Tweaking Search Results

How To: Calibrate the Colors of Your Pixel 2's Display with ElementalX

No matter how good a display is, the idea of perfect color calibration is subjective — some prefer warmer more saturated colors, while others prefer the calmer cooler side of the color spectrum. It is almost impossible to create a single color calibration that everyone can agree on out of the box. The display on the Pixel 2 XL was specifically calibrated with a more realistic color profile in mind.

How To: Optimize and speed Up Windows 7

If you're all about fast boot times and computer speed, check out this video for a tutorial on how to increase the speed of Windows 7. This video covers the tweaking of the UI, optimizing the computer for best performance, and reducing the amount of time it takes for the computer to start up or shut down. Doing this will make it easier to do the things you love to do on your Windows 7 at a fast pace.

How To: Quiet Noisy Apps Automatically with This Ingenious App

You can do practically anything with a modern smartphone or tablet, so it stands to reason that the apps you have installed may serve vastly different purposes. Picture a game and a video player sitting right next to each other in your app drawer—odds are, you want the sound turned up while you're watching videos, but would prefer that the game was muted or a little lower. As a result, we're constantly tweaking volume levels to get the best experience.

How To: Customize Your iOS 7 Texting App's Message Bubbles to Use Whatever Colors You Want

Conversations can be a little stale sometimes, so a little color help add some life. AOL realized this In the early days of AIM, and let you customize your colors just the way you want. Unfortunately, Apple doesn't let you go into your settings to customize your messaging app's colors, but with this awesome and effective tweak you can. All you need is a jailbroken iOS 7 iPhone or iPad, which is easily achieved.

How To: Run Windows 8's Desktop and Metro Views Simultaneously Using a Second Monitor

The new Windows 8 operating system pushes the Metro interface hard, but not all of your apps will play nicely in Metro, which means you'll need to resort to the traditional desktop environment for some of your favorite programs. As a result, it has left many users picking between the two—Metro or traditional? Fortunately, there's a way to run them both simultaneously with the use of second monitor. In the video below, Donald Bell of CNET explains how you can run both interfaces simultaneously...

How To: Get Faster Download Speeds on Your Steam Games

Steam is an online platform that lets you download and play over 2,000 video games, from first-person shooters to RPGs, as well as a pretty long list of indie games. You can play on your PC, Mac, mobile device, or even your television, and it has a community of over 40 million gamers. Prices are different depending on the type of game and how new/popular it is, but they're generally about the same as what you'd pay for an Xbox or PlayStation version. They also have a decent list of free games...

How To: Detect & Classify Wi-Fi Jamming Packets with the NodeMCU

The most common Wi-Fi jamming attacks leverage deauthentication and disassociation packets to attack networks. This allows a low-cost ESP8266-based device programmed in Arduino to detect and classify Wi-Fi denial-of-service attacks by lighting a different color LED for each type of packet. The pattern of these colors can also allow us to fingerprint the tool being used to attack the network.

How To: Get the Galaxy S8's New Navigation Buttons on Other Android Phones

The Galaxy S8 and S8+ are the first Samsung flagships to use virtual buttons, which means this is the first time we're seeing Samsung's design style applied to Android's software navigation bar. Even though the on-screen keys look fairly different from what other OEMs have put in place, they're not anything revolutionary. Still, different is usually good since it separates you from the herd, and like Android's slogan says, we should be together, not the same.

How To: Set Your Android to Atomic Time for a Perfectly Synced Clock

For most Android phones, the system clock is set using a protocol called NITZ, which relies on a connection with your carrier to ensure that the time stays in sync. The trouble here is that this feature won't work when you're outside of cellular range, and a lot of times, the carriers themselves have technical difficulties that can result in your phone's clock being minutes or even hours out of sync.