Superficial Trays Search Results

How To: Make raw "fried" mushrooms

Karen Knowler demonstrates how to make a quick and easy recipe called Fried Mushrooms in this video. This dish can be eaten as it is or topped with your salads. She takes in a generous quantity of mushrooms and slices them (obviously after they are washed!). Then olive oil is drizzled over the mushrooms and they are mixed well. Next, the juice of a whole fresh lemon is poured over the mushrooms with olive oil, to give an added taste. Next, she crushes two whole garlic pods and adds them in. T...

How To: Update Makes It Easy to Remove S Finder & Quick Connect from Your Galaxy S6's Notification Tray

Sure Samsung toned down TouchWiz on their latest flagship devices, but there was one issue (albeit minor and mostly cosmetic) that really irked me: those damn "S Finder" and "Quick connect" buttons in the notification tray. Only the T-Mobile S6 variants shipped with an option to remove these two buttons, so AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, and other non-T-Mobile users were stuck with them taking up space in the notification panel. If you didn't mind rooting your device, there was a way to remove them b...

How To: Monitor Cellular & Wi-Fi Data Speeds from Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2's Status Bar or Notification Tray

Whether you're pressed against your bedroom window, hidden deep inside your linen closet, or lounging on the rooftop, finding that area of maximum Internet speed around your house is usually just trial and error. And when you finally find the sweet spot, apps like can help you determine how fast your Wi-Fi or cellular connection is overall on your computer or smartphone, so you know your full capabilities. But, if you want to know exactly how fast your Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is u...

How To: Grow wheatgrass

Looking to grow your own wheatgrass? Wheatgrass is equated with health benefits and contains provide chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. Growing your own wheatgrass is easy and fun – even if you don't have a green thumb!

How To: Make homemade baked corn tortilla chips

Reshmi demonstrates how to make home made tortilla chips in this video, which are much healthier than the fried one's available in market. First she cuts the tortilla into chip sized pieces .Then she uses oil spray which is sprayed over both sides of the tortilla pieces. Then she arranges the tortilla pieces neatly on a tray covered with baking sheet. You can top it with any seasonings of your choice. Place the tray with the chips in the oven and bake for 5-6 minutes at a temperature of 400F....

How To: Make a cookie bowl from folded paper with origami

With this guide, you'll learn how to make a cookie bowl from folded paper using origami, the traditional art of Japanese paper folding. For more information, including a step-by-step overview of the folding process, as well as to get started making your own folded-paper cookie trays, watch this free origami lesson.

How To: Keep ice cubes frozen longer for your next party

Ok, it’s not the biggest problem in the world, but an ice bucket full of water is a not-so-subtle hint that the party’s over. Make your cubes last until the final guest has had their fill. Watch this Howcast video to learn how to keep ice cubes frozen longer. You will need boiled water, large ice trays, insulation, like bubble wrap or cloth, and muffin tins.

How To: Create a movie cyborg

Planning on shooting a low budget sci fi flick? The guys at Indy Mogul teach you how to make a cyborg arm and eye patch using a PVC coupler, coin tray, thin orange tubing, blue flash controllers, silver bubble wrap, duct tape, a rolodex, and costume jewelry.

How To: Show simple first aid knowledge as a Boy Scout

Tenderfoot is the first rank earned as a Boy Scout. The requirements of becoming a Tenderfoot provide basic skills to begin preparing the scout for higher adventure outings. Earning badges and receiving recognition can be very satisfying to boys. However, keep in mind that the badge is only a representation of a valuable set of skills that a scout has learned and demonstrated. The skills, wisdom, and experience gained through the activities of the scouting program are of much more value than ...

How To: Fix the O-ring in a broken DVD player

If you have a broken DVD player and the tray door doesn't open when you press the button, this informative video shows you a possible quick fix to get it working again. In this scenario, the O-ring connecting the sprocket wheel with the motor has broken and snapped over use. This video shows how to open the case and access the internal sprocket wheel.

How To: Make a flexiball from folded paper with origami

With this guide, you'll learn how to make a 3D flexiball from folded paper using origami, the traditional art of Japanese paper folding. For more information, including a step-by-step overview of the folding process, as well as to get started making your own folded-paper cookie trays, watch this free origami lesson.

How To: Make a super magnet compass

Check out this instructional science video that shows you how to make a super easy, super magnet compass! You will need the following materials: a bucket of water, a pen, a knife, a foam tray, and a magnet. Make your own compass by following the simple instructions in this science tutorial video.

No Preservatives, Please: How to Make Frozen TV Dinners

Please read the following in Rod Serling's voice. Picture, if you will, a mother. She comes home after a long day at the office, relieved that she took some chicken breasts out to thaw and will be able to make a quick and easy dinner for her family. She opens her refrigerator to get the chicken, but to her horror she does not see it… she forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer after all. What will she make for dinner now? How will she feed her family? She has entered…the Panic Zone.

How To: Do a urinary catheterization procedure on a male

One of the hardest things a man can go through in life is a trip to the hospital, especially when he knows he's going to need a catheter. It's every man's worst fear. But for a nurse, it's necessary knowledge. Learning the male urinary catheterization procedure hands-on is difficult due to the urgency involved in patient care, so this video aims to prepare nurses so they can learn and stay fluent with the proper urinary catheterization technique of a male patient.

How To: Make butter chicken on the stove

First of all you have to arrange the ingredients that are two chicken breasts which you have to cut into chunks, two tbsp of vegetable oil, two tbsp of butter, one chopped onion, a quarter of a tsp cinnamon, one tsp of crushed garlic, one tsp of crushed ginger, half tsp of ground turmeric, one tsp of chili powder, two tsp of ground almonds, a can of 225 gm of whole peeled tomatoes, one tsp of tomato paste, one tsp of natural yogurt, two tsp of fresh coriander or chopped spinach, and salt & pe...

How To: Bake dog biscuits at home

Ashley Kelly shows viewers how they can make their own Dog treats at home! First, you should make sure you wash your hands. Next, you should add 1/2 cup of peanut butter to a bowl and add 1/2 cup of milk to this. Add 1 cup of wheat flour and 1.5 teaspoon of baking powder. Mix all of the ingredients up in a bowl until you have a doughy texture. Next, you should split the dough in half and knead each. Roll the dough out to 1/2 inch thickness. Next, with any shape cookie cutter, cut out cookie s...

How To: Make wind chimes using salt and pepper shakers

Here is a very crafty and cute way to create a wind chime out of old salt and pepper shakers that can be found either around your house or bought at second hand stores and a small tin tray or plate to hang your shakers from. A bit of out door or water-proof glue and some colorful string or twine, scissors and a nail or awl will finish out all the supplies you need.

How To: Clear up office clutter

It's easy to find yourself drowning in a pile of papers and nick-nacks if you're not armed with a good organization system. By taking the time to set up a system where everything is condensed and has a place you'll find it much easier to keep it that way.