Scott Fujita Search Results

How To: Make a Lego man walking animation

If you're planning on being the next Ridley Scott of brickfilms, then maybe you need to start off with a few basics, like in this video tutorial about how to make a Lego man walking animation. Creating a world of moving legos for your "legomation" masterpiece starts with the simplest things... walking.

How To: Correct faults when swimming

Learn how to overcome and fix four common swim faults with this lesson from six-time Ironman champion Dave Scott. Check out this swimming tutorial video that explains how to correct faults while swimming. Concentrate on your stroke mechanics in the water, and learn how to correct common flaws when swimming with this instructional fishing video.

How To: Improve your running form with biomechanics tips

Six-time Ironman Champion Dave Scott teaches proper biomechanics for endurance runners. Check out this instructional cross country video that demonstrates a few techniques that can improve your running form. Just follow these biomechanics tips: head looking straight forward, shoulders relaxed and low, elbow flexion of 80-90 degrees, hands come up to lower breastbone, pelvis tucked under hips, avoid heel strike, foot lands aligned with chest.

How To: Implement URL writing in ASP.Net

In this video tutorial, Scott Golightly shows how to create an ASP.NET HttpModule to “rewrite” the URL when a request for a web page comes in. You may want to rewrite URLs to create friendly URLs or to direct an old URL to a new URL. We will look at the code needed to implement URL rewriting and also how to handle page post back events.

How To: Play Why Did the Chicken...

Board game enthusiast Scott Nicholson reviews a new game each week showing you the pieces and rules of play, as well and demonstrating the game with friends. This weeks game, Why Did the Chicken..., is a party/group game about coming up with punch-lines to jokes.

How To: Play Santiago

Board game enthusiast Scott Nicholson reviews a new game each week showing you the pieces and rules of play, as well and demonstrating the game with friends. This weeks game, Santiago, is a strategy game involving auctioning, maintaining plantations and even working with other players at times.

How To: Play Heroscape

Board game enthusiast Scott Nicholson reviews a new game each week showing you the pieces and rules of play, as well and demonstrating the game with friends. This weeks game, Heroscape, is about buying and fighting with miniatures for kids and adults put out by Milton Bradley.

How To: Breastfeed a baby

Breastfeeding is growing in popularity with new mothers. Research is touting breastfeeding for the benefits to the baby as well as the mother. Breastfeeding advisor Vicki Scott offers breastfeeding tips. Watch this video child care tutorial and learn how to breastfeed a baby.

How To: Learn the high lob shot

The golf lob shot is a handy tool to have in your bag. It's a real showman's shot and one which will really impress your mates, if you can pull it off. You need confidence and commitment to execute the lob shot with flair. Scott Cranfield gives you some simple tips to make it easier.

How To: Carve a roasted chicken

Fantastic Food with Scott Hargrove demonstrates how to carve a roasted chicken. First, use the appropriate knife. Make sure that your life isn't too large. Use a medium-sized carving knife. Use a carving board with a ridge to contain the juices. Place the chicken with the back bone down and breast up. Break the skin open on leg until you hear a crack. Take the point of the knife and run it along the crease where the bone meets the body to separate the leg. Repeat with the other leg. Next, car...

How To: Slim down your face

Expert aesthetician Robert Scott is going to give you some tips on how to slim down your face. These tips are going to be extremely helpful for those days when you wake up and your face feels puffy, which happens to everyone after a long night. The first type of healing is to just use a cold compress on your skin, which will calm down your skin get your circulation moving. Another type of healing technique is performing a lymphatic drainage massage to your face. Just follow the simple steps i...

How To: Shrink an enlarged skin pore

Robert Scot, from ModernMom, shows viewers how to shrink an enlarged skin pore. Scott reminds us that genetics and aging do contribute to enlarged pores and skin condition, but there is still a way to deal with this. There is no way to permanently shrink enlarged pores but you can handle them with time. You can use cleansers and exfoliation to do the trick. Your cleanser should be for oily skin that will naturally purify your skin. You really want to focus on exfoliation and use exfoliates wi...

How To: Perform an aromatherapy massage

Being a new mom is a full time job - you get tired, swollen and achy. In this tutorial, learn how to perform a relaxing aromatherapy massage for new moms and anyone else who needs a moment off of their feet. This video is hosted by professional healer, Robert Scott. Robert works with numerous celebrities and has been in healthcare for over 20 years, so he knows his stuff.

How To: Select the best mums for your garden

Chrysanthemums are a beautiful flower to have in your garden for color and for picking to take into the house. There are two very important factors with planting mums. One is that you must have the right kind of chrysanthemum and two you must plant it at the proper time. There are two types of mum plants. One is the garden center plant and the other is the mail order plant. Scott, on the video, recommends the mail order plant. The garden center plant will only last one season where the mail o...

How To: Distinguish different types of bulbs

In this tutorial, Scott Atkinson shows us how to identify different types of bulbs. Common types of bulbs are: tulip, daffodil and lily. These are most easily identified but there are many that appear in flowers. A core looks similar to a bulb but it is a solid tissue and doesn't have an leaves, just a hard core with a protective covering. There is also tubers which are what potatoes and other foods grow from. These cause eyes to form and create different types of things to grow. You will now...

How To: Care for clematis

Scott from Spring Hill Nursery gives advice on caring for clematis, a beautiful plant that is easy to grow. Clematis blooms in late summer or early fall, and thrives in almost any conditions. It does fine in either full sun or a partly shaded location, but you should use mulch around the roots to keep them cool.

How To: Care for hydrangeas

Scott from Spring Hill Nursery with Step by Step Gardening teaches you some basics about hydrangea plants. He talks about how to take care of the plants, how to ensure blooming, and some planting considerations. Hydrangea plants need at least five hours a day in order to bloom so they should not be planted in very shady locations. The blooms can be pink, blue, green, or white, depending on the variety and soil conditions. The blooms can be used in bouquets, or dried for use in crafts. The pla...

How To: Plant bulbs

Scott from Spring Hill Nursery with Step by Step Gardening talks about planting fall bulbs. Planting bulbs is very easy. You just need a shovel, good soil, and lots of water. The bulbs he plants are tulips bulbs, lily bulbs, glad corms, and iris rhizomes. All of these must be planted in the fall to bloom in the spring. It's easiest to dig one big hole - about 6-8" deep - and plant all of your bulbs at once. A random pattern yields a natural look. Once you've placed your bulbs, put about 2"-3"...

How To: Remedy stretch marks

Robert Scott shows us in this video how to remedy stretch marks. Stretch marks can be caused by excess of weight gain, muscle building or anything that occurs over a short period of time and breaks down the fibers in the skin. They are not really curable but they are treatable. They can be minimized by a few different treatments. Laser treatment can be done in an aesthetician or physician's office, depending on which state you live in. This builds up the collagen and rebuilds the dermal layer...

How To: Convert color images to black and white in Aperture

This Software video tutorial shows how to convert color images to black and white in Aperture. Scott Bourne presents this video. Open up ‘aperture’ program and select a color photo that you want to convert to black and white. Now move from the ‘projects’ page to the ‘adjustments’ page by clicking on it. Then click on the ‘+’ sign and select ‘Monochrome Mixer’. When you do this, the picture instantly turns to black and white. It’s as simple and easy as that. For editing the picture further, on...

How To: Cover up an old tattoo

In this Beauty and Style category video tutorial you will learn how to cover up an old tattoo. The video is presented by Robert Scott, aesthetician from RSFaceBody. You have a life long relationship with your tattoo. But, if you want to cover it up for any event like a wedding, the first choice is to do that with clothing. Of course, it will depend on where your tattoo is. If it can’t be covered with clothing, you may have to use make-up. You start with the lightest foundation first and slowl...

How To: Remove corn from the cob

Toni Tanner Scott from Family Digest Magazine demonstrates the process of removing corn from the cob. First, it is recommended that you cut away the pointed tip of the corn. Then carefully remove the husk and all silk from the corn. Hold your shucked corn upright in a large shallow bowl. Using a very sharp knife and remembering to always cut away from yourself, remove the corn kernels by cutting downward as close to the cob as possible about three or four rows of corn at a time. Continue to r...

How To: Change a flat bike tire easily

In this video, Scott Paisley shows you how to change a flat bike tire. First, he will teach you how to find why the tire is flat, and how to make sure your tire is free of thorns or other debris that may flatten a new tube, should you put one in. Paisley demonstrates clearly and step-by-step how to change a bike tire. You will also learn tips and tricks to make things easier. Don't stop riding your bike just because you have a flat tire! Watch this video and learn how to fix it correctly.

How To: Use a pocket knife

Scott Cook gives you some very easy tips to use your pocket knife carefully. Some of the tips to use your pocket knife carefully are: Always choose a knife with a lock so that it does fold accidentally and a firm handle comfortable to use. Always use your knife away from you while carving. Hold it firmly to carve easily and make sure nobody is around you while using your knife. You can also dig using it and to drill hold it firmly straight and rotate the knife.

How To: Make glass buttons using a multi- mandrel

See how to use a Multi-Mandrel and watch demonstrator Scott make a set of buttons in no time flat in this how-to video. The multi-mandrel hold several pieces of glass as they're shaped into buttons, beads, or the desired craft project. Watch this video glass-work tutorial series and learn how to make glass buttons using a multi-mandrel.