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How To: Play your first tone or note on the flute

You've just received your first flute! Now how to play it? This video starts by demonstrates the correct way to handle your flute and separate the mouthpiece from the body of the instrument. Then you're shown the proper technique for blowing into the mouth piece to get your first music tone or note. It's just like a whistle!

How To: Use a Japanese printo gocco for printing projects

In this tutorial, learn how to use a Japanese paper printer called a Print Gocco. This device is used to print beautiful, uniform projects so that you can make many designs, quickly. This is great to use for wedding invitations or programs. This video will show you exactly what to do once you receive this fun printing press in the mail - all the way from Japan!

How To: Filter your Gmail with the 'plus' sign

Looking for an easy way to cut down on the spam you receive at your main Gmail account? With plus (+) sign filtering, it's easy! So easy, in fact, that this free home computing how-to can present a complete (and somewhat talky) overview of the process in just over a minute's time. For specifics, and to regain control over your email account, watch this PC user's guide.

How To: Fix your iPod video without having to restore it

If you've ever received that grim error message from your iPod that tells you that you have to restore it, then you know what it feels like to stare down the threat of losing all your hard-acquired music files. This video teaches you how to make your iPod work again without having to restore it, preserving both the functionality of the iPod and your extensive MP3 and video library.

How To: Make thank you cards with Stampin' Up!

Handmade cards are a great way to show someone you love you care about them. In this video hosted by Stampin' Up! expert Dawn, learn how to create fun mini thank you notes! Give one as a return thank you for a gift received or give one to that special someone to thank them for being in your life.

How To: Access a port-a-cath in nursing

Studying to be a nurse? Then here is a nursing how-to video that teaches you how to access por-a-caths on a patient. Every nurse should know the basics of this technique, follow along and see how easy it is to identify and access port-a-caths on your patient so that they can receive their medication properly. These medical tips are sure to help you pass your nursing exam with flying colors.

How To: Grow and take care of poinsettia year round

More likely than not this holiday season you'll either be buying a poinsettia plant or will receive one as a hostess present. Rather than letting yours wither away and die as you forget repeatedly that it may need a little water to survive, check out this gardening tip video to learn how to take care of them year round.

How To: Send SMS text messages on a Windows Phone 7 smartphone

In this clip, we learn how to send and receive text messages on a Windows Phone 7. Whether you're the proud owner of a Microsoft Windows Phone 7 smartphone or are merely considering picking one up, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, including detailed instructions, and to get started using the messaging app on the Windows Phone 7 yourself, take a look!