Re Tweet Option Search Results

How To: Get Rid of Promoted Tweets in Your Twitter Timeline

More than a year ago, Twitter rolled out the first phase of its Promoted Tweets ad service, which consisted of selected tweets from advertising partners like Best Buy and Sony Pictures receiving "promoted" exposure in the search results pages on Twitter and in the trends lists. These ads were clearly labeled as such, so it was never any real bother to Twitter users.

How to Spy on Tweeters: Viewing Someone Else's Twitter Timeline with TwtRoulette

In today's world of social media, there's really only two powerhouses—Facebook and Twitter. And those of you with Twitter accounts know the power of a Tweet. Getting more followers means reaching more people, but the vast majority of Tweeters are following only a handful of Twitterers themselves. Do you ever wonder why them? What's so special about these selected followed users? Is it worth it to follow them, too? That's up to you, but if you're searching for more people to follow, then it's ...

How To: Speak Your Tweets (Egyptians Can Use Twitter via Voicemail)

You may have read an earlier post about Egypt blocking popular social websites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube due to demonstrators disseminating videos and photographs, along with coordinating movements, during the protests against President Hosni Mubarak. In that article, you learned how to use proxy servers and VPN services to bypass those website governmental blocks.

Hacking Twitter: See Who Unfollowed You with These Apps

Followers are everything. After all, you need someone to listen to your tweets about last night's episode of your favorite TV show. But what about when people unfollow your account? Not only have you lost part of your follower base, you have no idea who left. Luckily, there are tools out there to help you learn just that, even if Twitter itself won't give up the info.

How To: See First Twit of Any User in Twitter

This video will show you how to see first twit of any user in twitter. You could type in address bar and the site will be redirected to another place -tweet page. You have to enter the user name and twitter will fetch the first twit of that user. Watch the video and employ it yourself.

How To: Use Twitter Custom Timelines

Custom Timelines (CTs) allow you to control exactly which Tweets appear in a column on Tweetdeck. So if a particular event catches your eye as newsworthy you can tailor your CT to show what you consider to be the most relevant Tweets. These CTs can then be customized, shared and embedded on your website. This is a great way of increasing interaction on Twitter and sharing current, interesting and breaking news stories from any niche or subject

How To: Mine Twitter for Targeted Information with Twint

Open-source intelligence researchers and hackers alike love social media for reconnaissance. Websites like Twitter offer vast, searchable databases updated in real time by millions of users, but it can be incredibly time-consuming to sift through manually. Thankfully, tools like Twint can crawl through years of Twitter data to dig up any information with a single terminal command.

How To: Search Twitter results with Google's Update Search tool

Wish there were a way to search Twitter using Google Search? Well, there is! With Google's Update Search tool, it's easy! So easy, in fact, that this home-computing how-to from the folks at TekZilla can present a complete overview of the process in just over two minutes. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, and to get started searching tweets with Google, take a look.

How To: Create trending topics with hashtags on Twitter

In this clip, you'll learn how to incorporate hashtags or hash tags into your tweets on Twitter. What do President Obama, the Dalai Lama and Justin Bieber have in common? Why, they're all on Twitter, of course. Join the party. Whether you're new to Twitter's popular microblogging application or just missed a few of the essentials along the way, you're sure to benefit from this free video tutorial.

How To: Reply to someone else's tweet on Twitter

In this clip, Jay Goldman of Butterscotch explains the finer points of replying to people on Twitter. It may not sound like a complicated topic, but there's a lot more than meets the eye when you hit the Reply button. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started responding to other users' posts on Twitter yourself, watch this helpful microblogger's guide.

How To: Search for posts about a particular topic on Twitter

In this clip, you'll learn how to search for tweets abot a specific subject on Twitter. What do President Obama, the Dalai Lama and Justin Bieber have in common? Why, they're all on Twitter, of course. Join the party. Whether you're new to Twitter's popular microblogging application or just missed a few of the essentials along the way, you're sure to benefit from this free video tutorial.

How To: Make money on Twitter

This might sound like a bunch of baloney, but there are ways to make money using different social networking websites like Twitter and Facebook. Although you can't directly make money by tweeting something or commenting on a video, but there are ways to help attract attention to a song or video that can be purchased by people. So in this tutorial, you'll find out how to make money using some helpful tips, on Twitter. Enjoy!

How To: Shut Down Your PC and Send Other Commands Remotely Through Twitter Using TweetMyPC

Ever been halfway to work or school and suddenly remembered you forgot to log off your computer? A lot of people are constantly logged in to email and social media accounts, so if you have a mischievous roommate or sibling, this situation could be disastrous. That's where TweetMyPC comes in—it's a free Windows application that lets you send commands to your computer just by tweeting. Image by Twittermania

How To: Kill Twitter's New "Weekly Digest" Email

You may have noticed an unusual email from Twitter over the last couple of days that showed recent stories and tweets from those you follow. This is a new initiative from Twitter that gives you "the best of Twitter in your inbox". It's basically just a weekly summary of the most recent and relevant stories and tweets from your connections.

How To: Take Control of the Mouse & Keyboard in Python

While hackers adore the command line, working with the GUI (graphical user interface) of an operating system has some advantages. This is especially true when it comes to post-exploitation. When we can control the mouse and keyboard of a remote computer, we can truly say we have complete control over the device. Today, I'm going to introduce to you the PyAutoGUI module, which does just that, and just how much fun you can have with it!

News: Lenovo's Mixed Reality Headset Reportedly Arriving in August for $399

In the nascent AR/VR race, any release news is big news. For augmented reality, those invested in the new technology eagerly await the release of Microsoft's Hololens and any inkling of information that comes with it. If you're one of those folks, you're in luck, as new information has just been disclosed about one of Microsoft's partners on the project, Lenovo, and their Hololens; including its release date and price.

News: New Character Screen Released

Jeb tweeted a new image recently, indicating some significant changes to the inventory - stats, possible bottles for potions and more! An earlier tweet seemed to support the potion theory, with a mention of a possible blindness potion. He seemed to indicate that the inventory/stat changes would not take effect in 1.9, however.