Sipping Search Results

How To: 10 Quick & Easy Herbal Drinks That Relieve Aches & Pains

When a headache strikes, I reach for the nearest painkiller. Forget closing my eyes, laying down, or even applying an ice pack—I seek the quickest and most immediate relief possible, and normally that comes in the form of pills. However, fast relief can be found from another, more natural source: herbal beverages. So if you're tired of popping pills when you have aches and pains, try some of these herbal drinks out instead.

How To: 9 Ways to Use Gatorade for Function, Fun, & Frivolity

Gatorade: its popular red flavor can stain the whitest fabric, and its sweet taste is oddly refreshing after breaking a sweat. If you've ever participated in a sport, you probably spent halftime at games and practice breaks chugging the stuff. Though it made its name as a sports drink, Gatorade is also a well-known hangover helper—but its beneficial and interesting uses don't end there. The brightly colored drink can do so much more than just hydrate you.

News: 8 Tips and Tricks Every Steampunk Writer Should Know

While I am a writer with a degree in Creative Writing, I haven't published any Steampunk fiction. However, as a panelist and track director, I've been on panels with many well-known Steampunk writers and have gleaned insight from the things they've said. I've compiled some of those things into this post, which will hopefully be helpful to all of the writers out there!

News: Thankful for the Beauty in a Summer Margarita

I'm most thankful for the simplest things in life...and how they can be so beautiful. Take this margarita I was sipping on a patio with my friends. Just a few friends, chatting...watching the people pass by on a busy street...the summer air so calm and relaxing....and the sip I'm about to take from this beautifully salted margarita. A relaxing moment in time. So simple, yet so precious to me.

News: Tracking The Tides

When you live on an island, spending time on the beach beomes part of the fabric of life (otherwise why live on an island). Whidbey has so many beaches to explore. I've been here several years and barely scratched the surface. I guess once I discover places I really enjoy, I tend to go back to them by default (creature of habit syndrome). It also doesn't hurt that I have a beach yards from my back door here on Sandy Point.

How To: Make Strawberry Ice Cubes

Having company for cocktails? How about adding a special twist (and yummy conversation piece) to your guests' drinks? These strawberry ice cubes are a delightful way to dress up a drink. They're super-simple to make, and guaranteed to make a splash!Watch video demonstrationYou'll Need:

News: Dice Stacking Virtuosos

Wikipedia's definition of dice stacking: "Dice stacking is a performance art, akin to juggling or sleight-of-hand, in which the performer scoops dice off a flat surface with a dice cup and then sets the cup down while moving it in a pattern that stacks the dice into a vertical column via centripetal force and inertia."

News: 5 Deliciously Warm Bourbon-Spiked Holiday Cocktails

With those icy winter months setting in, it's time to start sipping your bourbon warm. Spike your classic eggnog, hot chocolate, and even lattes with a splash of Wild Turkey bourbon. Below, five recipes to add a little fire to your typical cold weather beverages. Adjust the recipes to get more servings, and you've got some great ideas for Christmas party favors.

News: 20 Worst Drinks in America

So your mom may have told you not to spoil your appetite with that chocolate chip cookie you were eating before dinner, but did you ever think about what that energy drink your sipping on looks like in terms of its sugar content? The article "20 Worst Drinks in America" takes a look at what is hiding in that sinfully sweet soda. You may not ever dream of eating 6 Krispy Creme glazed donuts in one sitting but thats how much sugar you are putting in your body when you have a 16 oz Rockstar Ener...

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