Purchasing Hemp Derived Search Results

How To: Macrame your hemp jewelry

Rayann shows us techniques to make macrame designs using hemp for the creation of fun, interesting jewelry designs. She shows us four techniques. First she introduces us to the half-knot using four strands of hemp. The right-hand strand is brought across the others in the shape of a backwards four, while the left-hand strand is brought behind the others and through the loop created. A series of half knots will result in a spiral design along the length of the jewelry.

How To: Derive a quadratic equation, given the roots

This video shows you how to get the quadratic equation for the quadratic function with roots; (5,0), (12,0) which passes through the point(8,6). It shows a man solving this problem using a black board and chalk to clearly demonstrate the method of plugging in the respective coordinates to arrive at an answer. After watching this video, any person over the age of twelve will know how to use quadratic functions to derive quadratic equations and solve mathematical problems with this particular m...

How To: Derive the equation of a straight line

In this tutorial the instructor shows how to derive a straight line equation. He shows us a process that consists of two steps. In step one he uses the slope formula to obtain the slope of the line which is the ratio of difference of y-coordinates and difference of x-coordinates. Now in the step two he uses the slope he obtained in the first step and equates it two a another slope derivation which uses a generic x, y variables and a real point. Now solving this equation he arrives at the equa...

How To: Use feeders and ledger weights to catch more fish

Ledgers and feeders are important parts of bait preparation, and thus crucial to successful fishing as a whole. This video features a professional fisherman explaining how to use these two tools to bait your pole properly, maximizing your baits performance, your fish catches, and the amount of fun and relaxation that you and your friends can derive from a day spent fishing.

How To: Solve a 2x2 system of linear equations with inverses

See how to solve a two-by-two system of linear equations using inverses (derived from determinants). Learn how with this free video lesson. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test).

How To: Derive a point-slope equation from a graph

Do the words point-slope equation send your head into a spin? Well hold on tight, because the mathproblemgenerator.com has your cure? Here you can find a informative video about calculating slope, as well as finding points to substitute into the equation. After watching this video, you will be well prepared to produce a point-slope equation from any graph.

How To: Play the modes on electric guitar

Check out this instructional electric guitar video that provides an introduction to modes. Modes are scales that are derived from a parent scale by starting and ending on different degrees of that parent scale. This is Season 3, Episode 14 of Dave Weiner's Riff of the Week series called "The Modes: An Introduction." With this lesson and a bit of practice, improve your guitar playing skills by learning about modes on the electric guitar.

How To: Create a song's rhythm

Check out this instructional electric guitar video that shows you how to derive a song from its rhythm. This is part 42 of Dave Weiner's Riff of the Week series titled "I've Got Rhythm." With this lesson and a bit of practice, improve your electric guitar playing skills by learning how to create a song's rhythm.

How To: Layer mixed media with collage

This instructional fine arts video demonstrates how to collage with sand paper, paint and other mixed media. The term collage derives from the French "coller" meaning "glue". Before you throw anything away, consider its potential for patterned or textured collage material. Almost any type of material can add new textures and layers to an assemblage piece.

How To: Origami a beautiful hyperbolic arch

If you have some time to kill, this is the perfect origami project to try. Admire the beauty of the structure and ponder the mathematical paradox of making curves from straight lines. This hyperbolic origami arch structure is derived from what is mathematically termed "hyperbolas". Watch this origami video and learn how simple it is to fold a mathematically inspired hyperbolic arch.

How To: Do the Short Plank pilates exercise

Short Plank is derived from original pilates exercises in order to teach proper abdominal and torso support in the push up position. The exercise in this how to video will strengthen your core, strengthen your shoulder girdle stabilizers and target the deep muscles of the abdomen and spine to protect your lower back. Watch this fitness tutorial and you will be toning your body with the Short Plank pilates move.

How To: Weave a switchback pattern hemp bracelet

This is the demo of preparing switchback pattern hemp bracelet. Its not a long process. In fact, it takes only 10 minutes to complete. The hardest thing is probably to make sure that each part of it is exactly the same size. Get a long piece of string and fold it into half. Grab the bottom part to make a loop. Before weaving, draw horizontal lines in a paper of 1 inches apart. Keep the paper on a clip board. Keep the loop between the clips. Then, keep one twine on the left side and another on...

How To: Make raw vegan corn tortillas

Chef Elaina Love teaches how to make a delicious raw vegan corn tortillas. Ingredients : corn, hemp seeds, pine nuts, soaked almonds, golden flax seeds, a clove of garlic and 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric. Put all the ingredients in a blender. Put a little bit of water and blend it 'till smooth and creamy. Put it in a mixing bowl and add the golden flax seeds. Mix. Pour the batter on a tray. Shape the way You want it. Put it inside the dehydrator. If You follow these steps. You'll be able to make ...

How To: Calculate weighted atomic mass

This video is about Level 2 atomic concepts, specifically the Pennium Lab. This helps you understand how atomic masses are derived for the periodic table. This teacher demonstrates how to do the calculation. He first reviews the Isotopes as they are different masses of the same type of atoms. He uses chromium as his example. It has a different number of neutrons in the nucleus. Using the equation, it could have either 26, 28, 29 or 30, with its 24 protons. So he subtracts the atomic number fr...

How To: Derive the area of a circle

This video is about deriving the area of a circle of radius 'r' using polar co-ordinate. First, we draw a circle and its radius 'r'. Then draw another radius close to it, so that it forms a small triangle-like figure. To find the area of the complete circle, divide the circle into similar small triangles. The area of each triangle is given by half the product of its perpendicular and the base. We give the angle between the two radii as d?. We get the area of the small triangle by substituting...

How To: Make raw cacao superfood dessert balls

It's super easy and super fun, anyone can do it. Ingredients: 1 cup carob, one cup cacao, 1 cup cashews, 1/4 cup hemp seeds, 1/2 cup coconut oil that is cold-pressed, 1 tablespoon spirulina, 1/3 cup of honey to start (you can add more in later for taste), pinch of sea salt (optional). Roll the finished balls in coconut. Add cashews into food processor until ground, crumbly powder. Add coconut oil and honey. After mixing, add in the rest of the ingredients. You can also add in cinnamon, cayenn...

How To: Make a simple bow

This is a guide that will show you how to make a bow out of everyday items. First, you want to find a curved branch outside that's nice and thick so it won't snap. Also, if it's connected to other branches just saw them off, and then remove any smaller twigs or leaves from the branch. Then take a small knife and whittle down any nubs or small leftover pieces, then if the branch isn't bent to your requirements just bend it or use a vice to bend it to our liking and your bow staff has been crea...

How To: Feel full on a raw food diet

Natasha gives you some tips on how to feel fuller when eating raw foods. Natasha dispels claims that protein is what makes you feel full after a meal when it's really the fat. Fruits and vegetables are very water rich foods so they go through your body very quickly, therefore, making you feel hungry soon after eating them. Natasha suggests putting some hemp seeds in your smoothies and even coconut oil or coconut meat to add some bulk. She also suggests maybe making only half of your meal raw ...

How To: Make Japanese yakisoba with pork with Mark Bittman

Yakisoba is one of the most popular fast food dishes in Japan. Yeah, we know what you're thinking. Fast food in a nation known for minimalist healthy couture like edamame and salmon rolls? Well, the Japanese often have a craving for fried stuff just like us, but rather than chowing down on artery clogging burgers and french fries, the take a higher route to get their fried food fill.

How To: Understand equivalent fractions

In this video the instructor teaches about equivalent fractions. When given a problem to determine if two fractions are equivalent fractions the first thing to do is write them in the lowest terms. A fraction is said to be in the lowest terms if the greatest common divisor of both numerator and denominator is one. So cancel the common factors in the numerator and the denominator till you arrive at the lowest form and finally compare them to determine if they are equivalent. An equivalent frac...

How To: Advanced Cryptography - Total Guide

Hello people again, I wrote my last post about crypto about 10 months ago, now I will introduce something not fresh for the science, but fresh for the people who wants to learn. In my http://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/forum/cryptography-0161538/ post of crypto concepts, there is just basics, today we will see something that targets wide concepts like Symmetric crypto, Public Key Cryptography, Hashing, Keys etc...

How To: Sell the benefits of Pilates to a potential new client

Need help drumming up new business as a Pilates instructor? This clip presents an overview of the five principle benefits derived from the practice of Pilates. Whether you're considering the possibility of starting your own Pilates studio or already have one and just need a little help tackling a particular pedagogical problem, you're sure to be well served by this free video lesson from the folks at Balanced Body Pilates. For more information, including a comprehensive overview, watch this v...