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News: Apple Just Released the First iOS 12.1.1 Beta to Developers

Apple wastes no time with betas. Right on the heels of the official release of iOS 12.1, Apple released the first beta for iOS 12.1.1 to developers on Wednesday, Oct. 31. The update comes just one day after iOS 12.1, which itself was in beta development for 43 days this year. The denotation for 12.1.1 indicates it's a minor update over 12.1, and there are only a few things in its release notes.

News: Apple Released iOS 12.1 Public Beta 2 to Software Testers with New Emoji & Chargegate Fix

Public beta testers will be pleased to know that the second iOS 12.1 beta has just become available for iPhones. The Tuesday, Oct. 2 update features an impressive 70+ new emoji for testers to enjoy, including bald emoji, emoji with red hair, gray hair, and curly hair, among many others, as well as a patch for iPhone XS and XS Max devices suffering from charging issues.

News: The Galaxy S8 Once Had a Home Button & It Looked Terrible

It looks like Samsung was thinking about slapping a little nub of a home button on the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus. This is according to a patent published by the European Trade Mark and Design Network, uncovered by Android Headlines. Despite having a nearly bezel-less display on their latest flagships, the South Korean manufacturer apparently considered modeling the design after last year's Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge.

News: HoloSuit Proof of Concept Uses Full Body Motion to Control the HoloLens

Here at NextReality, we talk a lot about the many different ways of controlling holograms in the HoloLens and other augmented and mixed reality devices; New and creative ways are coming more and more every day. Most recently is something called the HoloSuit. In the 25-second clip below, you can see a woman moving the arm of a jacket which in turn moves a 3D model of Darth Vader on the screen. It's a simple idea with big potential.

How To: Identify Fake Ray-Ban Wayfarer Sunglasses

How can you tell if the pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarer sunglasses that you are about to buy online are not a fake? Follow these 9 simple steps to verify the authenticity of your purchase. Always ask the seller to use the youVerify app prior to purchase. It's Smarter Selling & Safer Shopping.

News: Apple Releases iOS 13.4 Developer Beta 4 for iPhone

March is looking to be an eventful month for Apple. Even with coronavirus throwing the tech industry into uncertainty, we still expect Apple to release the iPhone SE 2, the long-awaited follow up to the iPhone SE. Is it possible we'll also see iOS 13.4 fully released this month? We wouldn't be surprised if we do, seeing as Apple just released its fourth developer beta.

News: Apple Just Released iOS 13.2 Developer Beta 2 for iPhone, Introduces New Emoji

While most users are on iOS 13.1.2, you have the option to run something a bit newer. We're talking about beta testing, specifically iOS 13.2. Apple released the first developer and public betas for 13.2 last Thursday, Oct. 3. Now, the company is doing it all over again, with the release of iOS 13.2 developer beta 2.