To Clothing Search Results

How To: Design your own clothes & mix dye your clothes

Eddie teaches the secrets of designing your own clothes & mix dying your clothes. First mix together 1 tablespoon golden yellow, 1/2 teaspoon sunshine orange, 1/2 cup salt and 4 cups of hot water. Dip a piece of cloth to check the color, add more dye to make it darker or some water to make it lighter. Pour the dye solution in a big container with water, add some detergent and batter to mix the dye well. Put you plain shirt in hot water for sometime, squeeze it out and put it in the container ...

How To: Save closet space & fit more clothes

Do you want to know how to save closet space and fit more clothes? Here is a smart way to do it. Watch and learn! Using an old belt, hang the clothes on the holes of the belt. You can also use a braided belt. Leave some space between the clothes to avoid overcrowding the belt. At the same time, it will not also overload. Ask someone to help you hold the belt so that it will be easier to hang the clothes.

How To: Line-dry your clothes

Looking for a way to save on your energy bills at home? How about line drying your clothes? According to the Energy Information Agency, clothes dryers account for 5.8 percent of home electricity usage. Line-dry your washed clothes and linens to keep them from wearing out, and save money on your energy bill at the same time.

How To: Avoid having detergent residue on your clothes

If you've ever taken your clothes out of the washer and have seen white or blue residue on any of your clothes, you may have a problem with detergent residue. This can be a problem since it can stick to your clothes, even after you've dried them. It can also cause stains to develop over time and that can be a problem.

How To: Build confidence by fixing hanger bumps on clothes

A quick fix is to wet your hands and put it in the bumps of the clothing or your lucky sweater. She explain as you wet the area were the bump is located, you should with your wet hand dab it until the surface is smooth, once this is done, grab a hair blower (any type of hair blower will be good) and with your wet hand dry is as you stroke it gently and see the bump disappear with this simple and shape way to make your cloth look a lot better.

How To: Seal mylar bags with a clothes iron

Be prepared in case of a disaster by properly storing items in mylar bags. This how to video demonstrates how to seal mylar bags with a clothing iron. This is a quick and efficient way of storing items for long term storage. Place your sealed bag in a bucket and store it away for later.

How To: Clean your clothes dryer & make it hot again

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a dryer machine produce heat to dry clothes. Sometimes the dryer machine doesn't produce enough heat to dry clothes. To begin, users should clean the filter if it's full of dust. Check the discharge tube and make sure it is clean and doesn't have anything inside. Users should also open the back of the dryer machine and clean up all the excess dust located in the machine. The build up of dust clocks up the passage way and prevents the machine f...

How To: Make a kazoo out of a clothespin

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a kazoo out of a clothespin. This musical instrument can be made at home with just a few minutes. You will need: 2 rubber bands, a clothes pin, and tape. First, take the clothes pin apart and then take one side and wrap both ends with tape. Throw the metal part away, you won't need this anymore. Next, you will take this side and wrap a rubber band across it. Then, put the two flat sides together on top of the pin. Wrap a rubber band around the entire thi...

How To: Go from professional to club girl with your clothes

In this video, we learn how to go from professional to club girl with your clothes. To go to work, you can wear a pencil length skirt with a tank top tucked underneath it. Over this, you can wear a cute and professional jacket that is buttoned up. When you are ready to go out, you can lose the jacket and add on a necklace for a sexy look. After this, apply matte makeup to your face and use dark eyeshadows to give your face a mature appearance and smoky eye. Applying a light lip gloss and masc...

How To: Clean a clothes dryer filter

Keeping the filter clean improves your dryer’s performance and avoids the risk of fire from lint buildup. By leaving your lint filter full, you run the risk of also breaking your dryer, leading to an expensive repair or an expensive new dryer.

How To: Install a clothesline

Using a clothesline instead of a dryer is a superb way to save money on your energy bills! In this video presented by Bunnings, learn how to install a clothesline and get your clothes dry and smelling fresh! Do the economically smart thing and begin using a clotheline instead of your dryer.

How To: Use the cloth reactor in 3ds Max

This 3D software tutorial will show you how to use the cloth reactor in 3D Studio Max. Learn how to animate a cloth swinging over an object in 3ds Max. This concept can be used to create a table cloth spread over a table, clothes for characters and much more. It's best to view this 3ds Max tutorial full screen.

How To: Change your hair, car, and clothes color in Photoshop

This video demonstrates how to change the color of hair, dress, car or any thing of your choice using photoshop. This is really simple. Select the photo in which you need to change the color. Create a new transparent layer. Click on the brush tool and select a brush type with the right size required. For hair, you could use a brush with a fuzzy edge while sharp edges for clothes and car. Select the white color in the task bar. Click and drag carefully along the edges and fill in the area wher...

How To: Speak the Mandarin Chinese language when shopping and trying on clothes

Shopping is any tourists dream. Buying local and ethnic items is on everybody's travel itinerary, so make sure if you're traveling to China, you know some basic words and phrases in Mandarin Chinese to help you shop and bargain your way to success. Learn how to ask a shop assistant if you can you try something on in Mandarin Chinese. You'll also learn about the currency called RMB or Yuan, and you'll learn how to haggle for a bargain.