Tournament Search Results

How To: Play Multi Table Sit and Go’S

Your average sit and go player will probably stick to the single, 9 or 10 person tables that are commonly found at all the popular online poker rooms. However, your more adventurous players aren’t afraid to try out the multi-table sit and go’s like the 180 man SNGs when they get a chance. But there are a few things players should keep in mind before starting out with the MTT SNG tournaments.

SCRABBLE Facts: Butts, Boards & Blasphemies

SCRABBLE was invented by Alfred Mosher Butts, an architect in New York, in an attempt to make a word game that combined anagrams and crosswords, which involved chance, luck and a great degree of skill. Together, Butts and game-loving entrepreneur James Brunot, refined the game and made the games by hand, stamping letters on wooden tiles on at a time. They eventually came up with the name SCRABBLE, which means "to grope frantically."

How To: Play scramble in golf

This video shows the viewer how to take part in a ‘scramble’ golf tournament. This type of event is typically for amateurs and is essentially played as a team sport, this is unusual for golf. The general principal is that everyone plays the first drive. The team then decides which drive was the best. They then move all the balls to this point and all play as if they hit that shot. They repeat the same procedure until one of the balls has been putted. This method allows amateurs to get a reaso...


There is a wonderful site that just launched with the youth sports community in mind. The site is , a collaboration of youth sports coaches and a major online travel brand. They offer arguably the best prices on hotel and motel rooms anywhere. For proof, I tested a number of locations with, Expedia and Travelocity in comparison with YouthSportTravel and in each case; YouthSportTravel was equal to or cheaper than the competition. But this is not all th...

News: How Controversy Changed SCRABBLE

OSPD1 In 1978, the first SCRABBLE Dictionary was conceived and published by Merriam-Webster, with the help of the National Scrabble Association (NSA). The idea was to include any word that was found in one of the five major dictionaries at the time:

Scrabble Challenge #9: Can You Win the Losing Game on the Last Move?

The end game is a very important aspect of playing Scrabble. If you have just a few letters left on your rack and there are none left in the draw bag, but you're currently losing the game, you still might have a chance to win if you play your cards (er… tiles) right. No matter if you're playing a casual game at home with a friend or competing against diehards in club or tournament games, the scoring process at the end provides the same results.

WC 2010 grim view: low scores, low attendance.

I still have hope that this will be a good World Cup... This article aggregates a lot of things that have been said about the World Cup experience this year (South Africa's infrastructure, low scoring games, uninteresting first round match-ups, etc). I've noticed in a few broadcasts that upper seating areas are not filled to capacity and maybe the vuvuzelas make up for this. I think this will change once the Knock-out stages begin, but Nick Webster has a point:

News: Mugshots of the World's Best Scrabble Players

Mugshots aren't just for criminals anymore. In the world of competitive Scrabble, no one's safe from the lens of photojournalist Roger Cullman. For the last couple years, Cullman has been hitting up the Scrabble circuit with hopes of immortalizing some of the world's best Scrabble players in headshot pictures of them holding racks with their surnames spelled out in Scrabble tiles.

News: SC2 Korean TvT Fight

Starcraft 2 Korean tournament play: MakaPrime vs ThePoint. Really exiting Terran vs Terran play where there is one surprise after another. Those SCVs should really be nerfed, what beasts!