Security Search Results

How To: Security-Oriented C Tutorial 0x11 - Command Line Arguments

In many programs on Linux, you'll come across programs which allow you to specify additional arguments instead of just simply running the program by itself. If you've used the Kali distribution, I'm more than certain you'll have come across these with the command line tools, else if you have been following these tutorials, we have already come across three tools which also use the same technique, i.e. gcc, gdb and wc. How do we do this with C? Let's find out.

How To: Security-Oriented C Tutorial 0x0B - User Input

Hey readers! This tutorial will be the entry point for the introduction of buffer overflows. Something like requesting user input is a very common place for vulnerabilities to pop up and we will definitely have fun while trying to make programs crash. But for now, let's start with how we can get input from a user.

How To: Turn Your Old iPhone into a Hidden Live-Streaming Security Camera

If you're tired of your roommate stealing your Cheetos out of the pantry or simply want to indulge in something creepy, then keep reading. With the iPhone 5 finally released, many people will soon be selling or giving away their older iPhones. But should they? Instead of ditching your old iPhone, why not use it to engage in some Big Brother type espionage? There are some really awesome ways to use your old iPhone, but spying on people is definitely the most bang for your buck. First, you'll w...

How To: Lock Any App on Your iPhone Behind Face ID, Touch ID, or Your Passcode for Extra Privacy & Security

Apple does not provide a native way to lock apps on your iPhone behind Face ID, Touch ID, or your passcode. For a long time, we've wanted that option for improved privacy and security, but Apple does allow developers to use its authentication protocols. Apps like Messenger, Outlook, and WhatsApp give the option to lock them down, but for the apps that don't, you can force it with a little time and effort.

How To: Quickly Disable Touch ID on Your iPhone for Extra Security in a Pinch

In the US, law enforcement officials can make you unlock your smartphone with a fingerprint, but they can't force you to input a password or PIN, which would violate your Fifth Amendment rights. To help you from ever being in a scenario where you're forced to put your finger on the Touch ID sensor, Apple has a built-in way for you to disable biometrics on your locked or unlocked iPhone in mere seconds.

How To: Security-Oriented C Tutorial 0xF8 - PE File Infection

How is it goin', fellow 1337 haXX0rZ! dtm here with another article, this time, we'll be looking at infecting PE files, executables in particular for this write-up. Obviously some prerequisite knowledge will be needed since this isn't really newbie-friendly. If you are still a beginner, fear not, it might still be interesting to read! Hopefully!

How To: Security-Oriented C Tutorial 0x01 - Hello, World!

Welcome back, reader! In this tutorial, we will be covering our first program! So let's get to it. We all know the unspoken tradition of the first program when learning a language and of course, here we will respect and complete it. Fire up your favorite text editor (be it vim, emacs, gedit, it's all the same to me, no h8) and try to keep up.

How To: Security-Oriented C Tutorial 0x08 - A Trip Down Memory Lane

Before I continue with a topic on strings, we first require some fundamental understanding of how memory works, i.e. what it is, how data looks in memory, etc. as this is crucial when we are analyzing vulnerabilities and exploitation. I highly suggest that your mind is clear and focused when reading the following article because it may prove to be confusing. Also, if you do not understand something, please verify all of your doubts, otherwise you may not completely understand when we touch on...

How To: Lock Your Apple Watch with a Passcode to Increase Security & Keep Prying Eyes Out

While there isn't as much personal data residing on your Apple Watch as there is on your iPhone, it's still a good idea to set a passcode for it and lock it up when you're not using it. If you don't, while it's charging or otherwise off your wrist, others may be able to sneak a peek at your activity, messages, emails, and other personal details. Plus, you won't be able to use Apple Pay without one.

How To: Security-Oriented C Tutorial 0x21 - Linked Lists

Welcome to the final tutorial of the series on standard C. This article will cover the linked list abstract data type (ADT). There will be a lot of abstraction to try to deliver the understanding in the most basic way for easiest interpretation of what they are and how they work, then we will get into the guts of it and learn the technical code underneath. For those who have yet to grasp the concept of pointers, it's advisable that you do that first before approaching this. Having learned thi...

How To: Apply online for Social Security retirement benefits

When you decide its time to retire, you will most likely need to cash in your Social Security benefits. In this official two part tutorial, presented by the American Social Secuity Administration, learn exactly how to use their website and apply online. Applying online is very easy, and takes a lot less time than applying in person. By applying online for social security, you will bypass all of the long lines and waiting that usually happens in one of the offices. Plus, you won't ever have to...

How To: Hack security cameras using Google Search

There's nothing more tedious, yet exciting, than watching surveillance cameras at work. They prey on the innocent and the unknowing. They protect businesses, workplaces, and homes. They catch criminals in the act, find hilarious anomalies, and are just darn cool when you're not the one that's supposed to be eavesdropping with them.

How To: Build a fake cardboard security camera

Home security is as important as having a job. You have to protect your family and your valuables. If you can't afford a high tech security system, then maybe a fake security camera will do the trick. This security camera dud is also a cheap alternative for a film prop. Watch this video tutorial to learn how to build a fake cardboard security camera.