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How To: Mix a Lost Cause cocktail

What better way to learn how to mix a drink than from a hot girl! This bartending how-to video teaches a cocktail recipe for a Lost Cause. You will need Malibu rum, gin, sweetened lime juice, and club soda. Follow along with this video mixology lesson and find out how to make a Lost Cause cocktail. Get your (alcoholic) drink on.

How To: Do exercises to reduce your breast size

In this video from modernmom we learn exercises to reduce your breast size. You can't lose weight in your breast the personal trainer says. But when you want to lose weight, and you get into an exercise program that is consistent, you will begin to lose weight, and our bodies shed pounds all over, and because there is lots of fat in the breast tissue, you will notice they will get smaller. There's no one specific exercise though. But doing a walking program and watching calories will make you...

How To: Balance your plate to lose weight

In this tutorial, we learn how to balance your plate to lose weight. These are keys that dietitians say are the keys to losing weight. When filling your plate for a meal, always fill half of the plate with fruits or vegetables. Fill 25% off the plate with protein (meats) and the other 25% with grains or starchy veggies. This will help you lose weight and eat more nutritionally when you see more food on your plate, but it's healthier food instead of junk food. When eating breakfast, don't just...

How To: Calculate your body mass index (BMI)

How do you know if you should lose weight is a question people often ask. For the most part the need for weight loss should be determined by how you feel in your own body. There are some calculations that doctors use to determine if you need to lose weight. One of those calculations is BMI or Body Mass Index. BMI is based upon a fairly difficult equation. BMI is figured by multiplying your weight by 703 then dividing by your height squared. A body mass index over 25 is considered overweight. ...

How To: Lose weight fast using Jedi mind tricks (and without lifting a finger)

Everyone could benefit from shedding a few pounds, but what about those who need to lose a little bit more weight? Exercise isn't an option for everyone, with as busy as our lives are right now. It's hard to go running and do a few pushups when you have a hard enough time scheduling your day already. But if you're looking to shed a couple pounds here and there— without lifting a finger— this two-part video will help you out with some Jedi mind tricks!

How To: Create a compass in Minecraft

One awesome feature for Minecraft is the addition of the compass. It will always point you directly back to your spawn point in the game. This should help keep you from getting lost and losing your shelter or house while out exploring. In this video you will get a quick tutorial on how to build it using one red stone and four steel bars. Enjoy!

How To: Get the "Lost Viking Gold Rank" achievement in StarCraft 2 (500,000 points)

This isn't your ordinary achievement, so pay attention. In this achievement guide, NextGenTactics shows how to earn the "Lost Viking Gold" rank achievement. Where can you earn this achievement in Starcraft 2: Wings of LIberty? It's in the mini-game that can be found in the Cantina (the arcade game on the left). To get Gold Rank, you have to accumulate 500,000 points in a single game. If you obtain this achievement, you will also obtain ALL other Lost Viking achievements.

How To: Restore your tabs when your Firefox browser crashes

If you are a multi-tasker like many others and have multiple tabs open on your Firefox browser, you could run into a point where your browser crashes and lose all your tabs. Downloading the add-on BarTab will help you restore all the tabs you have lost. The add-on has customizable settings that let you configure it to what helps you best.

How To: Build a lost screw finder attachment

MAKE zine aims to bring the DIY aesthetic and mindset to all the technology in your life. They want you to break open things and put them back together in a better way. In this video, MAKE and KipKay show you how to build a lost screw finder attachment. It'll help you find any screw, including plastic ones that a magnet would not be able to pick up.

How To: Lose weight fast

Drop 8 pounds, tone without cardio, finally lose the baby weight or run 3 miles with ease--pick your plan and get your best body in just four weeks! The secret to weight loss is consistency. Don't yo-yo diet eating carbs and sugar! Don't workout for 3 hours one day a week. Try these quick weight exercises for slimming your figure.

How To: Play Zelda Lost Woods on violin

Watch this instructional violin video to learn how to play the "Lost Woods" song from the Zelda: Ocarina of Time video game on the violin. This tutorial video is great for violinist enthusiasts who love the video game. Find the sheet music for this song in the Downloads section of this user's personal website.

How To: Set up the intonation on your guitar at home

As a guitar player one thing that you may find yourself running into is your guitar, over time, will start to lose its intonation, especially if you never set it up after you purchased it. You could take it to a tech to have him set it up and fix it for you, but that's expensive, and who wants to spend money when you can do it for free right!? In this video you will learn how to adjust the bridge of your guitar among other things to help get your guitar back into tune!

How To: Spot a dancer in ballet as a beginner

In this video, we learn how to spot as a beginner. Spotting is used for when you are doing turns quickly. You want to keep your eye on the same exact spot in the room so you turn in the same exact way each time, and you don't lose your focus. To practice this, stand in front of a large mirror and practice doing turns slowly, without losing your focus from the spot you're looking at. After you have mastered this, start to do turns quicker, then with using your arms to help you turn. Eventually...

How To: Stop flirting when the person you like loses interest

If you want to avoid coming off as a creep, you'll need to know how to stop flirting if it appears the person you fancy has lost interest. As a general rule, when flirting with someone, it's important that you be confident and natural. But, if you're feeling nervy, there's little shame in doing a little prep work with silly videos like this one. For more information, and to get started using this tip for yourself, take a look.

How To: Backup your photos in Apple iPhoto

Backing up your digital photos with Apple iPhoto while running Mac OS X can give you peace of mind of knowing that you will not accidentally lose your precious photos. In this video tutorial, you'll learn how. For more, or to get started backing up your own photos in Apple iPhoto, watch this how-to.

How To: Thread your sewing machine

When it comes to sewing, threading your needle is pretty easy and straightforward (well, unless you're slowly losing your vision). But threading your sewing machine is another skill alltogether. Before you start sewing that bunting or cute hat for your niece, you'll need to set up your thread first.

How To: Keep socks paired and never lose a sock ever again

It happens to the best of us—missing socks. No matter how hard you try, no matter how careful you are when doing laundry, you always end up with that one sock who's lost its soulmate. And what do you usually do with that buddy-less sock? Throw it away? DON'T! This video will gives you some tips on how to keep your socks from disappearing, like A). don't throw away your sock because you might find its missing mate later, and B). roll your socks to keep you from losing one when not in the laund...

How To: Activate Linux windows without losing selected text

In this video, we learn how to activate Linux windows without losing selected text. To avoid losing the texts, you can just click on the title bar so that the highlighted part doesn't remove. If you don't want to do this, there is an alternative. Simply mouse over the text that you have highlighted and scroll with the wheel that's on your mouse. After this, right click on the text and then you can copy what you need to. Now, you can go back to the other window you have open and paste it in, t...

How To: Recover deleted podcasts on iTunes

Veronica Belmont from Tekzilla shares a tip for finding lost podcasts without unsubscribing and resubscribing to the feed. To do this by a simple keyboard combo fist close the disclosure triangle so that the individual episodes are hidden, then hold down the 'Option key' in Mac or 'Shift' in Windows and toggle the disclosure triangle as shown. The iTunes feed will refresh and all the past episodes will reappear. Combine this with the "Get All" button to find lost podcasts.

How To: Avoid dangers of low water crossings

Flooding occurs in a low water area and often appears to be safe. Motorists who drive through flooded areas risk losing control of their cars. People have extreme confidence in the size and weight of their vehicles. Flooding kills more people than any other natural disasters. Don't drive quickly through flooded streets because it increases the chance you will hydroplane and lose control of your car.

How To: Revive a Dead Hard Drive

We depend on our hard drives for our data storage and if they stop working, our important data can be lost, this could cause many problems like losing school projects making us to do them again, losing jobs and other problems . So here is a tutorial, on how to make a dead hard drive work again.

How To: Negotiate your salary without losing the job

This is a video tutorial in the Business & Money category where you are going to learn how to how to negotiate your salary without losing the job. You want more salary but, the company wants to pay less. How do you come to an agreement where both sides are happy? George Black, CEO of RSA Corp, gives tips on how to facilitate salary negotiations. The most important tip is he who mentions money first loses. So what you need to do is say "I am very interested in this position and I would serious...