Research Search Results

How To: Redeem a code for Microsoft Points (Xbox 101)

In this tutorial, we learn how to redeem a code for Microsoft Points (Xbox 101). First, you will need to log onto your Xbox Live account on your console. From here, pick a game that you want to purchase. Make sure you research the information about the game and you really want it, because you cannot return it. After this, choose the option to redeem a code and then type in the code for your Microsoft Points. After you do this, you will be bale to purchase the game that you want and you will h...

How To: Slice up a fresh pineapple

Brian demonstrates a simple method of cutting a pineapple in this entertaining video. He starts reviewing some pineapple research. Pineapples are named after pinecones! Brian also discusses the concerns of eating pineapple for people with certain health conditions. First twist and pull off the flower top of the pineapple. Then cut off the top and bottom of the pineapple so that they are both flat surfaces. Then cut off the skin of the pineapple, retaining as much of the flesh as possible. Use...

How To: Make glow sticks with DEP, TCPO, sodium acetate & dye

If you prefer glow sticks over candles during a power outage, then this how-to is for you! Although glow sticks are used as temporary light sources, there are other applications for them. Divers use them for night diving, fisherman use them to catch swordfish, and the military uses them for light markers, along with infrared versions used in conjunction with night vision devices. But with all these handy uses for glow sticks, the most popular is — recreational use, like dancing at raves, some...

How To: Tag your name using LED light throwies

This is a complex process, but the guys at Graffiti Research Lab have armed you with detailed written instructions and this video on how to create a night writer. This is a more complicated version of their LED throwies that allows you to catch a tag in lights. You'll never need an airpline skywriter again!

How To: Use a focus group for new brand name candidates

Focus groups strike fear into the hearts of even the most season marketer, and with good reason. In a world where everything is subject to change based on public opinion, from movie endings, to popcorn flavors, to logo colors, focus groups can make or break a new idea, but it doesn't have to be that way. A focus group is just a way to gather opinions in a vigorous way and can be very useful. Watch this video tutorial to use a focus group to develop and test a new brand name or corporate ident...

How To: Do remote viewing and learn how it works

Excerpts from a presentation by Dr. Simeon Hein at the International UFO Congress, 2005. Dr. Hein is the director of the Institute for Resonance in Boulder, Colorado. The Institute is devoted to the study of subtle-energy sciences including remote viewing, crop circles and related subjects. Dr. Hein has a Ph.D. in sociology and has previously taught research methodology and statistic courses. Dr. Hein first learned remote viewing in 1996 and subsequently became involved in crop circle researc...

How To: Preserve tracks properly during your expedition

Whether it's research, a school project or term paper, going on an expedition, what have you, having to preserve animal tracks should be a part of your bag of tricks that you can do. But don't just grab some random plaster of paris and just start pouring. Check out this video first and learn how to properly preserve the animal tracks that you find in the wild.

How To: Use BlackSheep to thwart the password stealing Firesheep in Firefox

If you're scared of using public Wi-Fi networks with Firesheep out and about, then maybe you should fight back. Don't switch to another web browser— keep using Firefox safely with the help of a new Firefox Add-on that combats Firesheep's password stealing capabilities. It's called BlackSheep, and when installed and running, it will alert you whenever Firesheep is active on your network connection.

How To: Pick a safe chemical lightening/whitening cream

You'd think that in the United States we have more of a problem of women wanting to look tan year round than white and pale. But many women actually crave the vampirish pale complexion, and because not all of them are born with it, some turn to whitening/lightening creams. Some women also turn to these creams because they claim to fade dark spots.

How To: Set up and format papers in MLA style in Microsoft Word

Research papers, love them, hate them, either way, the standard for writing them are a pain in the butt if you haven't done it a lot, or at all, before. The standard is MLA style, and if you have no idea what this is or how to set up the settings in Microsoft Word, this video has everything you're looking for. You will learn how to set up the page for MLA style, add in works cited properly, page titles, and more.

How To: List transferable skills on your resume

Learning to highlight transferable skills on your resume is good for recent college graduates or if you are new to a job field because it shows that you have good characteristics that can be applied to your new job. For example, showing your communication skills is very important. Research planning is also critical. Show that you set goals for yourself and that you have clear ideas. Also, giving examples of when you used teamwork in past work experience in your life or in your career is benef...

How To: Flash LiteOn DG-16D2S XBox 360 disc drive firmware

So you've watched this video, done your research, and decided that you want to flash the firmware on your XBox 360 with a LiteOn DG-16D2S rev. 7485 disc drive. Good for you! This video will walk you through the whole process. Be very careful, as messing up in small ways at any point can ruin the results which, when done properly, are really awesome.

How To: Lower blood pressure with a hot pepper chicken recipe

Maintaining a health blood pressure level is a good health strategy. One way to do this is by eating healthy foods. Research has shown that foods with hot spices can reduce blood pressure levels. This video will take you through a recipe to prepare hot pepper chicken. The ingredients are boneless chicken, hot cayenne pepper, ground ginger, ground garlic, black pepper, liquid smoke, 10 cherry tomatoes, fresh garlic, habaneras peppers, jalapeños peppers, and fresh ginger it. To sweeten the reci...

How To: Use Zotero to create bibliographies & citations

Learn to use Zotero to create bibliographies and citations with this tutorial. In addition, collect and organize information from all sources. So help correct the sources research paper. Before using the excitation features, make sure to select and prepare the style of your paper. If you are not sure ask your instructor. She has a preference style. You will select by clicking on the action button +preference then choose the style. It will include the number of most common style. You can downl...

How To: Use a DVR unit for trans-communication

Ronnie from the East Coast trans-communication organization explains how to use the group's DVR Unit and why it's so important to the team. A DVR unit consists of a unit, monitor, and the cameras that feed into it, and are used to capture supernatural research. Infrared and night vision cameras are especially useful in recording paranormal activities. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to use a DVR unit while ghost-hunting or doing supernatural research.

How To: Write an executive summary

An executive summary is one of the most important parts of your business career, because it's the first thing investors will look at. Placed at the beginning of a business plan, the executive summary is the hook that lures investors into wanting to learn more about your business. See how to write one in the best way possible.

How To: Hypnotize someone

Hypnosis can be used to manage pain, relieve anxiety, conquer phobias, prepare for childbirth, and cure insomnia, among other things. With a little practice and some simple techniques, you can amuse your friends or help them break a habit through hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize someone with help from this how-to video.

How To: Improve video search by parsing video & text

This is a Google Tech Talk from March, 26 2008. Timothee Cour - Research Scientist lectures. Movies and TV are a rich source of highly diverse and complex video of people, objects, actions and locales "in the wild". Harvesting automatically labeled sequences of actions from video would enable creation of large-scale and highly-varied datasets. To enable such collection, we focus on the task of recovering scene structure in movies and TV series for object/person tracking and action retrieval. ...

How To: Negotiate your salary the right way

Congratulations, you've landed the job! But you have no idea how much you're going to make, or what sort of offer you're getting. Watch this video as Brad Karsh walks you through each step of negotiation, even before you get into the interview. Do your research, and make sure you'll be getting paid what you deserve.