Tropical Rain Search Results

How To: Avoid stripping gears on a Rain Bird sprinkler head

Avoid stripping the gears in your Rain Bird 5000 Series Rotor Sprinkler Heads by never turning the turret against the turn. Sean Stefan from Sprinkler Daddy explains in this video tutorial that if you start turning from the left fixed edge to the right, never go back to the left until you've gone all the way to the right. If you don't follow these guidelines, you run the risk of stripping the gears in your Rain Bird 5000 Series sprinkler heads. Then what are you going to water your lawn with....

How To: Perform the "candy rain" yo-yo trick

Everybody had a yo-yo at one point in their life; some when they were just little children, some when they were bored teenagers, some when they found the kid inside of them they never knew of, and even some when they felt retirement was just not very fun. It just goes to show that the yo-yo is not going anywhere anytime soon. Who could ever believe that a toy consisting of two equal disks made of plastic, maybe even wood or metal, with an axle and string could be so damn pleasing, so much dar...

How To: Create custom extrusions from 2D images in Swift 3D v6

Learn how to use Swift 3D version 6 to create custom 3D extrusions and animations using a 2D image as a guide. Whether you're new to Electric Rain's popular Flash-oriented 3D modeler or just looking to better acquaint yourself with the program, you're sure to find much of value from this free video software tutorial. For more information, including a complete walkthrough of the process, watch this web developer's guide.

How To: Create and animate 3D text in Swift 3D v6

Learn all there is to know about creating and animating 3D text in Swift 3D v6. Whether you're new to Electric Rain's popular Flash-oriented 3D modeler or just looking to better acquaint yourself with the program, you're sure to find much of value from this free video software tutorial. For more information, including a complete walkthrough of the process, watch this web developer's guide.

How To: Navigate the Swift 3D v6 user interface

Learn the basics of the Swift 3D 6 interface and see how to manipulate the program's toolbars to maximize your workspace. Whether you're new to Electric Rain's popular Flash-oriented 3D modeler or just looking to better acquaint yourself with the program, you're sure to find much of value from this free video software tutorial. For more information, including a complete walkthrough of the process, watch this web developer's guide.

How To: Render environment layouts & backgrounds in Swift 3D

Learn how to set up your render environment and layout backgrounds in Swift 3D scenes. Whether you're new to Electric Rain's popular Flash-oriented 3D modeler or just looking to better acquaint yourself with the program, you're sure to find much of value from this free video software tutorial. For more information, including a complete walkthrough of the process, watch this web developer's guide.

Walkthrough Left 4 Dead 2: C4, Hard Rain - Town Return

And just when you thought it was safe in town, you come back and find out it's like you were never there. Zombies everywhere. Watch this L4D2 walkthrough to play Campaign 4: Hard Rain - Return to Town. Gather any equipment and head out of the safehouse. The suburban neighborhood you travelled through last time is now flooded. You will want to spend as little time as possible wading through water. Try to look for rooftops or makeshift walkways to maximize your maneuverability. After dropping d...

Walkthrough Left 4 Dead 2: C4, Hard Rain - Sugar Mill

Learn your way around the saccharine and bloody land of the sugar mill in L4D2. See the whole gameplay for Campaign 4: Hard Rain - Sugarmill. Stock up on weapons and head down the stairs to open the door of the safehouse. Clear out any zombies on the street and go across through the open window into the sugar mill. Once in the building, head to the left. There should be an open door leading back outside. For more info, watch the whole gameplay.

How To: Create a stormy rain scene in Photoshop

The universal solvent is back. It looms, floating in a condensed visible mass, then bursts from its vaporous state, streaking to the earth at teminal velocity. Those blurred droplets called rain are a pretty simple thing to create, it's just a couple of filters and you've got it. Bert takes it a few of steps further to create a whole stormy scene with rain, lightning and an ominous sky. Oh, and there's a pirate ship in there too.

How To: Create a dramatic tropical look with Bitch Slap makeup

In this tutorial, we learn how to create a dramatic tropical look with Bitch Slap makeup. Start off by applying a primer to the eye and a yellow shadow on the inner corner of the eye. Next, apply an orange color next to this and blend in on the edges. After this, apply a red color on the edge of the orange and blend together. From here, you will apply purple to the crease of your eye and blend it to the outer corner of the eye. Then, apply black on the outside corner of the eye and blend with...

How To: Make movie rain without getting wet

In this tutorial, we learn how to make movie rain without getting wet. First, you will need to get a garden hose that has a spout on it and few pieces of PVC pipe. Connect the pieces of PVC pipe together, then stick the head of the hose to the pipe. Keep in mind that you will want to cut the pipe a bit shorter so it's easier to hold. Now, have someone hold up the pipe while you are taping and make sure to stay opposite of the way the wind is blowing. After this, you will have taped rain in a ...

How To: Use water barrels on your garden to save money

If rain is a constant weather in your city, you should check into installing rain barrels outside. These precious storage systems are great to use for watering your plants during the long summer months. Not only does it help you save money, but it helps out the environment as well. They're easy to set up and can be done without much hassle. So check out the tutorial above from the city of Calgary, on how to use rain barrels today. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Create user-interactive Flash scenes with Swift 3D v6

See how to use Swift 3D and Papervision to create user-interactive 3D scenes in Flash. Whether you're new to Electric Rain's popular Flash-oriented 3D modeler or just looking to better acquaint yourself with the program, you're sure to find much of value from this free video software tutorial. For more information, including a complete walkthrough of the process, watch this web developer's guide.

How To: Create custom animated logos in Swift 3D v6

Learn how to create and render custom animated 3D logos within Swift 3D v6. Whether you're new to Electric Rain's popular Flash-oriented 3D modeler or just looking to better acquaint yourself with the program, you're sure to find much of value from this free video software tutorial. For more information, including a complete walkthrough of the process, watch this web developer's guide.

How To: Apply custom bumpmap textures to models in Swift 3D v6

Learn to apply custom bumpmap textures and materials to 3D models in your swift 3D scenes. Whether you're new to Electric Rain's popular Flash-oriented 3D modeler or just looking to better acquaint yourself with the program, you're sure to find much of value from this free video software tutorial. For more information, including a complete walkthrough of the process, watch this web developer's guide.

How To: Play the bass line to "Rain" by the Beatles

Want to know how to play the bass line to the Beatles' "Rain"? Learn how with this free video bass lesson. While this tutorial is best suited for intermediate players, bassists of all skill levels can play along given a little time and effort. For more information, and to get started playing this John Lennon song on your own electric bass, watch this how-to!

How To: Apply colorful tropical 80's eyes with makeup

This video was a tutorial on applying a very tropical and colorful eye make-up. This would be good for an 80's costume look. She put on the make-up as she was explaining the different products and techniques she was using. She used glitter and a lot of colors that stood out and added some different transition to the final look. She also provided a detailed list of the make-up she uses and does a good job at making it look like an easy task to achieve. Anyone could probably follow the video an...

How To: Create a "tropical bird" eye makeup look

This video is about how to create a "tropical bird" eye makeup look. Add your powder foundation and concealer. For a base use Two Faced Shadow Insurance. Pat on a yellow color to the entire lid. Now take MACs mixing medium and primary yellow pigment and mix them using a small angle brush start from a point near the tear duct create a shape over the eye going up at an angle at the outside of the eye. Take orange color paint the same shape as the yellow right above it. Above the orange do the s...

How To: Make a humidity tray

This video tells you about humidity trays and how they are good for tropical plants like orchids. The tray consists of gravel or small stones and water in the tray. You have to have enough gravel to keep the plant out of the water. This video also discusses ways on how to make sure the humidity tray doesn't scratch your furniture. After watching this video you will have gained some insight into keeping and maintaining tropical plants as well as ferns.

How To: Get the Happy Birthday trophy in Heavy Rain

In this video, we learn how to get the Happy Birthday trophy in Heavy Rain. To start, you will first need to complete your drawing, set the table, and then play with your kids. You play the game as an architect, so this will be fun if you like to draw. Draw in the picture by pressing the buttons on the remote as they come up on the screen. Do the draw over and over until it's final. Then, as you set the table press the buttons on the remote to correspond. When you finish playing with the kids...