Reference Worth Search Results

How To: Cite footnotes for an English paper

In this video from thedarkwanderer we learn how to footnote your references in a paper. For this you need a list of your references used. Place a superscript right after the last word that you want to acknowledge. Then place the note proper at the bottom of the same page. Put the footnote numeral slightly raised followed by the note proper. Make sure that the superscript number corresponds to the number of the footnote. Keep the footnotes flush with the paragraphs of your text. Footnotes comi...

How To: Cook duck breast with sweet potato mash

In this clip, learn how to make an Irish specialty: duck breast with sweet potato mash. This tasty dish is a little more complicated than some other meals but is well worth it. If you are looking for a way to impress your in-laws or please your picky guests, try this recipe out. This is a delicious succulent duck dish with simple mashed sweet potatoes and a balsamic reduction.

How To: Pour a perfect Irish Guinness & top it with a shamrock

Guinness is a fantastic beer straight out of Ireland and not one that is to be enjoyed quickly. You are meant to slowly pour and slowly savor this tasty stout. In this tutorial, learn how to pour a perfect Guinness from the tap and top it with a shamrock - just like in Ireland! Any Guinness fan knows, that pint is worth the wait, so give it a try!

How To: Pair your phone with a 2009 Nissan head unit

In this video, learn how to pair your Bluetooth enabled phone with your new 2009 Nissan head unit. This procedure should work with multiple Nissan models and is not as simple as other car makers, but is equally effective. This will take a few extra minutes but is worth it in terms of safety and simplicity once it is up and running.

How To: Fix other people's Microsoft Excel spreadsheets

Whether you're interested in learning Microsoft Excel from the bottom up or just looking to pick up a few tips and tricks, you're in the right place. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, ExcelIsFun, the 26th installment in his "Highline Excel Class" series of free video Excel lessons, you'll learn how to use spreadsheet construction guidelines to fix common problems:

How To: Change columns from letters to numbers in Excel 2007

Teach Excel demonstrates how to change the columns from letters to numbers in Excel 2007. The first step is to click on the Office button in the top left part of the window. Next, you click on Excel Options and click on the Formulas tab. There should be a heading labeled "Working with Formulas." The checkbox for R1C1 reference style should be unchecked by default. Check that box and click OK. This changes the column headers from letters to numbers. In order to change back to letters, simply g...

How To: Make crab cakes like a chef

In this tutorial from Food Wishes, learn how to make delicious crab cakes from chef John... A classic entertaining idea great for a warm meal with friendsand family! Make sure to get fresh ingredients and to take your time. These are worth the work!

How To: Train your cat to play fetch

Who says you can’t play fetch with a cat? You just have to make it worth Fluffy’s time. You will need a cat, patience and rewards. Tip: Don't yell! Cats don't respond well to loud noises. Don't use "no" during training, as this should be reserved for important things like not shredding furniture.

How To: Fix air leaks in your home & save on your heating bill

Having a 1/16-inch unsealed crack around a window is like leaving that window open 3 inches. Decrease your heating bill and your energy use by sealing up air leaks. You will need caulk cartridges, a caulking gun, a putty knife, weather stripping and optional: expanding foam sealant. Tip: Caulking guns with an automatic release create much less mess than simple caulk guns and are well worth the extra few dollars.

How To: Jailbreak an iPhone with PwnageTool 2.0.1

This video tutorial will show you how to use the Dev Team PwnageTool 2.0.1 to Jailbreak and unlock the orignal iPhone with 2.0 software update. This is also how to jail break the iPhone 3G on Mac and Windows. It can't get any easier than watching this easy to follow video. Jailbreaking is easy... and worth it.

How To: Turn poi with "3-beat weaves"

This video is for those newer to poi: A poi lesson on turning with the 3-beat weaves. It is worth watching even if you can do the move, as it will help you teach it to others. Enjoy! : This is filmed in a cool artist space in Berlin.

How To: Draw curvy steps using pens

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw curvy steps using pens. To start, you will first draw a horizontal line with a point in it. From here, you will need to draw lines coming out of the point. These lines will act as your reference point for the different items in the drawing. Next, draw the steps using the reference points. The one at the bottom should be larger, getting smaller as you work your way up. Draw these using the triangle shape in sort of a wedge. Shade in the bottom area to cre...

How To: Draw Ino from Naruto

In this video, we learn how to draw Ino from Naruto. Start off by drawing a circle for the head, then drawing lines in the middle to create reference for where the facial features will go. After this, draw in the hair on the top of the head along with the eyes, eyebrows, and creases of the eye. Then, draw the jaw line around the face and erase the lines you used for reference. After this, add in additional lines and hair to make it look more realistic. Use shading around the face to show ligh...

How To: Draw hands without references

In this video we learn how to draw hands without references. First, draw the basic structure of the hand using a photo to make sure it's true to size. After this, draw on boxes and circles to create the wrist, hand, and the knuckles. Then, you will draw on straight lines for the bones in the thumb. After this, start to add details of the fingers and make out their basic shape. As you continue with details, erase any background lines and start to add lines in for wrinkles on the skin. Finish t...