Targeted Visitors Search Results

Advanced Phishing: How to Inject Meetings into Anyone's Google Calendar

Google Calendar is a cornerstone of the Google Suite, perhaps second only to Gmail itself. Whereas email is constantly plagued by phishing attacks, as of yet, the calendar is a relatively untapped social engineering attack vector. But it's relatively easy for an attacker to inject a meeting or event into a target's Google Calendar and use it to exploit them.

How To: Use Social Engineering to Hack Computers

Today I am going to teach the various ways that you can use social engineering to hack a system. For those of you that have followed my past tutorials, you know that social engineering can unlock a world of possibilities. This is because no matter how many firewalls, no matter how many patches there are on a server, the password is kept in the minds of people...and people, are not as smart as computers.

How To: Unlock the Tank Dropper achievement in Halo 3

In this tutorial, we learn how to unlock the Tank Dropper achievement in Halo 3. This is an easy achievement that you will do when you first start out in the level. This is where you have to drop a tank onto someone and kill them. To do this, you need to stand up on a higher area and find your target. Once you do this, you will be able to grab the tank and then drop it onto the target you have found. After this, you will get the achievement and you will be able to continue on. If you miss, ju...

How To: Add Google Analytics to your site and monitor traffic

Wouldn't it be nice to know how many people actually visited your site each day, and how long they stayed there? Google Analytics is a great, free utility from Google that will tell you just that and so much more. In this clip, the Web Guru will show you how to use this program, generate and install an HTML code onto your site so that you can keep track of your visitors and demographics. This is a fantastic tool for advertising purposes and so you can see which content is working best for you...

How To: Add domains to your GoDaddy hosting plan

Adding domains to your GoDaddy hosting plan can be done by following the steps Ken Applebee outlines in this video tutorial. Once at the GoDaddy main home page, click on My Hosting Account under the Hosting tab at the top of the screen. Log in and go to your account with the hosting on it. Click on Your Domains and you will see your domain in there. On the right side you can choose to add a subdomain or you can just click on the Add Domain tab for a completely separate domain. This allows vis...

How To: Track visitors to your Facebook page and set up a custom profile

Want a way to monitor who is coming onto your Facebook profile? You can use a third party app, the FBspace Tracker, to enable your profile to secretly log who is viewing you. Even better, FBspace Tracker lets you set up your profile with custom HTML code. This video shows you where you can download the app, then how to install it and set up your Facebook profile through the app. Make your profile not only unique, but secure as well!

How To: Make Bedouin tea

In this tutorial, we learn how to make Bedouin tea. This is great to have between friends, and customary to serve in Egypt when visitors come over. First, light a fire with wood, then fill a pot with water and place it over a fire. After this, place the water inside a tea kettle, then wash the cups. Refill the pot with water and tea, and put it back onto the fire. Now, add sugar to the tea kettle and pour the tea over it when it starts to boil. After this, swirl the tea around in the kettle, ...

How To: Make a homemade jalapeno popper pizza in six minutes

If you're a frequent visitor at a local sports bar and restaurant, you've had to have been introduced to those little bite size pieces known as jalapeno poppers. These tasty treats contain jalapeno, cream cheese, and sometimes others ingredients and are the perfect finger food when watching any sporting event. Well in this tutorial, you'll be finding out how to make your own jalapeno poppers, but in pizza form. Sure, it may not be small, but you'll have more ingredients to enjoy and with the ...

How To: Add subtle colors to black & white images in Lightroom

In this video tutorial Yanik Chauvin of Yanik's Photo School shares a discovery he made while using the software Lightroom. This quite simple technique of adding hints of color to black and white photos can make them striking. By adding a color screen on top of your photo, using either the adjustment brush or a gradient filter, you can create a lovely conversation piece for your home that will confound your visitors. "Is this photo black and white or sepia or ... what?" He also shows a trick ...

How To: Make & decorate cookie pops

In this how-to video, you will learn how to make and decorate cookie pops and bright bouquet cookies. First, you must have your cookie already baked and ready for decoration. Take a star tip and decorate the cookie in a zig zag formation with the icing. Go around the edge until it is entirely complete. You can do a straight star if you want instead. Once that is done, fill in the inside for the center with another color. Fill in the empty area with the icing used for the edges in spots. Conti...

How To: Construct a motion detector alarm system

Check out this video tutorial to see how to construct an alarm system, that's based on the principle of motion detectors, which work by touch. It's very useful to catch unpleasant visitors red-handed. So make sure your chocolate bar never gets snagged again, catch the bandits with a motion detector alarm! Or just keep you kids away from the birthday present closet where peeping is not allowed.

News: Google Helps Tell the Story of Stonewall in Augmented Reality

Snapchat isn't the only tech company transforming landmarks with augmented reality for Pride Month. About four miles southwest of New York's iconic Flatiron Building, which is getting its own Pride makeover via Snapchat's Landmarker AR, Stonewall National Monument is also receiving some augmented reality treatment by way of the Stonewall Forever mobile app published by the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Center (better known as The Center) in partnership with Google.

How To: Exploit EternalBlue on Windows Server with Metasploit

Particular vulnerabilities and exploits come along and make headlines with their catchy names and impressive potential for damage. EternalBlue is one of those exploits. Originally tied to the NSA, this zero-day exploited a flaw in the SMB protocol, affecting many Windows machines and wreaking havoc everywhere. Here, we will use EternalBlue to exploit SMB via Metasploit.

Social Engineering: How to Use Persuasion to Compromise a Human Target

Social engineering makes headlines because human behavior is often the weakest link of even well-defended targets. Automated social engineering tools can help reclusive hackers touch these techniques, but the study of how to hack human interactions in person is often ignored. Today, we will examine how to use subtle, hard to detect persuasion techniques to compromise a human target.

Hack Like a Pro: How to Use Maltego to Do Network Reconnaissance

Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers! Before we attempt to exploit any target, it is wise to do proper reconnaissance. Without doing reconnaissance, you will likely be wasting your time and energy as well as risking your freedom. In previous guides, I have demonstrated multiple ways to perform reconnaissance including passive recon with Netcraft, active recon with Nmap or hping3, recon by exploiting DNS or SNMP, and many others.

How To: Avoid creating angles when putting

Looking to work on your form? Try this free video golfing lesson for size. In short: When putting, to be able to release the putter down the line to your target, the club must travel slightly inside the target line. For a complete overview of how to become a better putter, watch this video guide.

How To: Automate Wi-Fi Hacking with Wifite2

There are many ways to attack a Wi-Fi network. The type of encryption, manufacturer settings, and the number of clients connected all dictate how easy a target is to attack and what method would work best. Wifite2 is a powerful tool that automates Wi-Fi hacking, allowing you to select targets in range and let the script choose the best strategy for each network.

How To: Train your dog to perform the "cop-cop" trick

In this Pets & Animals video tutorial you will learn how to train your dog to perform the "cop-cop" trick. In this trick the dog learns to put its feet on your feet. Step 1 – teach the dog to target a book or a mat with their feet by offering them some treat. You can do this either by appreciating or clicking when both the feet touch the book. The next step is getting the dog to target the book with their feet while they are between your legs. You have to continually reinforce the dog to ma...

How To: Identify Web Application Firewalls with Wafw00f & Nmap

Web application firewalls are one of the strongest defenses a web app has, but they can be vulnerable if the firewall version used is known to an attacker. Understanding which firewall a target is using can be the first step to a hacker discovering how to get past it — and what defenses are in place on a target. And the tools Wafw00f and Nmap make fingerprinting firewalls easy.

How To: Use Cerberus to Take Control of Anyone's Android Phone

If you need to hack an Android device, try a remote administration tool. Known more familiarly as a RAT, there are open-source RATs that are barebones and exorbitantly priced RATs that are more polished. There are also low-cost and polished RATs that aren't intended to be RATs at all, such as Cerberus, an anti-theft solution available right on Google Play.