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How To: Cook Indian style malai kofta

Malai Kofta is a well recognized Indian curry dish which is traditionally very rich. Try this recipe for a healthier version that you can enjoy at home without all the guilt. The koftas (dumplings) are baked, not fried. It is still very flavorful and very delicious! Watch this how to video to learn how to make Indian style malai kofta.

News: 10 Unconventional Hangover Cures

For most Americans, the bane of the hangover is typically remedied by lots of water, painkillers, greasy food, and a day wasted on the couch. But if you're tired of potato chips and fried eggs, perhaps it's time you enter unfamiliar territory. Below, a combination of unorthodox methods for taming the beast, derived from science, sparkly Whole Foods new ageism, and the far East.

How To: Make fermented cabbage sauerkraut in a kitchen jar

In this tutorial, "Inside Park" chef Matthew Weingarten demonstrates how to make the best sauerkraut you've ever tasted. You will learn how to make sauerkraut by fermenting cabbage. This is quite easy to do and makes a delicious addition to any meal. This process is similar to pickling and can be done in a jar at home, in your kitchen.

How To: Close your golf stance to cure a golf pull shot

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to close the gold stance to cure a golf pull shot. When starting the swing, do not turn your body before you shift. This may be called spinning out. This will make the club go outside, before going down to the ball. Therefore it creates a left swing that will curve around the pole. When swinging, move the weight from your left heel to your right toe. This will cause the user to shift forward straight swing. This video will benefit those viewers who en...

How To: Use the reverse roll drill to cure a hook shot in golf

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to use the hand rollover to cure a hook shot in golf. A reason why people hit hook shots is because when they come to impact, they roll their hands too early and too much. Therefore closing the club face and causing the ball to go left. To correct this, when you're coming to impact, rotate into a position where the back of the left hand is facing the target. This will square the club face. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy playing golf a...

How To: Use the punch drill to cure a hook shot in golf

Golf Link with Chuck Cook demonstrates how to use the punch drill to cure a hook shot in golf. A common cause to closing the golf club face and making the ball hook is the release of the head of the club early on the downswing. This is called casting the head of the club which makes the head of the club arrive at the point of impact before your hands. At the moment of impact you want the back of your left hand flat and the back of your right hand bent so that you can compress the ball. Use th...

How To: Use proper alignment to cure push shots in golf

This is a video demonstrating how to cure a push shot in golf. To do this proper alignment is necessary. The push shot often happens by aiming too far to the left or right. To prevent the push shot, take a golf club and put it directly behind the golf ball, aiming the club where you want the ball to go. Then, take another club and align it next to that club, parallel. Now remove the club that was behind the ball, and move it parallel to the second club on the other side of the club. This crea...

How To: Fix your golf grip to cure a hook shot

Golf Link demonstrates how to fix your golf grip to cure a hook shot. A hook shot often occurs because a player has a grip which promotes the hook. In a hook-promoting grip, the player has his hands too far to the right of the club. When carrying through with their swing, the club face closes and causes the hook. To align your grip, put a golf tee in between your left thumb and the first knuckle of your left hand. Repeat the process with your right hand. Adjust your grip so that both of the t...

How To: Make homemade buttermilk

Did you know that you can whip up some of your own buttermilk at home? Most people don't like taste of buttermilk alone but it can taste great when used as an ingredient in red velvet cake and many other recipes. Buttermilk actually doesn't contain any butter at all. It's a mixture of distilled vinegar and milk. It can give recipes a little edge that they wouldn't normally have without the kick of vinegar. A long time ago buttermilk used to be the milky liquid that is left after homemade butt...

How To: Make a healthier butter at home with Jenny Jones

In this tutorial, talk show host Jenny Jones shows you how easy it is to take store bought butter and a smidge of canola oil and mix them together into a healthier spread. This butter can be used like normal butter in recipes, on toast and anywhere else. Try this easy mixture out - you won't lose any of the taste and you just might live longer! Enjoy!

How To: Cure acne with a homemade mask

Take care of that acne without any expensive products that dry you out. This proven method only requires three ingredients: Oatmeal, honey and bioyogurt. This all natural remedy is all you need to have beautiful, clear skin again. This video will show you how make a natural homemade acne mask.

How To: Play "Love Song" by the Cure on the ukulele

Want to play "Love Song" by the Cure on the ukulele? Learn how with this free video ukulele lesson. Whether you play the ukulele or bass kazoo, there is no better way to improve your chops than by learning to play your favorite songs. Not only is it more fun and much easier than running drills or memorizing a chord book by wrote, it's obviously also a wonderful way to build your repertory of songs. For more information, and to get started playing "Love Song" on your own uke, watch this video ...

How To: Make a quick and easy get well gift basket

Gift baskets are a great way to celebrate the holidays and special occasions. They also are a great way for you to cheer a friend up and cure their blues. In this quick guide you will learn how to put together a kind and caring gift basket for someone recovering from illness.

How To: Bake a hash brown pizza with ground beef

This is why you're fat. Coincidentally, this is also why you're happy when you nom on artery clogging junk fare. We don't recommend you whip up this recipe on a regular basis unless you're hopin' and wishin' for a heart attack this Christmas, but this would make a sweet treat every once in a while.

How To: Cook grilled shrimp with lemon aioli

Yum yum, FoodWishes does it again. This recipe is perfect for a summer evening. Learn how to cook grilled shrimp with lemon aioli. The lemon aioli in this recipe is cured, which adds a nice sour touch to contrast with the freshness of the shrimp. Make sure you use quality ingredients so that everything stands out!

How To: Properly use your dryer

Like most appliances in your home, if used properly, they can bring great results that will make things taste, look, or feel much better than before. A dryer is one of those appliances that if used correctly can result in bright clothes that are nice and warm.

How To: Derive a point-slope equation from a graph

Do the words point-slope equation send your head into a spin? Well hold on tight, because the mathproblemgenerator.com has your cure? Here you can find a informative video about calculating slope, as well as finding points to substitute into the equation. After watching this video, you will be well prepared to produce a point-slope equation from any graph.

How To: Help mild dehydration

Adults lose 10 cups of water daily through normal activities, and heat, exertion, or illness can increase that amount. Pay attention to the thirst, dry mouth, dizziness, and tiredness that dehydration can cause—before a little problem becomes a dangerous. Learn how to cure mild dehydration.

How To: Check the health of your bearded dragon lizard

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is certainly the case with your Bearded Dragon. In this program, Host Israel Dupont and Herpetologist Hillary discuss the most important aspects of your dragon's health, including proactive suggestions for maintaining your pet's well-being and avoiding those costly visits to the veterinarian.

How To: Make gooey chocolate chip cookies

Nothing tastes like gooey chocolate chip cookies right from the oven. Learn how to make fresh chocolate chip cookies at home. Ingredients needed are butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar, eggs, vanilla extract, salt, baking powder, baking soda, flour and semisweet chocolate chips.