School Lunches Search Results

How To: Get an Ivy League scholarship

Ivy League schools are a students wet dream, but not everyone can get into them. Even fewer get scholarships for them. But in recent years, Ivy League universities have raised the number of scholarships they award to students. More students are seeking awards, making the application process for these scholarships very competitive.

How To: Attracting birds to your garden

Bird feeding is something everyone can do. But keeping the birds in your garden can be just as easy. This how to video gives you a few tips that will help you attract the most popular wild species of birds and entice them to stay for more than a quick lunch.

How To: Make a Indian inspired frittata

Recipes for the frittata can be quite simple, you can use any combination of ingredients you have around the kitchen. And the result are excellent for breakfast , brunches or lunch. In this how to video we show you step by step how to make a fritata with a few ingredients typical of Indian food and of course eggs.

How To: Make kosher bagels

Bagels are a great addition to any breakfast or lunch table. Learn how to make your own kosher bagels from scratch. Ingredients needed are active dry yeast, water, sugar, salt, all-purpose flour.

News: Mumbai in Augmented Reality

GO BANANAS in collaboration with Transhuman Collective presents Mumbai in spectacular Augmented Reality. The visitors at the MCHI Property Show 2013 had a blast while experiencing different elements of Mumbai in this surreal zone. They travelled inside future Mumbai, took blessings from Lord Ganesha, Broke the Dahi handi, The Dabbawala delivered them lunch and could play the hero inside a Bollywood action shoot.

How To: Make quick lunches with food roll-ups

Hetal and Anuja from Show Me the Curry! show you how to make quick lunches with food roll ups. You will need to first add oil to a warm skillet. You can use tortillas or chipotle. The top side with the smaller spots should be face down in the skillet for about 15-20 seconds then flip. Next beat an egg well and season with salt and pepper, then pour it over the tortilla that is still in the skillet. You should lower the heat and cover it for about a minute. Using the spatula, flip it over and ...

How To: Make the perfect sandwich

Yearning to know the secret behind a great homemade sandwich? This video claims they know how. If your growling stomach sounds like a caged animal, you can satiate that ravenous beast without having to scrub a bunch of pots and pans afterwards.

How To: Calculate hours worked in days in Microsoft Excel

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 598th installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to create a formula to calculate hours worked given an in time, an out time and an in and out time for the lunch break. Learn about how time in Excel is the proportion of one 24 hour day.

How To: Make a talking booby trap

Having trouble with people snatching your stuff? Did someone take your lunch from the company fridge? Here is an inexpensive, sneaky gizmo you can make to keep those sticky fingers away. This is a junk drawer hack from Make Magazine's Kipkay. It's activated when an item is moved from it, triggering a clothes pin to close and activate the voice command. See how to make a talking booby track in this video tutorial with KipKay!

How To: The Best Times to Make Important Decisions

Decisions are rarely easy to make, and there are countless ways to mull your options over. You can sleep on it, pluck flower petals, make a list of pros and cons, or even follow the advice of a psychic. Yet to make the best decision possible, you might want to consider holding off until a certain time of the day—or even until you feel specific emotions. The state you find yourself in has significant impact on each decision you make.

How To: Read a tree diagram when studying probability

In this video the tutor shows how to read a tree diagram. He shows an example of a tree diagram and says that tree diagram represents the choices made by a student in a cafeteria by ordering different kinds of foods and the chain in which the they are ordered. Now every combination that a student can choose at their lunch is mapped out in the form of a tree diagram. Now any choice a real student takes at the cafeteria can be mapped out to the tree diagram through the different branches. Now t...