Thought About Search Results

How To: Buy flowers for your girlfriend

Sure, you can go online and send the first flowers you see, but a little thought and planning will go a long way toward impressing her. Sure, you can go online and send the first flowers you see, but a little thought and planning will go a long way toward impressing her. You will need a friend or relative of the recipient. Send her favorite. If she’s ever mentioned a favorite flower, buy that. You’ll get bonus points for listening to her. If you have no clue, ask a friend or relative of hers ...

How To: Hack a VHS Camcorder into a Night-Vision Headset

Watch as Kipkay hacks a bulky VHS camcorder and turns it into a night vision headset. This video tutorial will show you that old technology can still be useful in today's world. Just think, you might not have ever been able to see in the dark corners of the night without this hacked VHS camcorder. Night vision isn't just for the military, it's for you, and me, and your dog...

How To: Install patio doors in a brick wall

If you've got a brick wall and you're thinking of installing a door, you may have thought you were out of luck. Not so! This helpful how-to walks you through the steps so you can see how it's done. First off, know that this is not a simple task, so be prepared to wield a brick cutter, which is a serious tool in itself. After that you'll be framing out the door, shimming it up, and installing the door. Go for it!

How To: Defeat the Nazi Zombies in Kino Der Toten on Call of Duty: Black Ops

Think you know all about fighting Nazi Zombies? Well, you're probably WRONG! There's much to learn about killing the walking dead, especially those Nazi Zombies in Call of Duty: Black Ops. And even if you think of yourself as a veteran zombie killer, you can greatly benefit from this two-part walkthrough of zombie annihilation in the Kino Der Toten map in Black Ops. You'll learn some good tips and strategies for destroying those dead Nazis! The best and most obvious strategy though is to cons...

How To: Replace a slipping clutch in your car or truck

If you're driving down the road in your vehicle (manual transmission), and you step on the gas, but aren't accelerating as fast as you should, even though the RPMs are solidly rising, you may have a slipping clutch. If you think that you clutch may be the problem in your standard car or truck, then Scotty Kilmer will show you how to replace it— the proper way— just like an auto mechanic.

How To: Create your own homemade egg incubator

Home farming is easier than you think, especially when it comes to incubating your own chicks from eggs to raise! If you're curious on how to build your own cheap egg incubator, check out this video! In it you will get all the info about temperature, humidity and more for your home incubator!

How To: Be Snooki from Jersey Shore for Halloween (hair, makeup & rhinestone glasses)

Snooki and her Jersey Shore castmates have taken over reality television, and for better or worse, their New Jersey-ness is spreading like wildfire. If you're thinking about dressing up as Snooki for Halloween, you've found the right video! It will show you how to get the right skin tone, makeup, hairstyle, and the iconic rhinestone sunglasses to make your Nicole Polizzi costume as awesome as possible.

How To: Make simple and quick frozen grape snacks

Grapes as dessert? After watching this food video you'll think twice about these juicy purple orbs. While we think popping some grapes into our mouths is delicious enough as it is, this recipe combines grapey goodness with icy coldness for a delicious, almost popsicle like snack.

How To: Solve the six problem solution

Solving 6 math problems using different methods is the idea behind this video. First, you make three rows of numbers vertically from 1-9. All the numbers match across for example, 1 1 1, 2 2 2, 3 3 3, and so on. Each set of numbers creates a mathematical problem who's solution is the number six. These problems require some thinking to solve. The only one that is immediately apparent is 2 2 2=6 which is, of course, 2+2+2=6, (3x3)-3=6, the square root of 4 =2. This done on all three of the four...