Prominent Airplane Search Results

How To: Install an RC airplane engine

If you feel like you're too stressed and need something to help you get away from it all, pick up a hobby. Maybe building and flying RC vehicles. This can be a great hobby to pick up on and not only will it help make you relax, but it can be a great way to have some fun in the process by flying planes. So check out the video above, good luck, and enjoy!

How To: Fold an origami style paper airplane

Think that origami, the traditional Japanese folk art of paper folding, is only good for making paper cranes? Think again. This free video tutorial presents complete instructions on how to make origami-style paper planes. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, watch this helpful guide.

News: Airlines' Reliance on Group Boarding Could Spread Pandemics

On the airplane, in the middle of cold and flu season, your seatmate is spewing, despite the clutch of tissues in their lap. Your proximity to an infectious person probably leaves you daydreaming (or is it a nightmare?) of pandemics and estimating how likely it is that this seatmate's viral or bacterial effusions will circulate throughout the plane and infect everyone on board.

How To: Bring Back Airplane Mode & Audio Toggles to Your Nexus 5's Power Menu

In an effort to make things simple and more secure, Google decided to slim down the power menu in Android 5.0. What once provided a quick link to shut your device down, turn on Airplane mode, and toggle volume states, has now been relegated to a simple power switch. Lucky for us, developer Gar Ynych has created a flashable ZIP that will revert these changes and restore functionality to the Nexus 5's power menu. In a few simple steps, you can add the volume toggles and Airplane mode switch rig...

How To: Use This Trick to Fake Dropped Calls on Your iPhone When You Don't Want to Talk Anymore

You see it in the movies all the time. A character on the phone doesn't like what the other person is saying or telling them to do, or they just don't want to talk to them anymore, so they fake bad reception and cut the call off. In real life, it's pretty easy to tell when someone is doing it, and there are better ways to end a call abruptly so that it looks like you didn't hang up on them.

How To: Fold a spinning paper helicopter

Tired of paper airplanes? Make a paper helicopter! You can download and print out a pattern off the Internet to make a toy helicopter with a real spinning paperclip propeller! Use colored paper and colored pencils on your rig, and hold contests with your friends.

How To: Fly safely in a United Airlines B747-400

Just in case you've never flown before, or need a reminder of the safety measures all passengers need to take when flying, this safety video from United Airlines will show you how. Watch and learn how to be safe in a United Airlines B747-400 airplane. The video may be a bit old, but none of the safety tips are.

How To: Pack for international travel

Don't leave anything at home! Before you head out of the country you have to make sure you have the essentials packed. You will learn tips on how to keep your valuables safe and how to meet airline regulations. Be aware that you will have to show your passport so you will have to carry it on your person. Also discussed, how to pack your carry-on bag, items that may be prohibited from your flight, and the process of getting onto the airplane.

How To: Prevent Thieves from Turning On Your iPhone's Airplane Mode, So You Have a Better Chance to Track It Down

When an iPhone is lost or stolen, it's imperative to start tracking it via Find My as soon as possible, whether that's from a computer, tablet, or someone else's phone. However, if it's stolen, there's a good chance the thief or robber turns on Airplane Mode, blocking all communication with the iPhone. If this is a scary thought, you can prevent thieves from accessing Airplane Mode altogether.

How To: Fold and fly a paper hang glider

Hang gliders are exciting, but if you can't fly in the sky, free as a bird, then try the next best thing-- making a paper version that you can make soar through the air. This four-part series from Science Toy Maker will show you exactly how to fold and fly an origami paper airplane hang glider, plus you'll get valuable information behind the principles that make it work. Also watch the last video for the principles that make it possible for life-sized hang gliders to move along the sky withou...

How To: Throw an Australian boomerang properly

This Australian bush guide teaches the ways of the Boomerang. How to throw the Aussie weapon. Boomerangs are like airplane wings. Have the curved side with the beveled edge facing you. The more you flick your wrist when throwing the boomerang the more rotation your boomerang will have. Throw the boomerang at a 45 degree angle to the wind. Don't throw the boomerang into the wind. Throw it at a 1 o'clock angle, not 12 o clock or six. It's not to be thrown like a baseball or a frisbee. If you th...

How To: Create a paper airplane using scissors

In order to make a paper airplane, you will need the following: 8 x 11 sheet of paper and a scissors. Lay the paper out on a flat surface. Pick up the right side bottom corner. Bring it over to meet the left edge of the paper, at the point at which the left hand corner is perfectly bisected. Crease it. Open it. Repeat the fold on the other side. Open it. Now, make an accordion fold. Fold the 2 small corners down. Then fold the 2 diamond shapes upward. Next, fold both sides in. Tuck the points...

How To: Activate flight mode on the Samsung Galaxy Tab

Taking a trip soon? Well, make sure you can still enjoy your Samsung Galaxy Tab up in the air. Turning on the Airplane Mode allows you to use your device safely mid-flight. This video shows you exactly how to active it on your Android tablet. Hit MENU < SETTINGS < WIRELESS & NETWORKS and then select FLIGHT MODE at the top. This will activate it. You can press it again to deactivate it. You can also turn on or off FLIGHT MODE by pressing the power button on the side.

How To: Solder magnet wires

Do you have magnet wires that you need to solder together to get your device working again? This video can help you immensely! Soldering is when you put two wires together using a soldering iron so that even cut wires can be made useful again. Great care and time is taken into soldering these wires properly. Watch the video to learn the proper techniques of soldering magnet wires. The wires shown in this video are extremely thin and are used for small, ready-to-fly airplanes.