Standard Techniques Search Results

How To: Pick a warded lock

In this lock picking tutorial video series, I explain and demonstrate how to pick warded locks. Warded locks can be identified by the unique keyway they have. Warded locks use a very simple design. This allows the lock to be inexpensive and minimizes jamming from dirt and grime. Use these lock picking videos to learn how to pick a warded lock.

How To: Set up and format papers in MLA style in Microsoft Word

Research papers, love them, hate them, either way, the standard for writing them are a pain in the butt if you haven't done it a lot, or at all, before. The standard is MLA style, and if you have no idea what this is or how to set up the settings in Microsoft Word, this video has everything you're looking for. You will learn how to set up the page for MLA style, add in works cited properly, page titles, and more.

How To: Convert military time to standard time for Java

Want to program your own Java games and applications but don't know beans about object-oriented programming? Never you fear. This free video tutorial from TheNewBoston will have you coding your own Java apps in no time flat. Specifically, this lesson discusses how to write a simple Java applet to convert military time (i.e., 24-hour clock time) to standard (i.e., 12-hour clock) time. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this helpful programmer's guide.

How To: Find deviations and variance for a population in Excel

If you use Microsoft Excel on a regular basis, odds are you work with numbers. Put those numbers to work. Statistical analysis allows you to find patterns, trends and probabilities within your data. In this MS Excel tutorial from everyone's favorite Excel guru, YouTube's ExcelsFun, the 41st installment in his "Excel Statistics" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to calculate deviations, variance and standard deviation for a sample and a population using Excel tables and the VAR, S...

How To: Find averages & standard deviation in Microsoft Excel

New to Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly advanced as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 243rd installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to find typical values, or averages – a single value that allows you to talk about all the data points in a given spreadsheet. Specifically, you'll learn how to find the mean, median, mode and standard deviation for a set of numbers.

How To: Create a custom membership provider in ASP.Net

A Membership Provider allows a web application to store and retrieve membership data for a user, and the standard ASP.NET Membership Provider uses pre-defined SQL Server tables. In this video tutorial, Chris Pels shows how to create a custom membership provider that uses custom SQL Server tables separate from the pre-defined tables used by the standard provider. The principles covered in the video will apply to creating custom membership providers using other databases such as Access or Oracl...

How To: Extend and customize an ASP.Net server control

In this video tutorial, Chris Pels will show how to extend a standard ASP.NET server control and customize it for a specific purpose. Specialized controls provide an convenient way to implement standardized user interface elements for multiple web sites for individuals or teams of developers. In this example, see how to extend the DropDownList control to create a special purpose year selection control. Learn how to add properties for custom attributes that control the behavior of the range of...

How To: Determine if a point lies on a line in standard form

In this video, we learn how to determine if a point lies on a line in standard form. In order to do this, you will need to substitute the X and Y value with the ordered pair that is given. The X value is the first number and the Y value is the second number. Re-write your equation, substituting in the numbers to the appropriate spots. Now, simplify the equation by doing multiplication with the negatives and positives (if given). When you get through the equation, you will end up with the solu...

How To: Do the Presto Printo card trick

To do the Presto Printo Card Trick, you need to begin with a deck of standard cards and a deck of plain white cards, which have been cut to the same size as standard cards. You will need to print the effects that you want to achieve on the cards in advance. You will need extra blank white cards to conceal.

How To: Use non-standard page protectors when scrapbooking

In this Arts & Crafts video tutorial you will learn how to use non-standard page protectors when scrapbooking. It is a tip on getting a large number of photos in an album without taking up too much space or using too many supplies. You can get 12 x 12 page protectors in terms of size but with pockets for 4 x 6 photos. This way you will have 6 photos on each side of the protector. Or maybe you put 5 photos and a card on one side. If you don't want to mess around with extra page protectors, you...

How To: Create and control a pair of eyes in 3ds Max

See how to model a pair of cartoon eyes and then create a way to automatically control their orientation. You'll use two simple sphere primitives and then you'll create a simple standard material for the eye color, just using a Gradient Ramp map. Your basic orientation rig will be obtained using a Look At controller and a standard dummy object. Whether you're new to Autodesk's popular modeling software or a seasoned 3D artist just looking to better acquaint yourself with the application, you'...

How To: Use a sliding shot to hit the center of the Bey Stadium in Beyblade

A standard straight up and down Beyblade launch usually sends your Beyblade spinning around the edge of the Bey Stadium. If your opponent's Beyblade is in the center of the stadium this means that you will lose a lot of power before you hit them and probably lose the round. This video will show you how you can angle your launcher to do a sliding shot that will cross the middle of the stadium and win you more Beyblade.

How To: Create animated frozen titles in After Effects

This After Effects tutorial will show how to create a nice, smooth animated text effect, which turns your icy font into a frozen font. This is a great animation that can be easily learned, whether you're an AE pro or novice. Laurence Grayson chills out as he shows you how to create this ice texture effect, glassy text and a frozen text animation - all using just the standard effects that come in CS3, CS4 or CS5.

How To: Replace a slipping clutch in your car or truck

If you're driving down the road in your vehicle (manual transmission), and you step on the gas, but aren't accelerating as fast as you should, even though the RPMs are solidly rising, you may have a slipping clutch. If you think that you clutch may be the problem in your standard car or truck, then Scotty Kilmer will show you how to replace it— the proper way— just like an auto mechanic.

How To: Use tense release technique and self-massage to cure headache and stress

Stress, migraines, headaches, sounds like life to me. When life gets too fast and stressful for us, you may think that you do not have the time, or the money, to get a professional massage, or take care of ourselves. But it's easier than you think, with these amazingly relaxing videos you will learn various holistic solutions to some of the most common problems such as stress, migraines, and headaches through self-massage and tense release techniques.