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How To: Control a friend's PC with Windows XP Remote Desktop

Wartex8 demonstrates how to use remote desktop in Windows XP. Remote Desktop is a useful utility that you can use to control another computer and its applications.The necessary steps that are adopted to activate remote desktop are:1) Right click on my computer icon (either the icon on the desktop or the one on the start menu list) and select properties, and a new dialog box called system properties will pop up on the window.2) In the System Properties, select the computer name tab and write d...

How To: Replace a hard drive in a 15" macbook Pro

The video starts by informing about the basic safety precautions, tools needed and backing up data prior to hard drive replacement. There are a series of screws which need to be removed in the following order.1. Removing the battery from the back and then remove three screws thereby removing the RAM cover.2. Two more screws to be removed under the RAM cover.3. Two screws from inside front edge.4. Four screws from the bottom rear.5. Two screws each from the slim sides.6. Two screws near the hi...

News: Microsoft Japan Helps Godzilla Invade Real World Tokyo via HoloLens

The company behind Japan's beloved Gozilla, Japan's Toho Studios, has for years tried to give fans the sense of what a giant, nuclear-powered lizard invading Tokyo might feel like. Until now, those attempts have been limited to the movie theater, but now, with the help of the Microsoft HoloLens, Godzilla is finally getting its chance to invade the actual city, with terrified fans looking on from a safe distance.

How To: Understand the Rule of Corresponding Angles

This video explains about the rule of corresponding angles. When measuring the angle between the parallel lines (i.e.) Line1 and Line2 across the straight line. The angle A and angle B are equal. The angle C and angle D are equal. The angle E and angle F are equal. Finally angle G is equal to angle F. So, the angle between the parallel lines in all the angles are equal. Hence, this is the rule of corresponding angles. This video is very useful to basic high school geometry courses. Correspond...

How To: Buy strategically on eBay

When you really want an item on eBay, you no longer can just place your bid and hope. If you're going to beat out the competition for your favorite auction, you need to follow these strategies to win big.

News: Microsoft Research Shows Off Mobile Holoportation

In recent years, wave after wave of technological advancement has led us down roads that are beginning to look more and more like science fiction stories. In their efforts to bring us from science fiction to science fact, Microsoft Research showed us a new communication medium called Holoportation earlier this year—and now they have found a way to make this highly complex holographic system far more mobile.

How To: Put Celebs in Your Photos Directly from Your iPhone

It's time to step up your selfie game, especially if all of your selfies tend to have the same vapid look and feel. There are plenty of techniques for better selfie-taking, and I've already shown you a few iPhone tricks, like making yourself look thinner and using hand gestures to get situated better. Now I'll show you how to give your followers something to really "like"—celebrities.

News: Magic Leap One Teardown Reveals Sophisticated Hardware with Shortish Shelf Life & Low Repairability

One of the primary marketing tactics used by Magic Leap in promoting the Magic Leap One was selling early adopters on the "magic" contained within the device. On Thursday, some of that magic was uncovered as the Magic Leap One was completely disassembled by repair engineers, revealing the delicate innards of the device and detailing how it delivers its augmented reality experiences.