, and you can watch the drawing take place while listening to the commentary on what's being done and what needs to be done to create the living dead. But don't fret, there is a wonderfully drawn woman right next to the horrific zombie, so it's not that far of a departure for drawgirls.

How To: Find mean, median, & mode (averages)

If you use Microsoft Excel on a regular basis, odds are you work with numbers. Put those numbers to work. Statistical analysis allows you to find patterns, trends and probabilities within your data. In this MS Excel tutorial from everyone's favorite Excel guru, YouTube's ExcelsFun, the 34th installment in his "Excel Statistics" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to use MEAN, MEDIAN, MODE. These measures give us a typical value, a measure of central tendency one value that can repr...

How To: Control tail spin on a PicooZ mini helicopter

To begin in controlling the tail spin on your helicopter you need to turn your helicopter on and then turn the controller on. On your controller there are two trim bars. If it begins spinning to the left, tap the right trim; likewise, if it begins spinning too much to the right, tap the left trim. Unfortunately there is no memory in the PicooZ helicopter, so every time you turn on the helicopter you have to trim it. In the example video the helicopter needed to have the trim bar pressed 12 ti...

How To: Choose the right set for your web show

This video shows the method to select the right set for your web show. The video tells us what a set is and its importance in the show. A set is a place for shooting your own show. The set should be designed carefully and properly. A typical set should be bright with various colors. It should not look depressing like a blank wall. Make a set which will look fine on camera. There should be an element of fun in the set. The set should be made to grab the attention of the viewers. The design of ...

How To: Breastfeed with a day-old baby

As Sarah Martin testifies to, breastfeeding can be difficult. Despite receiving lots of advice, after five unsuccessful days she decided she would not be able to breastfeed her son. Dr. Su Laurent suggests giving it two weeks before giving up on breastfeeding while making it clear that there is nothing wrong with bottle feeding. The breast bottle is introduced as a great alternative to mothers who want to breastfeed but cannot get the baby to latch. This bottle makes the baby work to get the ...

How To: Know if you have the overpronation gait pattern

In this video tutorial, viewers learn about overproduction and if they have a overproduction gait pattern. Overproduction is when, after heel-strike, the foot rolls more than 15 degrees inward to meet the ground. Overproduction is more typical in runners with low arches. To check if you have a overproduction pattern, check the wear marks on the bottom of your shoes. Overproduction causes heavy wear along the heel and inside of the forefoot. Overproduction is natural and can cause injuries. Vi...