Single Potential Search Results

How To: Be prepared for the potential complications of heart surgery

If you or someone you love is undergoing heart surgery in the near future, it's important that you have a solid grasp of the potential complications such that you can do everything in your power to avoid them. In this brief medical-minded tutorial from ICYou, you'll learn about a few of the most common complications including bleeding, infection, damage to blood vessels, heart damage, heart attacks or strokes.

How To: Crochet a round shell Catherine's Wheel left-handed

In this tutorial, we learn how to crochet a round shell Catherine's Wheel left-handed. For the first round you will start by doing four single crochets after the slip stitch. After this, do seven double crochets, then a single crochet followed by seven more double crochets. Make two more chain stitches, then a single crochet and three double crochets. After this, start the next row which will be a chain stitch, then three double crochets. Next, you will do seven double crochets, followed by a...

How To: Concentrate on a single mix when DJing

Learn how to focus on a single mix when on the decks. While DJing might appear simple to the untrained eye, truly mastering the turntables requires as much time and dedication as mastering any other instrument. Fortunately, the internet is awash in free video DJing lessons like this one, which make the learning process easier than it's ever been. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Make front-post & back-post double crochet stitches

Donna teaches how to do a front-post, back-post crochet stitch. First of all you'll need yarn and a hook. Start with a single crochet. Donna uses white to create the single crochet and to create a heart, goes over the single line with pink to create a double crochet. To create the double line, go around and through. from front to back, through the single post. Always have the yarn going through the same side. The basic method using the pink, is to make the design in a "V" shape. Using this me...

How To: Shave with a single blade safety razor

Most of us use a multi-blade pivot head razor, in the hope that we will get a closer shave. But did you know that you can get a close, comfortable shave with a good wet lather and single blade safety razor. This two part hair removal tutorial teaches you how to make the transition to shaving with a single-bladed razor. This is much cheaper way to shave. It may seem scary at first, but with a bit of practice you will be getting a close shave with a single blade razor.

How To: Do a single-arm standing tricep extension exercise

In this free video exercise lesson, you'll learn how to do a single-arm standing tricep extension exercise weight lifting routine. With weight lifting, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. For more information, and to get started using this weight lifting exercise yourself, watch this handy home-fitness how-to.

How To: Use A-side single roller trims in Media Composer 5

This clip presents instructions on how to do A-side single-roller trims within Avid Media Composer 5. Whether you're new to Avid's popular non-linear editor (also known as "The Avid") or are a seasoned digital video professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with Media Composer 5, you're sure to enjoy this free software tutorial. For detailed instructions, and to get started using Avid 5 yourself, take a look.

How To: Pick single-pin locks

Ever wanted to learn how to pick a lock? Well, there's no better time than now to start learning the craft of so many locksmiths out there... lock picking. Just watch this video tutorial to see how to pick single-pin locks.

How To: Use your BlackBerry to its full potential

This tutorial shows us how to use a BlackBerry to its full potential with Mike. Many people only use about 10% of the features that are available on the BlackBerry today. One of the things that people want to know is how to change their font, if you purchase a guide book, you can easily learn how to change your font easily in no time. You can either have these videos online or through your phone. VideoSnow is the website you can visit that has over 90 videos and a book that has a lot of infor...

How To: Understand electrotonic & action potentials in a cell

Maybe you learn best by seeing things worked out in front of you and what you just saw in class today about Electronic action potential of neurons didn't quite sink in. Not to mention the test that you have coming up this week is going to be an in-depth analysis of your knowledge on this material. Let Khanacademy be your guide! For less than half the time it takes to sit through the Professors class, he explains the function of Neurons, how action potential works and sends you on your way to ...

How To: Crochet a left handed streamer hat

In this tutorial, we learn how to crochet a left handed streamer hat. For the first round, you will chain four, then double crochet through the loop. After this, repeat nine times from the beginning then slip stitch to join the beginning chain 3. For round 2, attach contrasting color of yarn, then chain 2. Single crochet in the previous chain 1 then go over the double crochet. Work 2 single crochets in the next crochet 1 then work a single crochet in each space. Slip stitch to join with the b...

How To: Force a function to becom an array in Microsoft Excel

Whether you're interested in learning Microsoft Excel from the bottom up or just looking to pick up a few tips and tricks, you've come to the right place. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, ExcelIsFun, the 39th installment in his "Highline Excel Class" series of free video Excel lessons, you'll learn how if an array or range is put into a function argument that is expecting a single value, the function becomes an array and delivers an array of values instead o...

How To: Use basic composition in a single camera setup

This episode of Take Zer0 discusses the differences between the multi-camera format used in television, and the single-camera setup most often used in film production. Since it's likely that indie filmmakers have access to only one camera, we will explain and offer examples of how to efficiently shoot multiple takes with one camera to convey a single action.