Swimming Pools Search Results

How To: Do an inside English drill for pool playing

English, or putting spin on the ball, is what separates really skilled pool players from the casual bar player. Inside English is the kind of English where the ball bounces off of the wallward-side of the cueball. This video details a drill for improving your inside English, allowing you to play many more pool positions effectively and win more games.

How To: Use Finis freestyler hand paddles to improve technique

While most paddles are multi-purpose, the Finis freestyler paddles, demonstrated in this how-to video, only work with, well, freestyle. While it's annoying to lug around that much equipment in your swim gear bag, unique equipment forces you to focus on one specific thing at a time. The Finis freestyler paddle is best used for improving freestyle stroke and efficiency. Watch this video swimming tutorial and learn how to train with Finis freestyler hand paddles.

How To: Practice a double arm backstroke

Do you overreach on your backstroke? Having a hard time keeping your hips up? Wondering how your hands should exit to initiate recovery? Want to get the feeling of where to start the pull? The swimming drill demonstrated in this how-to video is for you. Watch this video swimming tutorial and learn how to practice a double arm backstroke to practice your backstroke technique.

How To: Make the impossible pool shot

This billiards video tutorial will show you how to make the impossible looking pool shot. If it looks impossible, it probably is, or is it? Anything is possible is a pool game, so learn how to shoot properly, like a master, like a pool shark, a hustler. Make sure you put that left spin on the cue ball!

How To: Push in pool

In this video, we learn how to push in pool. The push shot was designed to reduce the impact of the element of chance while playing pool. It's about creating a higher percentage shot or safety. The object is to turn a certain loss into a coin toss. Observe your opponent and be honest about yourself while you are playing. Practice playing a game by yourself with balls on the edge of the different sides of the pool table. As you shoot into the different pockets, avoid hitting the other balls th...

How To: Set up the L drill in pool

In this tutorial, we learn how to set up the L drill in pool. To do this, you will place all of your balls in an "l" shape on the pool table starting from the middle of one side of the table. Place the balls about two inches apart, then star to make the horizontal line for the balls. Place these two inches apart as well. After this, you can place your shooting ball next to the balls and hit each of them into the same corner pocket as the last one. This is a great way to practice hitting balls...

How To: Pick a pool cue and case

There are many options for pool cues and cases. This video tutorial will give you some advice on which ones to choose. Does the case fit your cue properly, or does it put unnecessary pressure on the cue stick? This is just one of the questions involved.

How To: Swim a breaststroke faster

A common trait of really fast breaststrokers is that they initiate the pull prior to lifting their head. In contrast, a common trait of Masters swimmers is that they bring the head up too soon in breaststroke and leave it there too long. Learn how to keep your head down during the pull to swim a faster breaststroke.

How To: Swim

Learn a short history on swimming and how to do the strokes. Even if you're not an avid swimmer, we recommend watching this... It was made by a fifteen year old! Strokes covered are the butterfly, breaststroke, backstroke and freestyle.

How To: Shoot a bank hustle shot in pool

This pool shooting tutorial demonstrates how to pocket an object ball that is frozen between a rail and the cue ball. A right English technique on the cue ball will transfer as a left English on the object ball, freeing it from the rail and helping it go into a pocket.

How To: Ask a Polish boy out in Polish

Hey ladies! On your trip to Poland, learn how to ask those cute Polish guys out on date with a variety of phrases and questions taught in this video. A situational conversation lesson, learn how to say the following in the Polish language: "Shall we go to the swimming pool?", "Have you got a map?", "Let's meet at the bus stop" and more.

How To: Improve your shot-making accuracy when playing pool

In this tutorial, we learn how to increase accuracy while playing pool. First, place the Q-ball on the head spot of the table, then you freeze an object on the opposite and shoot the Q-ball into the object ball and make the ball come back in the same path. You will want to ball to shoot directly back at you. This drill will help you develop accuracy and a better stroke. If you don't have a perfect shot it won't come back in the right path. Keep practicing this and in no time you will have inc...

How To: Use a pool bridge with the correct stroke

This billiards video tutorial gives an example of how to use a bridge and different types of bridges to use in your stroke. Use the tips of your fingers, or lay your hand down. Making the best resting place for your cue stick is important in becoming a pool shark, so listen up. Learn how to use a pool bridge with the correct stroke.