Sailing Ship Search Results

How To: Hack with Hacme Shipping

Foundstone Hacme Shipping is a web-based shipping application developed by Foundstone to demonstrate common web application hacking techniques such as SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting and Escalation of Privileges as well as Authentication and Authorization flaws and how they are manifested in the code. Written in ColdFusion MX 7 using the Model-Glue framework and a MySQL database, the application emulates the on-line services provided by major shipping companies. This video will get you st...

How To: Get free shipping from Amazon if you're a student

Do you order a lot of stuff off the internet, but find your bank account being decimated by shipping charges? Well, if you're an Amazon shopper and are currently a student, then you're in luck! This video will show you how you can use your student status to get a year of Amazon Prime for free, which includes free 2-day shipping on all orders! Just go here.

How To: Create sail & sun airbrushed nail art

In this video, the viewer is shown how to do "sail and sun" airbrushed nail art. His inspiration for this nail art was a picture of a sunset he saw. The nails start off with a base coat of white, and then get layered on with red, orange, and yellow. He then proceeds to add in the details, including the sun, water, and even waves. After watching this video, the viewer will not only have a better understanding of how airbrushed nail art is done, but also how to do quality airbrush nail art hims...

How To: Tie a Tautline Hitch knot

Learn how to tie a Tautline Hitch - a good gripping hitch that is quick to tie and resists sliding when the pull is parallel to the object to which it is tied. It is quite similar to the Rolling Hitch. This is a fine knot for camping, climbing, sailing or Boy Scout training.

How To: Tie a Prusik Hitch knot

Learn how to tie a Prusik Knot - sometimes misspeled "Prussik" - A bi-directional gripping knot that strongly resists sliding when the pull is parallel to the object to which it is tied. It can be used as an aid to ascend or climb another rope. This is a fine knot for camping, climbing, sailing or Boy Scout training.

How To: Tie a Rolling Hitch knot

Learn how to tie a Rolling Hitch - a useful knot for attaching a rope to a railing, post, or another rope where the pull is along the length of the fixed object. It isn't as good at resisting slipping as an Icicle Hitch, but it is a good deal quicker to tie. This is a good knot for sailing, boating, general outdoors and even bondage.

How To: Tie a Draw Hitch or Thief Hitch

Learn how to tie a Draw or Thief Hitch - a means of securing a rope with two standing ends - one end is load bearing, and the other can be pulled to release the knot. I used this knot extensively for raising the mast on my first trailor-sailor - Tie this above the spreaders, stand the mast up, then pull on the release line to untie it without having to climb aloft. This knot can be used in sailing, boating, general use, camping and bondage.

How To: Tie the Handcuff knot

Learn how to tie a Handcuff Knot. This is a handy knot for those times when an emergency set of handcuffs are needed :) Firefighters also use this knot, coupled with a half hitch over each loop, as a man harness. This knot can be used in sailing, boating, general use, camping and bondage.

How To: Tie a Thief Knot

This video shows you how to tie a Thief Knot. This knot looks a Reef Knot to the casual observer and so can be used to determine if a thief is tampering with your belongings bag - secure it with a Thief Knot, and if you find it re-tied with a Reef Knot, you know someone has been messing with your stuff. This is used in sailing, boating, general use, camping and bondage.

How To: Pull a 313 kiteboarding

Learn how to do a 313 with Flysurfer teamrider Mathias Wichmann. Kite surfing or kiteboarding is a hybrid sport combining kite sailing and wakeboarding in open water. It's a high endurance sport that uses your whole core to keep you flying high on the surf.

How To: Build your K'NEX Pirate Ship Park

K'NEX is one of the most popular construction toys on the market, right next to Lincoln Logs and LEGOs, but what makes K'NEX stand out is the fact that children can build mechanically derived toys. Instead of blocks or little logs, kids use interconnecting plastic rods and connectors, which give them tons of contraptions to build and play with. Today, K NEX has even more possibilities with wheels, pulleys, panels and flexi-rods to make amusement park roller coasters, airplanes, animals, bikes...

How To: Get to the farlands in Minecraft

Sure, you've sailed the oceans and you've explored the nether, but have you been to the farlands yet? The farlands are the area at the very edge of the map of your Minecraft world. Watch this video to learn the coordinates of the farlands and how to get to them.

How To: Tie a Klemheist Hitch knot

Learn how to tie a Klemheist Hitch - This is a gripping knot made using a loop of small diameter rope applied to the main line or object. It greatly resists slipping when the pull is parallel to the main line. This is a good knot for sailing, boating, general outdoors and even bondage.

How To: Tie an Icicle Hitch knot

Learn how to tie an Icicle Hitch - A superb gripping knot that strongly resists slipping, stainless steel or other smooth surfaces, when the pull is parallel to the object to which it is tied. This is a good knot for sailing, boating, general outdoors and even bondage.