Sticky Message Search Results

How To: Craft a duct tape tote bag

Anyone can go to the store and buy a bag, but how many people are going to have a handmade duct tape bag? Show your creativity and style by choosing a wacky color and show up with this whimsical tote bag.

How To: Make a fashionable duct-tape wallet

Is That All Duct Tape demonstrates how to make a duct tape wallet. You will need a knife, duct tape of any color and measuring tape. First, rip off a piece of tape about 10 inches long. Put the tape sticky side up. Attach another piece of tape sticky side down on top of it half way down. Fold the first piece of tape on top of the second piece of tape. Add more pieces using the same technique until it is 8 inches tall. Trim the sides so it is even. Fold the piece in half. Seal the side seams w...

How To: Barbecue a Devils Brewed beer can chicken

Grill Guru Ted Reader cooks up a quick grill recipe using his "Better Butter Burger Seasoning", "Crazy Canuck BBQ Sauce", and The Devil's Brew. It makes everything sticky, and that's what it's all about! Learn this simple beer brewed roasted chicken recipe and follow along with this video cooking tutorial and start making quick and tasty barbecued chicken.

How To: Make a sugar art candy clay rose

This video shows you how to make a rose out of candy clay for your cake decoration. The candy clay is an alternative to fondant or gumpaste. I also use this for figures and the kids have a lot of fun playing with it. I used a wet paper towel to wipe off my hands every once in awhile because they get sticky working with the clay.

How To: Use 4 different hacks to make typing easier in Windows

In this video tutorial, viewers learn 4 different hacks that will make typing easier in Windows. Begin by clicking on the Start button and select Control Panel. Then click on Ease of Access Center and select "Make keyboard easier to use". Now users are able to configure the keyboard options for easier use such as: turning on/off the mouse keys, sticky keys, toggle keys and filter keys. All the features have more specific settings for self-adjusting to the user's liking. This video will benefi...

How To: Make 'frog skin' or 'gak'

Chris Giorni, Mr. Science with Tree Frog Treks, demonstrates how to make simulated frog skin. To make the simulated frog skin, you will need glue, water, borax laundry powder and food coloring. First, add a pinch of the powdered borax to water and dye it green using the food coloring. Next, water down the glue and place it on a plate. Add the borax solution to the plate. Mix the compound with your fingers. It will quickly form a long chain polymer or sticky frog skin. Frogs breathe through th...

How To: Maintain your Rubik's Cube in six easy steps

If you are so good at solving Rubik's Cubes that your cube is starting to show signs of wear and tear for your excessive, fast solving, give yourself a pat on the back. You are really smart. But not your cube is sticky and the stickers are falling off! Don't let your pride and joy fall into disrepair. This video will show you six easy steps for cleaning and maintaining your Rubik's Cube, making it work even better than it did out of the box. This may take you longer than solving the puzzle, b...

How To: Make a vegan "bacon-and-egg" breakfast burger

Joni Marie Newman shows how to make a vegan style bacon and egg breakfast burger. Crumble some extra firm tofu in a bowl, and flavor it with mustard, salt, turmeric, garlic powder, onion powder, and some fake bacon bits. Mix all the ingredients together, then add flour until it reaches a sticky consistency so it will stick together when you form the patties.

How To: Use GripZies non-slip stickers when making hair bows

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to use GripZies non-slip stickers when making hair bows. They are deigned to take clips that you use and make them grip. These grip stickers are designed to form to any shape or thickness within 1/8". To apply it on a clip, remove the sticker strip. Then open the clip and put the sticker strip in with the sticky side up. Hold it in place and then close the clip. This video will benefit those viewers who use hair clips to hold their hair and would like...

How To: Use the clear mount stamps from Stampin' Up!

Dawn5377, teaches you how to use the clear mount stamps. These come in sizes from A to I. They are high cut so you don't get ink on your fingers when using them. The stamps come in a DVD case for easy storage, which also comes with instructions on usage. Remove the sticky part of the image, place it on the back of the rubber stamp. Place image face down on the clear block of equal size. Ink the rubber stamp and just stamp on a piece of paper. You clean the rubber stamp with spray mist and scr...

How To: Select and prepare Jackfruit

Have you ever heard of the East Indian fruit Jackfruit or Kanoon? The Jackfruit is one of the largest of fruits and almost every family in Thailand has a Jackfruit tree in their backyard. You can learn how to properly select a Jackfruit based on ripeness and learn the proper way of cutting it. Since the fruit is very sticky, it is best to oil just a little bit before cutting into the fruit. You can eat the fruit cold or use it as an ingredient in a meal. Save your seeds, and you can roast the...

How To: Make a talking booby trap

Having trouble with people snatching your stuff? Did someone take your lunch from the company fridge? Here is an inexpensive, sneaky gizmo you can make to keep those sticky fingers away. This is a junk drawer hack from Make Magazine's Kipkay. It's activated when an item is moved from it, triggering a clothes pin to close and activate the voice command. See how to make a talking booby track in this video tutorial with KipKay!

How To: Prank a shower head with chicken bouillon

Here is a very easy and simple practical joke to pull on your friends. Putting a bouillon cube in the head will make the person smell like chicken broth. This prank also works with a lifesaver to make the shower stink fruity and the joke victim feel sticky all day. Watch the instructional how-to video to learn the step by step process of rigging the shower head with a chicken bouillon. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Hang a Christmas Wreath Without Damaging Your Door

Whether you choose to hang an authentic or artificial pine Christmas wreath on your door — or an entirely different type, like ones made of paper waste or even food — chances are you've spent a year or two struggling with how to keep your decor hanging. With one easy to apply, quick to remove trick, you can skip the shiny wreath holder and any further damage to your front door.

How To: Build a wave machine out of household items

In this tutorial, we learn how to build a wave machine out of household items. You will need: 20 straws, 40 paper clips, 2 pieces of tape, and 1 washer to make this. First, you will need to pull out a long string of tape and lay it down with the sticky side up. After this, you will need to stick the straws on top of the tape in a row all going next to each other. Do this from the top to the bottom until all of the straws are stuck on. Then, stick the washer to the top and you are finished wit...

How To: Make a duct tape flower pen

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a duct tape flower pen. First, make three triangles the same size out of pieces of duct tape. Leave a sticky part at the bottom and color the rest of it red. You can also purchase red duct tape if you find it available. Now, wrap the pieces of tape around the bottom of the pen where there is no ink. As you wrap this, you will see a flower start to shape with the more tape you add. Continue to do this until you have no tape left, then you will end with a ...

How To: Enable and use sticky posts to highlight content on a WordPress blog

Looking for a quick guide on how to create "stickies" on your WordPress blog? Look no further. Every version of WordPress brings with it new features, new functions and new ways of doing things. Fortunately, the very same technology that allows an open-source blog publishing application like WordPress to exist in the first place also makes it easy for its users to share information about the abovesaid things through videos like this one. Take a look.