Strength Training Search Results

How To: Strengthen the hip flexor

Hip flexors are important muscles to target when weight training to build functional strength in the legs. Learn how to do hip flexor exercises in this strength training video. Take action: knees to chest exercise targets core, hold weight between feet, raise knees as high as you can, start in push up position and bring alternate knees to elbows, and work for quick reps and endurance. Tom Clifford, the instructor in this how-to video, has a degree in physical education, fitness and health fro...

How To: Do standing dumbbell curls to increase arm strength

Working out the arms with standing dumbbell curls. Learn to increase muscle strength in the arms with dumbbells and curl exercises. Take action: start with feet shoulder-width apart, palms face forward, keep elbows at sides, and do not rock. Michelle, the instructor in this how-to video, is a personal trainer at a gym in NC and has been a personal trainer for several years. She is certified through ACE and is a certified aerobics instructor as well. Her Specialty is weight lifting and she enj...

How To: Do a double medicine ball eggbeater drill for the legs

So you want to get your legs in shape quickly? The drill demonstrated in this how-to video is not only fun, but just a bit challenging and a great way to work your legs without injuring your knees. Supporting extra weight trains your feet to become a productive part of your swimming. Watch this video swimming tutorial and learn how to practice a double medicine ball eggbeater drill to improve leg strength.

How To: Train your core with gymnastic rings

In this video, we learn how to train your core with gymnastic rings. Instead of attaching each gymnastic ring handle to a fixed bar. This will now become a pulley system that requires a ton of strength to use. After you have this set up, you can do different exercises while hanging down diagonally and holding onto the handles. You will have to plant your feet into the ground and use a lot of strength in your core to keep the pulleys moving and keeping you in place. Try using these for differe...

How To: Strengthen legs with a leg circuit workout

If you haven't discovered circuit training you haven't discovered how to lose weight and burn calories in half the time you'd usually take doing any exercise. By doing strength training exercises in circuits, or rounds of repititions, you keep your heart rate up and blood pumping to all of your muslces so they stay pliable and active.

How To: Perform renegade rows and duck walks

Combination exercises allow the body to mix endurance training with strength training. Learn how to perform renegade rows and duck walk combos properly from a professional trainer in this workout tutorial. Begin in plank position, perform rows with dumbbells, mix in duck walks and stay low. With this how to video you can renegade rows and duck walks into your workout.

How To: Do a seated row exercise for weigh training

Watch this instructional fitness video to do a seated row exercise. Keep your back and your body in a straight line. Exhale as you lift the weights up and inhale on the way down. This supine row exercise works the back, biceps and posterior deltoids. Watch this strength training how-to video to learn the proper way to do a seated row exercises.

How To: Warm up before lifting weights

Properly warming up is an important part of strength training and weight lifting. This fitness HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to warm up before any weight training workout. Keep watching to learn more about how to warm up your shoulder and knee joints.

How To: Execute an iso-lateral bench press for weight training

Have you tried working out with an isolated lateral bench press? Iso-lat bench presses are an essential part of lifting weights and strength training. This fitness how-to video tutorial demonstrates how to do an isolated bench press to strengthen the upper body. Learn tips and techniques for working out the chest, back, shoulders, and arms in this weightlifting video.

How To: Do body weight squats and jump rope for strength

Combination body weight squats and jump rope drills is a great way to warm up for strength and power training. Learn how to perform combo body weight squats with jump rope drills properly from Michael Rosengart, a professional fitness trainer in Santa Monica, California, in this workout tutorial. When performing body weight squats and jump rope for strength you should use full range of motion in legs, alternate to jumping rope and squats. With this how to video you can incorporate body weight...

How To: Exercise with barbell wrist curls for weight training

Have you tried working out with a barbell wrist curl? If so, you know that wrist curls are an essential part of lifting weights and strength training. This fitness how-to video demonstrates how to work out the muscles in your wrist with barbell wrist curls. Learn about barbell exercises, wrist curls, and strength training in this video.

How To: Increase strength with power yoga

Power yoga is the one of the more rigorous yoga workouts. Learn how to increase strength with Power yoga poses in this video clip. Take Action: gain strength, tone every muscle, and reach toward Divine. Cindy Mastry, the instructor of this how-to video, has practiced yoga since the age of eight, and also has a background in Jazz and Ballet. Active in the fitness industry for nearly twenty years, she teaches aerobics, kickboxing, and yoga at many fitness centers in the Tampa Bay area. Cindy tr...

How To: Train legs to failure using "post-exhaust training"

In this video, we learn how to train legs to avoid failure using post exhaust training. First you will do a hack squat, which is where you will hold dumbbells and place your heels on a step, then squat down through the heels. Keep your chest up while doing this and you will work your butt, hamstrings and lower back. The next exercise you can do is a front lunge, which includes you lunging to make a 90 degree angle alternating between legs. The last exercise you can do is to hold a bar and squ...

How To: Do pelvic tilt exercises

Work out the pelvis with pelvic tilts. Learn about exercises for strength and flexibility in this training video. Take action: keep your back flat, this is a high repetition exercise, and keep feet flat on floor. Michelle, the instructor in this how-to video, is a personal trainer at a gym in NC and has been a personal trainer for several years. She is certified through ACE and is a certified aerobics instructor as well. Her Specialty is weight lifting and she enjoys training aspiring female ...

How To: Do lying skull crusher barbell extensions

Increase muscle strength with barbell exercises done while lying down. Learn about muscle training, fitness, and growth in this fitness video. Take action: do not rock arms and keep core tight. Michelle, the instructor in this how-to video, is a personal trainer at a gym in NC and has been a personal trainer for several years. She is certified through ACE and is a certified aerobics instructor as well. Her Specialty is weight lifting and she enjoys training aspiring female body builders as sh...

How To: Do quad extensions to strengthen the legs

Exercise the quadriceps muscle with quad extensions. Learn about increasing leg strength in this training video. Take action: keep core tight, squeeze legs at top of movement, but only legs will move. Michelle, the instructor in this how-to video, is a personal trainer at a gym in NC and has been a personal trainer for several years. She is certified through ACE and is a certified aerobics instructor as well. Her Specialty is weight lifting and she enjoys training aspiring female body builder...

How To: Do dumbbell rear lunges

Increase muscle strength and flexibility with dumbbell rear lunges. Learn about dumbbell weight training and exercises in this video. Take action: keep chest high, shoulders back, core tight, raise knee to increase difficulty, make sure back step is big, and add hop to increase difficulty. Michelle is a personal trainer at a gym in NC and has been a personal trainer for several years. She is certified through ACE and is a certified aerobics instructor as well. Her Specialty is weight lifting ...

How To: Do dumbbell shrugs for weight training

Have you tried working out with dumbbell shrugs? A dumbbell shrug is an essential part of lifting weights and strength training. This fitness how-to video demonstrates how to increase muscle strength with dumbbell shrugs. Learn about dumbbell exercises in this workout video.

How To: Practice barbell shoulder shrugs for weight training

Have you tried working out with barbell shrugs? If so, you know that shoulder shrugs are an essential part of lifting weights and strength training. This fitness how-to video demonstrates work out the back with shrugs and a barbell. Learn how shrug exercises with weights can increase strength and flexibility in this video.

How To: Tone inner thighs with inner thigh lifts

Have you tried working out with an inner thigh lift? If you have you know that they are an essential part of body toning and strength training. This fitness how-to video demonstrates how to work out your thighs with inner thigh lift exercises. Learn how to increase muscle strength and flexibility with this training video workout.

How To: Exercise for weight training with single leg bridges

Have you tried working out with a single leg bridge exercise? Single leg bridge exercises are an essential part of lifting weights and strength training. This fitness how-to video tutorial demonstrates how to gain leg strength with single leg bridges. Learn about working out leg muscles with exercises in this workout video.

How To: Practice shrugs for weightlifting

Shrugs are an essential part of lifting weights and strength training. This fitness how-to video tutorial demonstrates how to do shrugs when lifting weights for stronger shoulders. Learn tips and techniques for working out the chest, back, shoulders, and arms in this weightlifting video.

How To: Execute incline bench cable flys

Incline bench cable flys are an essential part of lifting weights and strength training. This fitness how-to video tutorial demonstrates how working out with cable flys on an inclined bench will get you in shape. Learn tips and techniques for working out the chest, back, shoulders, and arms in this weightlifting video.

How To: Execute wide grip decline bench presses

Wide grip decline bench press are an essential part of lifting weights and strength training. This fitness how-to video tutorial demonstrates how to use a wide grip to do bench presses on a decline bench. Learn tips and techniques for working out the chest, back, shoulders, and arms in this weightlifting video.

How To: Execute a decline barbell bench press

Decline barbell bench presses are an essential part of lifting weights and strength training. This fitness how-to video tutorial demonstrates how to strengthen your muscles with barbell presses on a declined bench. Learn tips and techniques for working out the chest, back, shoulders, and arms in this weightlifting video.

How To: Diet like a man

Ever noticed how guys can lose weight much faster than women? We did, too—and here's how they do it. You will need strength training, protein snacks, physical activity, and self-forgiveness. While genetics and gender do have a lot to do with how easily weight can be lost, these tips will help you keep the weight off. Watch this video weight loss tutorial and learn how to diet like a man.