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How To: Shave your face without clips

In this video from wheezywaiter we learn how to shave your face and trim your beard the right way. First take your shirt off and grab your razor. He uses the nude razor, meaning he does not put any clips on it. Scruff your beard so it all sticks out. Then with your razor, run it lightly along the surface of the beard. You have more control over it this way because you are not using one of those unpredictable clips. Throw away the clips because the best method to trimming your beard is just us...

How To: Use sugar wax to remove arm hair naturally

In this video, sugaring specialist Anjali teaches us how to use sugar wax, which is a natural and slightly more gentle alternative to normal wax, to remove unsightly arm hair. Composed only of three ingredients, sugar, water, and lemon juice, sugar wax removes hair without drying skin out like normal waxes.

How To: Groom men's eyebrows

In this video, we learn how to groom men's eyebrows with Aaron Marino. You will need: high quality tweezers, small scissors, fine tooth comb, and a pencil. First, use the pencil and place along the inside and outside of your eye to know where your eyebrow should start and stop. Now, take your tweezers and pluck the middle of your eyebrows, as well as the outside and underneath of the eyebrow. Next, take the comb and brush against the grain. Trim the hairs that come up at the top, making sure ...

How To: Shape & fill in your eyebrows

Eyebrows are an important part of your face. They really define your eyes and even your cheeks! If you are having trouble with your brows, check out this tutorial. In it, you will learn how to shape and fill in your eyebrows so that they stand out and make an impact. If you have sparse brows or are just looking for a bit of definition, take the advice offered in this tutorial and stand out.

How To: Tweeze, shape & groom eyebrows

In this video from kandeejohnson we learn how to tweeze, shape, and groom eyebrows. Must have tools for this are tweezer, a curved pair of cuticle scissors, an eyebrow brush, and mini razors. First find the dimensions of your eyebrow. Take the eyebrow brush and using the stick part of it and place it on the side of your nose and go straight upwards. Right where it goes straight up is where your eyebrow should begin. So tweeze everything between there. To find the arch, go from side of the nos...

How To: Prepare your face for a barbershop shave

Find out how to give yourself the perfect beard treatment as common misconceptions are unveiled. This video will not only show you how to execute the simple processes of shaving correctly, but also tell us what not to do, and why the barbers we have been going to have not strictly been doing their job right! For a good shave the hot towel should be applied before the lather is applied to the beard. This makes for a smoother and more effective shave, not to mention a more comfortable one. This...

How To: Get a 5 o'clock shadow at 9am

This is an easy way to create a 5 o'clock shadow on your beard at 9am. All you need to accomplish this is an electric hair razor like you would use on the hair on your head. You have to take the clips off so it's only the blade, and while it may seem dangerous it is actually safer then using a straight razor in terms of cutting yourself. What you have to do is just be careful and use the electric razor on your full beard, which should take around 2 minutes to complete. So, in 2 minutes you ca...

How To: Get an Italian barber shave

This video describes the process of getting a perfect Italian barber shave. The presenter suggests that shaving cream be applied with a shaving brush to loosen the facial hair and moisturize the skin. Shaving in the shower or directly after the shower is best, because the beard will have had a chance to loosen up while in the shower. The presenter then lathers up his face and shaves for a first pass. Next he will re-lather his face for a second pass. When finished shaving the second pass, the...

How To: Shave when you're starting out

This is a very quick and simple tutorial on how to shave using a disposable razor bought from a store. You have to begin by taking whatever kind of shaving cream you have and applying it to the area you want to shave. In this video tutorial, it will be applied to the lower face for a clean and neat shave. When applying the shaving cream make sure to rub it in completely and make it a nice thick lather and then turn on the hot water on your sink. Run the blade under hot water until the blade i...

How To: Get a barbershop shave on your own

This video explains how to get a barbershop shave on your own, using an easy method without causing skin to harden, smoothening the hair and skin, providing a deeper shave. Then, "Back shave" can also be done and that too in different directions. Cream will allow hair to come out smoothly. Now, take the razor and slice the hair down, if skin is not smooth, go back and slice the hair down again and clean it by applying water in dry areas or places where not shaved otherwise it will cause skin ...

How To: Shave your head and avoid cuts

This video demonstrates the proper technique to shave your head without getting cuts. First the presenter starts by shaving his head a pair of clippers. After the hair is trimmed he fills the sink with water to clean the razor off. The presenter suggests you take a shower before shaving your head to open the pores and loosen the hair. Then you apply the shaving cream to your head and massage it into the scalp. The presenter begins shaving the sides of his head, washing the razor after ever on...

How To: Prevent razor burn and ingrown hairs when shaving

In this video, which is another installment of Masc Minute, we learn about razor burns, and how to prevent and treat razor burns. One thing is that you don't want to be using a dull razor. As soon as your razor is done, throw it out, because that will definitely irritate your skin. You also want to use a good shaving cream that will protect your skin. But something you can do to help treat razor burns specifically is using a post-shave repair product. The product recommended in this video is ...

How To: Shave correctly to avoid razor bumps

One of the biggest problems men face today is razor bumps. They are irritating and unsightly. This problem occurs more frequently in people who have curly hair. You need to follow the steps below to minimize ingrown hairs and the unsightly razor bumps they create. Use a facial scrub before shaving. This helps raise the hairs from under the skin and prevents them from growing back into the skin. Do not pull the skin tight when shaving. Always allow your skin to expand under hot water for at le...

How To: Shave pubic hair for men

The pubic area is a very, very tricky area, when trying to shave and so in this video, Dan and Jennifer from Ask Dan and Jennifer try to supply some useful tips and tricks for this delicate operation. First, you need the proper tools. These include, Dan and Jennifer say, a good electric trimmer, a razor that's not a straight razor and of course shaving cream. Secondly, always use the trimmer and then razor on the surrounding pubic hair, not the main area, first. Third, you want to go, from ar...

How To: Thread your eyebrows

Here is one method for threading eyebrows. You can mask off your eyebrows that you don't want taken away with scotch tape. Then you don't have to worry about taking out any hairs that you want to stay. Threading your eyebrows removes your hair at the follicle, for a longer lasting effect.

How To: Get rid of unwanted facial hair for women

Get the lowdown on all the ways to remove pesky facial hair—from the brand new to the tried and true. Different options: threading, laser hair removal, intense pulsed light treatment, electrolysis, facial bleach, a waxing treatment or kit, tweezers, and prescription cream Vaniqa (optional). There are many hair removal options, so watch this video and choose the one that is best for you.

How To: Shave Your Legs

Shaving legs is a long tradition. It's easy to do and becomes second nature in time. Shaving your legs is a basic beauty routine that once adopted can easily become second nature. You need to start slow, shaving the first few times in a bathtub is usually a good idea. That way you don't have water from the shower falling into your eyes and you can really focus on what you're doing. Buy a nice razor, one that has a swivel head to get those hard to reach places like the ankles and knees, and st...

How To: Shave your face

Should you skip shaving and save yourself from potential razor burn, or should you get a nice close shave and save a loved one from certain whisker burn? Learn to shave correctly, and you'll solve this burning question to everyone's satisfaction.

How To: Groom your pubic hair

This is a topic that gets a lot of attention. Want to get rid of your pubic hair? Make sure you don't jump for the razor just yet. Waxing, electrolysis, shaving: they're all options. To best avoid in-grown hairs, razor burn and keep your bikini groomed for more time-- she recommends waxing!

How To: Shave your legs

Our shaving expert, Sabrina Bow, will show you the proper way to shave your legs, leaving your skin soft and sexy. Get tips on how to prepare your skin before you shave, how to use shaving gel, how to choose a razor, moisturizer tips—and more important techniques for getting the best possible result.