Spending Money Search Results

How To: Create shine effects in After Effects without a plugin

Shine effects are one of the cooler and more popular effects that you can add to a title in After Effects. Many people use Trapcode's Shine plugin to accomplish this quickly and easily. But that costs extra money! This two-part video will show you how to create shine effects in After Effects without having to download any additional plugins. If you already shelled out the dough for After Effects, we know you don't want to spend any more, so watch this video!

How To: Secure or find your Android smartphone if you lose it

If you've spent a ton of money on your newest smartphone, you will want to make sure it's secure. In this tutorial from the experts at PCWorld, learn exactly how to activate safety mechanisms on your Android. With these options you can set a complicated passcode (so that anyone who does find your phone won't be able to access your files) and you can also set up a locator. By using the location app, you can text your phone from anywhere else and set off a search alarm so you will be able to fi...

How To: Make cheap homemade cleaning solution for your PC

Are you sick of spending a ton of money on not so great cleaning supplies? Well, if cleaning the screens around your home are the problem, check out this tutorial. In this video you will learn how to make a super effective cleaning solution for your TV, PC, laptop, iPod screens, etc for about a dollar! This couldn't be easier to do, and your screens will be clear and shiny in no time.

How To: Make an oversized book bag

Forget about spending too much money at a retail store for a new bookbag when you can make your own! Go back to school in style - your own personalized style - by making your very own purse to carry your books in. Use fabrics & accessories to customize your book bag to fit your style. Materials you will need to complete this bookbag include:

How To: Build a DIY wooden camera dolly with PVC railing system

If you need a dolly for your movie masterpiece, you don't need to go with a professional dolly system. You can save that money for your expensive actors and actresses by building your own DIY camera dolly on the cheap. You'll need some nuts and bolts, PVC pipes, scrap wood, drill bits and a drill, inline wheels and a hammer. This homemade camera dolly will cost you around 65 bucks.

How To: Cook beef and asparagus stir fry

Here you'll learn how to make a delicious beef and asparagus stir fry and all on a budget. With just a half a pound of asparagus, and some yummy red peppers mixed in with some delicious seared steak. All mixed and cooked together on a hot skillet. This will be great for your guest, or if just looking for a great tasty meal and you can afford to go out and spend money on a sit down meal. It's a quick and easy to cook dish for any night of week. Eat up and enjoy.

How To: Speed up your PC by disabling unnecessary applications

Is your PC too slow? Want your PC performance to increase without paying any money? Well, in this video the viewers will be taught how to speed up their PC and internet speed without spending a dime. First of all, the video goes through some of the potential applications that are draining the computers' resources, such as multiple anti-virus. The video teaches how to delete and remove unneeded applications and free up additional RAM. One of the key ideas is to close and disable applications t...

How To: Clean tile grout

Do you have grayed tile grout? Do you spend tons of money on clearners to only leave you displeased? In this video hosted by DIY home guru, Ron Hazleton, learn how to remove discolored, flaky or powdery grout & how to apply new grout and clean the faces of your tiles.

How To: Use inexpensive apple cider vinegar to cure acne

Acne sucks, and if you have it then you've probably spent hundreds of dollars on salicylic acid face washes, benzoyl peroxide moisturizers, and stinging alcohol toners. But to what end? Most of the products you buy at the drugstore dry out your skin too much, especially when used in conjunction with one another. This leads to oil overcompensation and even more acne.

How To: Get paid to work out by becoming a personal trainer

For most of us, working out at the gym is a time we have to schedule outside of our other work and family commitments. But how about making exercise your job? No, we're not talking about becoming a pro athelete. Rather, if you become a personal trainer you can work out, help others work out, and get paid good money while doing it.

How To: Interpret the straight heart line & head line on your palm

In this video, we learn how to palm read the straight heart line and head line. If the thumb is farther away from the hand this means they like to spend money a lot and don't hold onto it. The line across the top of the hand that is straight is very rare. Islands on this line mean there is a setback in this person's life doing with love. Lines underneath the fingers shows someone who is helpful and hard working. The heart line shows the emotions of someone and how they feel about themselves o...

How To: Reshape blunt, angular cheeks into rounded cheeks

Thanks to the anorexic waifs who predominate the modeling industry, we have been led to believe that blunt, so-sharp-you'll-cut-your-finger-on-them cheeks are the Holy Grail of cheekbone shapes. So many of us spend money purchasing bronzers and dusty rose blushes hoping to fake those cheekbones if we don't have them.

How To: Meet a woman on vacation

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to meet women while on vacation. When on vacation, guys usually make the mistake of spending the money to only try to attract women, when they should actually be learning and having fun. When talking to a women, ask her questions about the destination and other interesting subjects. Do not try to seduce or get the woman's phone number. Be yourself and don't objectify women. This video will benefit those viewers who are single and are in need of dating...

How To: Get rid of any odors coming from your washer

If you've bee washing your clothes and have noticed a faint odor coming from inside of your washer, you may have a problem. Overloading a washer can produce an odor that is warning you to stop adding clothes to an already tired machine. By continually overloading your washer, you're asking for trouble as well as an excuse to spend money on your machine.

How To: Fix a toilet's tank

From time to time, toilets can be worn out and eventually break, resulting in repairs. Now calling a handyman or plumber is fine, but why spend so much money for something that you can easily do for fraction of what they would charge you? In this tutorial, you'll find out how to fix a toilet's tank. There can be many different problems that go on in a tank, but this is one of the most common problems. So check it out and good luck!

How To: Use olive oil to remove makeup

Did you know that you can still clean your skin without makeup remover? If you have a kitchen, chances are you have this skin remedy! In this tutorial, learn how to use Extra Virgin Olive Oil to remove makeup and clear up your face. Why spend a ton of money on products that only come in tiny containers? Next time you need to buy more makeup remover, head to the grocery store instead of the drug store and get yourself a bottle of oil!

How To: Clean jaundiced plastic headlights

In this how to video, you will learn how to clean your plastic headlights. This is important if you cannot afford to replace the headlights of your classic or semi-classic car. Toothpaste works great as a rubbing compound to fix this. First, take a rag and rub the toothpaste into the headlights. Next, take the paste off with another rag. Use some water to aid you in this. Now, your once clouded lens will be fairly clear. You can then move on to the other side to finish the whole car. This vid...

How To: Get more out of spray paint cans

In this how-to video, you will learn how to get more out of your spray cans. This is useful if you want to make the most out of the money spent on these purchases. These spray cans are very useful for painting objects that would be harder with the traditional bus. First, follow the directions on the spray can. It should say to turn it upside down and spray it until it runs clear. This keeps the tips clear. If the can is old, you can carefully remove the tip from the can and drop it in paint t...

How To: Root your T-Mobile G1

Rooting a cell phone can give you so many different perks and advantages that you wouldn't normally have. But at the same time it can also cause damage to the phone itself that it may even cease to function properly causing any money that you spent, to go down the drain. This tutorial shows you how to root your T-Mobile G1. Be careful and good luck!

How To: Make a hair band scarf

This is a video demonstrating how to make a cute and cool hair band scarf. Take a scarf. You can use any material, including a ready made scarf from another outfit, or a ribbon. Hold the scarf in the middle and make a bow. Pull the bow until both sides are even. Lay the bow on the top of your head with the scarf tails hanging down. Tuck the tails behind your ears. Tie the scarf into a knot on the back of your neck. Adjust the angle of the bow on your head. It is good because it gives you opti...

How To: Make your table over for the holidays

This video helps the holiday table settings add a fun and colorful theme to each holiday. Using white plates and table cloths, along with clear glass settings, will help to bring out the colors and details of the decorative additions to the table. Having scented candles or other types of fragrances will highlight and compliment the holiday table theme you have set. The table decorations you will see don't need to match, they only need to flow in with the theme you have arranged. This video wi...

How To: Lay ceramic tile with drywall spackle

Tree Climbing Man demonstrates how to lay ceramic tile with drywall spackle. You don't need to rip up your existing floor and put down plywood or a sub floor to lay down a new floor. You can put ceramic tile right over existing linoleum with less work, less heartache and less problems. First, spackle the back of each tile and lay it down. You can also use a stapler and tape to fix problem areas. You don't need to go crazy with the adhesive. Spend your money on quality tile. You can use clay f...

How To: Choose a camping tent

The first advice in this video on how to choose a camping tent is to consider the size of your family. You may want one tent for the whole family or one for the kids and one for the adults. Take time to choose a good camping tent that will last. You may need to spend some money to get a good investment in a tent, one that will last. Do you need the tent for car camping or carry camping? For carry camping you need lightweight materials that will be easy to carry. Large tents may have several r...

How To: Get cheap natural-looking highlights at home

Rather than spending money at a professional salon, learn how to get inexpensive highlights at home. This technique will give you a very natural look with no orange tones. You need a product called Jolen. Mix about 1/4 teaspoon of this powder. Pull your hair back and take small sections about 1/4 of an inch thick and apply product to that section. You should make sure to wear regular gloves as you are applying the product. It is okay if the product mixes with other products. Continue this wit...

How To: Make a Cricut card for dad

Use your Cricut machine and the cartridge "Beyond Birthdays" to create Dad an original Father's Day card or Birthday card. Making cards on the Cricut machine is great because you can use scrap paper and different shapes and really make it your own while spending almost nothing. And it takes less time to make a professional looking card on the Cricut machine than it does to sit down and draw a homemade card. Dad will love the card and you will love saving money and having the satisfaction of m...

How To: Mix a green tea facial scrub

No need to spend money at the beauty shop when you can make your own green tea facial scrub at home. This video tutorial demonstrates how to mix together a homemade facial scrub that you can store and use multiple times. This homemade mask is inexpensive and great for getting rid of dead skin cells (which can pile up giving you a dull complexion). By using the scrub when it is slightly warm, it opens pores allowing the nutrients of the mask to cleanse deep within.