Talk Therapy Search Results

How To: Make Your Photos More Fun with These DIY Bokeh Effects Lens Filters for Your DSLR

In photography, bokeh refers to the blurry or out-of-focus parts of a shot. Bokeh can be good or bad—it all depends on how you use it. There are tons of ways to create a bokeh effect, whether you go the traditional route with lens filters, digital with Photoshop, or even from your iPhone. With filters, you can use the blurred spaces to produce different shapes and colors. If you have a DSLR and want to experiment with bokeh, this tutorial by Chris Perez over on Apartment Therapy will show you...

How To: Use sports massage therapy techniques

Sports massage therapy can help to relieve common sports injuries such as tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, football spinal and neck injuries, pulled hamstrings, and more. Learn sports massage therapy techniques for common athletic injuries in this free series of massage video lessons.

How To: Talk to your cat

Sure, you talk to your cat now, but does he know what the heck you’re saying? And do you understand his purrs and meows? If not, it’s time to have a good chat with your furry friend. Watch this video pet care tutorial and learn how to talk to your cat.

How To: Talk to yourself with the help of Final Cut Pro

This quick video tutorial shows you how to talk to your self using Final Cut Pro. You may not need a software at all to talk to yourself, but this Final Cut Pro tutorial is a great twist on the typical cloning tutorial. So come up with a conversation, record yourself playing the multiple parts, fire up Final Cut Pro and watch this tutorial. You'll be talking to yourself in no time!

How To: Do hot stone massage therapy

Expert massage therapist Jinilee Reavis offers an introduction to hot stone massage therapy in this video series. She offers information about heating the stones, how the combination of heat and weight is therapeutic for relaxing muscles, and when to apply lotion to maximize the benefits of hot stone therapy.

How To: Train a parrot to talk on cue

Who wants a great tip for training a parrot to talk easier, more clearly, and on cue? Chet Womach shares a quick tip on how to use 'heightened state of emotion' responses in parrots to get them to talk faster and more intelligibly. Learn how to teach a pet parrot to talk on cue by watching and following along with this video tutorial.

The Giving Plant: Same Asian Plant Used for Arthritis Treatment Gives Us Powerful HIV Drug

Natural remedies used through the ages abound, especially in Asian medicine. The willow-leaved justicia plant, found throughout Southeast Asia, has traditionally been used to treat arthritis, but scientists have just discovered it contains an anti-HIVcompound more potent than AZT. AZT was the first drug approved to treat HIV, and is still used in HIV combination therapy today.

News: A Double Punch of Viruses & Immunotherapy Could Improve Outcomes for Cancer Patients

Activating the body's own immune system to fight cancer is the goal of immunotherapy. It's less toxic than chemotherapy and works with our body's natural defenses. The trouble is, it doesn't work for most patients — only about 40% of cancer patients get a good response from immunotherapy. But coupling it with another type of cancer therapy just might deliver the punch that's needed to knock out cancer.

How To: Talk to girls

Everybody needs a little dating advice, especially the men… or boys! Alec Greven, the nine-year-old author of "How to Talk to Girls" shares some of his successful tips on talking to girls. And surprisingly enough, this dating information can be applied to all ages. Are you smart enough to take over a girl's heart? See how to talk to girls!

How To: Make informal and formal commands in Spanish

In this video, we learn how to make Informal and formal commands in Spanish. When you speak in first person singular, you will say "yo" when you speak in plural, you will say "nosotros". These are both informal or familiar forms of the word. When you are speaking to someone that is a elder, you will want to speak in formal instead of informal. Use informal mode when you are talking with friends, family, children, and anyone else you talk to in a daily basis. Pay attention if you are talking a...

How To: Hack web browsers with BeEF

This video tutorial talks about browser exploitation. Particularly, it talks about tools, like BeEF, that can be used to hack known vulnerabilities within browsers and some cool frameworks that you can use to check the security of your own browser. To get started hacking your own browser, watch this how-to.

How To: Talk to a girl

In this video, we learn how to talk to a girl with the Wing Girls. If you have never met this girl but you really want to talk to her, don't be afraid! A great idea is to walk up to her and call her a different name. After this, start up a conversation with her and strike common ground with her. Once you do this, you will be able to start a conversation with her that is lasting! Once you have talked for a few minutes, ask for her number or have her type it into your phone. Don't be scared and...

How To: Attract a girl the best & easiest way

In this video offering advice on how to attract women, David Wygant explains why he talks to everyone. You'll find tat this is one of the best and easiest ways to start attracting women! It's about building momentum. The biggest mistake most guys make is that they don't talk to anybody. They spend the entire day waiting for the hot female, and when that happens they can't talk to her because they haven't talked to anyone all day long. Most people are walking around in a coma. You should be ge...

How To: Use present tense of Spanish AR verbs

In this video, we learn how to speak Spanish using present tense AR verbs. "Nosotros" means "we", "nosotras" means we as well, it's just talking about a female while the other is talking about a male. Common "ar" verbs include: necesitar, patinar, practicar, terminar, tocar, trabajar, nadar, hablar. These mean (in order): to need, to skate, to practice, to fish, to play, to work, to swim, and to talk. When you are talking about a male, female, or group of people you need to change the last pa...

How To: Know how often to talk to the girl you're dating

In this video, we learn how to know how often to talk to the girl you're dating. Make sure you aren't texting the girl too much, you want to talk during one point of the day so you have a lot to say. If you're checking in all the time, you are not having a real conversation. Don't rely on the internet to communicate with her because this is very interpersonal. Talk on the phone and in person so you can get a better feel for the person. If you skip a day, it's no big deal, just pick up on wher...

How To: Teach a cockatiel to talk using a training CD

Bird speech CDs may not be as effective as intended as the repetition may actually bore the bird. Cockatiels are receptive to learning, but need to be approached correctly. This video tutorial covers some simple basics of how to train a cockatiel to talk by following the "heightened state of emotion" principle which can teach cockatiels to talk faster, using any training CD properly.