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How To: Master the art of fringe embroidery

Add dimension and excitement to your embroidery collection! Fringe embroidery is not only fun, but the added texture and three-dimensional quality of fringe makes these specially-digitized designs look as if they could literally jump off the fabric! Watch this exciting embroidery tutorial video and start embroidering some fringe today!

How To: Give a cat a pill the easy way

Pill pockets are cat treats with a specially designed hole the fits a pill to stuff inside. Giving a cat medication doesn't need to be a battle anymore. Learn how to give a cat a pill the easy way by watching this video tutorial.

How To: Install a PC power supply

Is your computer's power supply on the fritz? Learn how to install a power supply in a desktop PC with these easy steps.Before we begin, you should know that many brand name PCs use specially designed power supplies. So, make sure you contact them directly before installing a new power supply. Also, an unplugged power supply still can give you a powerful electric shock by put something inside an open vent.

How To: Fold napkins in decorative ways

Well fret not, frantic dinner party hosts! In this video series, learn how to fold napkins in a variety of fancy, fun, elegant and eclectic ways. Our expert will show you step-by-step napkin folding techniques that’ll you can learn in a few minutes. No guests have arrived yet, so with 20 minutes to spare, watch a few video clips and get some good housekeeping tips on how to liven up your place settings. Remember: it’s the details that count. A specially-folded napkin is sure to add that je ne...

How to Be Your Own SpaceX: Design, Build & Test Liquid-Fueled Rocket Engines

Move over NASA— SpaceX is taking over. Well, not really. But today, the privately funded spacecraft company broke all expectations when their Dragon capsule fell to a soft landing in the Pacific Ocean, completing an undoubtedly successful demo flight of nearly two full trips around Earth. It was the first re-entry of a commercial spacecraft ever, bringing commercial space transportation closer to reality.

News: Down the Commode

Okay, I discovered (while googling a photo for such a thing) AFTER conceiving this idea for this prank that there was actually a mammoth-sized inflatable toilet- that we would need for this skit- shown in the Kate Winslet/Hugh Jackman movie, "Flushed Away" (which I have never seen.) So, to me, I still consider this an original idea of mine.

How To: Make a card rise magic trick

Ever wanted to know how the famous rising card trick works? This video reveals the secret so that you can do it for yourself. All you need is a pack of these specially-made cards. If you don't want to know how this trick works, then please do not watch the video. Make a card rise magic trick.

HowTo: Grow Your Own Snowflakes

CalTech's Kenneth Libbrecht reveals the sublime beauty of snow crystals when photographed with a specially designed snowflake photomicroscope. The physicist is author of the Field Guide to Snowflakes and The Secret Life of a Snowflake, and recently posted an instructional guide for growing your own snow crystals.

Printable Tactile Astronomy: How to "See" Outer Space if You're Blind

Have you ever felt the desire to reach out and touch a galaxy? Or "feel" those stunning nebulas and planets you see in Hubble photos? As alluring as it sounds, it's safe to say the odds of your whim coming true are nonexistent. You'd have to travel about 6 earth years and spend millions of dollars building your own personal spacecraft to get close enough to actually wave your hand through one of Saturn's rings. But in an attempt to help the blind "see" what they're missing, some semblance of ...

News: Photograph Beams of Light

More science-geek-art: amazing photographs by Alan Jaras. Apparently the images have not been altered in any way (computer generated or color treated) and are true reproductions of light refraction patterns captured on film.

News: Doesn't This Lead to Death?

Dirk Auer has set a new world record…for insanity. This past July, the adrenaline junkie raced down the rickety, wooden Mammoth roller coaster at 56mph, in his specially made inline skates. Auer made it through the entire length of the roller coaster (2820 feet) in just over a minute.

News: This is Shrove Footbal

Each year on Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday, Ashbourne becomes a war zone! The majority of the ablebodied men, women and children take to the streets to play what is probally the largets football game in the world! - The two teams number in the hundreds, and the palying field is 3 miles long, 2 miles wide and has the town of Ashbourne in the middle!

How To: This DIY Soft-Circuit Military Tech Lets You Power Electronics Using Your Clothes

It turns out that the popularity of soft circuit electronics has leaked out of the interwebs and into the hands of the U.S. military. Soft circuit electronics allow you to literally sew electronics circuits into fabric using flexible conductive thread instead of wire. Soft circuits can be used for all sorts of fun projects, like the TV-B-Gone Hoodie and the Heartbeat Headband.

News: The World's Most Expensive Video Games and Consoles Ever

Most of the indie and vintage games discussed in Indie Games Ichiban are pretty cheap to purchase. They rarely top twenty bucks, which is one of the major advantages independent games have against their sixty-buck, major league counterparts. But if you think $60 for a game and $300 for a PS3 or Xbox 360 seems like a lot, then you haven't played Steel Battalion or seen the TurboExpress. They go above and beyond what normal gamers are willing to spend for questionably entertaining products. Her...

News: The Revolution of the Hacked Kinect, Part 1: Teaching Robots & the Blind to See

In 2007, Nintendo introduced the world to motion control video games with the Wii. Microsoft and Sony built on Nintendo's phenomenal success and released their own motion control products for the XBox 360 and Playstation 3 late in 2010: the Kinect and the Move. The Move is basically an improved Wiimote that looks like a sci-fi Harry Potter wand, but the Kinect just might be the most important video game peripheral of all time.

Kick Ass Review Part 2: Gameplay and Design

Kick Ass Review Part 2: Gameplay and Design In the game, you can play as Kick Ass, Hit Girl, or Big Daddy. Each charater has a light and heavy attack that can be strung together into small combos. Each character also has three special attacks assigned to the Square, Triangle, and Circle buttons requiring different amounts of MP. For bosses, each character has two finishing moves.Kick Ass

How To: Diagnose sciatica

40 million Americans suffer from sciatica pains,but the condition is often not diagnosed correctly. A new imaging technique uses a specially tuned MRI scan to image nerves and highlight them deep inside tissues. Called Magnetic Resonance Neurography,the new technique promises to diagnose conditions such as sciatica-in which a compressed nerve in the buttock causes persistent lower-back and leg pai Diagnose sciatica.

News: Scaredive

You start a casual conversation about skydiving with someone afraid of heights, you suggest to them a good prank would be to dive from a plane blindfolded and find your friends (who are also falling) so they can put on your parachute guided via a radio headset. While they tell you about how much they think it is a bad idea your buddies pounce from behind, blindfold them, tie them up and make out like your going to try the stunt.

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