Scientists Search Results

How To: Make aluminum nitrate nonahydrate

Aluminum nitrate nonahydrate is a crystalline hydrate - a salt of aluminum and nitric acid - Al(NO3)3·9H2O. It's used for a variety of things such as antiperspirants, corrosion inhibitors, and petroleum refining, or… glow-in-the-dark powder. Watch this science video tutorial from Nurd Rage on how to make aluminum nitrate nonahydrate with Dr. Lithium.

How To: Make nitric acid

Watch this science video tutorial from Nurd Rage on how to make nitric acid. They show three ways to make nitric acid based on two different chemical approaches, both of which can be done using easily accessible materials.

How To: Turn pennies into silver and gold coins with zinc

One of the most famous and repeated chemistry experiments involves money. Some would say this is more of a trick than an experiment, but you can be the judge of that. No one can just turn pennies into silver or gold coins, but someone with a few chemicals can. So, if you want to cooler cents in your pocket, try out this chemistry trick yourself. Nurd Rage (Dr. Lithium) shows you how to turn pennies into silver and gold coins using zinc.

How To: Make blue phosphorescent glow-in-the-dark powder

Making a blue glowing substance is easy, as long as you already know the secret to making green luminescent phosphorescent glow powder. By watching the green glow-in-the-dark procedure, you know that you will need strontium nitrate, aluminum nitrate, europium and dysprosium nitrates, and nitric acid. That will make a green glow, but if you want to make a blue version, it's a relatively easy fix...

How To: Passivate titanium metal for electrochemistry

If you want to make some electrodes for electrochemistry, titanium strips are the way to go. It's rather interesting metal, and it's really hard, but can be cut with standard metalworking tools. Titanium filings are highly flammable, just like iron filings. But not everything is what it seems… this quick video on titanium and passivation electrochemistry tells why it makes it a bad anode if used without further treatment.

How To: Make copper sulfate and zinc batteries

Watch this science video tutorial from Nurd Rage on how to make copper sulfate and zinc batteries. They show you how to make the classic copper sulfate and zinc battery using the incredibly easy "gravity" battery design approach. Great for science fairs and similar projects this battery can be used to explore many basic concepts in batteries.