Systemes D'exploitation Search Results

Hack Like a Pro: The Hacker Methodology

Welcome back, my neophyte hackers! Many newbie hackers seem to be confused regarding the process or methodology to employ a successful hack. Most want to simply go straight to the exploit without doing the due diligence to make certain that the hack will work and you won't get caught.

How To: Use John the Ripper in Metasploit to Quickly Crack Windows Hashes

There are many password-cracking tools out there, but one of the mainstays has always been John the Ripper. It's a powerful piece of software that can be configured and used in many different ways. Metasploit actually contains a little-known module version of JTR that can be used to quickly crack weak passwords, so let's explore it in an attempt to save precious time and effort.

How To: Identify Missing Windows Patches for Easier Exploitation

No operating system is stricken with as many vulnerabilities as Windows, and it's often a race to release the latest patches to fix things. From an attacker's point of view, knowing which patches are present on a Windows machine can make or break successful exploitation. Today, we will be covering three methods of patch enumeration, using Metasploit, WMIC, and Windows Exploit Suggester.

How To: Get Root with Metasploit's Local Exploit Suggester

So you've managed to get a shell on the target, but you only have measly low-level privileges. Now what? Privilege escalation is a vast field and can be one of the most rewarding yet frustrating phases of an attack. We could go the manual route, but like always, Metasploit makes it easy to perform local privilege escalation and get root with its exploit suggester module.

How To: Use Metasploit's WMAP Module to Scan Web Applications for Common Vulnerabilities

Having an efficient workflow is an integral part of any craft, but it's especially important when it comes to probing apps for vulnerabilities. While Metasploit is considered the de facto standard when it comes to exploitation, it also contains modules for other activities, such as scanning. Case in point, WMAP, a web application scanner available for use from within the Metasploit framework.

How To: Extract Windows Usernames, Passwords, Wi-Fi Keys & Other User Credentials with LaZagne

After exploiting a vulnerable target, scooping up a victim's credentials is a high priority for hackers, since most people reuse passwords. Those credentials can get hackers deeper into a network or other accounts, but digging through the system by hand to find them is difficult. A missed stored password could mean missing a big opportunity. But the process can largely be automated with LaZagne.

News: Hello to the Null Byte Community!

Hello, Null Byters. I'm Barrow, and I'm excited to introduce myself as the new admin here on Null Byte. Just like previous admins have done before me, I will be writing new guides, updating older guides if they need it, and responding to some of your issues in the forum. Before I get started with any of that, though, I wanted to talk a little bit about myself and the future of Null Byte.

How To: If You Use Password Hints in Windows 7 or 8, This Hack Could Easily Exploit Them

Earlier this week, Spiderlabs' vulnerability researcher Jonathan Claudius discovered a key in Windows 7 and 8 registries that makes it easy for anyone with physical or remote access to a computer get a hold of the user's password hints. When the "UserPasswordHint" key is read, the hints are displayed as a code that looks encrypted, but Claudius noticed a pattern of zeroes that could be easily translated back to plain text with a decoder he made in Ruby. He added this functionality to the Meta...

How To: Conduct a Pentest Like a Pro in 6 Phases

Penetration testing, or pentesting, is the process of probing a network or system by simulating an attack, which is used to find vulnerabilities that could be exploited by a malicious actor. The main goal of a pentest is to identify security holes and weaknesses so that the organization being tested can fix any potential issues. In a professional penetration test, there are six phases you should know.

How To: Spy on SSH Sessions with SSHPry2.0

SSH, or the secure shell, is a way of controlling a computer remotely from a command-line interface. While the information exchanged in the SSH session is encrypted, it's easy to spy on an SSH session if you have access to the computer that's being logged in to. Using a tool called SSHPry, we can spy on and inject commands into the SSH sessions of any other user logged in to on the same machine.

Hacking macOS: How to Remotely Eavesdrop in Real Time Using Anyone's MacBook Microphone

Google, Amazon, and Facebook are always listening. But what's worse? Hackers are listening, too. Windows PCs are particularly vulnerable, but with a few simple commands, a remote attacker can even take over the microphone on someone's Mac computer, streaming audio and listening to private conversations in real time without the victim's knowledge, abusing an overlooked security consideration.

Exploit Development: How to Read & Write to a Program's Memory Using a Format String Vulnerability

Format strings are a handy way for programmers to whip up a string from several variables. They are designed to save the programmer time and allow their code to look much cleaner. Unbeknownst to some programmers, format strings can also be used by an attacker to compromise their entire program. In this guide, we are going to look at just how we can use a format string to exploit a running program.

How to Use PowerShell Empire: Getting Started with Post-Exploitation of Windows Hosts

PowerShell Empire is a post-exploitation framework for computers and servers running Microsoft Windows, Windows Server operating systems, or both. In these tutorials, we will be exploring everything from how to install Powershell Empire to how to snoop around a target's computer without the antivirus software knowing about it. If we are lucky, we might even be able to obtain domain administrator credentials and own the whole network.

How To: Attack on Stack [Part 1]; Smash the Stack Visualization: Introduction to Memory, Registers and Assembly.

Hi everyone. Recently I've been studying some topics about Assembly, memory and exploitation, and thought I could write something nice, easy and fast about it, just because I like to share what I learn, and probably sharing what you learn and trying to explain it to a stranger is the best way to learn it better. It worked for me, and I hope it will be useful for you too.

Hack Like a Pro: How to Hack the Shellshock Vulnerability

Welcome back, my hacker novitiates! Every so often, a MAJOR vulnerability appears that makes millions of systems vulnerable to attack. The most recent, named Shellshock, basically leaves every Mac OS X, Linux, and UNIX system on the planet vulnerable. As nearly two-thirds of all web servers on planet Earth run one of these operating systems (primarily Linux), that's a whole lot of systems out there waiting to be harvested.