Project Search Results

How To: Become an Expert Data-Driven Project Manager for Under $50

Since Motorola engineer Bill Smith invented Six Sigma in 1986, corporations around the world have employed it to eliminate costs and process cycle time while increasing profits and customer satisfaction. These techniques and tools for process improvement were invaluable to famed CEO Jack Welch, who used them to redefine General Electric's business strategy in 1995.

How To: Need More Time on a Work Assignment or School Project? Corrupt Your Files to Extend Your Deadline Without Question

You have an assignment due, whether it's homework for school or a project for work, but you've only got a few hours left. There's no way you're going to finish in time and do a good job, and you don't want to turn in anything incomplete or half-assed. While it may seem you're out of luck, there's a simple way to buy yourself more time.

Video: PokéLens—A HoloLens Concept Game with Project Downloads

Ready to finally play some Pokémon on your HoloLens? Here is your chance! KennyWdev has released a video showing off his newest build of PokéLens, a Pokémon clone for the HoloLens similar to Pokémon GO. In the video, you get to see two Pokémon battle it out on what appears to be an office floor. Apparently, Pikachu is "super effective." This coincidentally appeared online the same day that another developer, Sky Zhou, showed off his Smash Brothers-style Pokémon game.

News: This Hackathon Project Turns Any Room into an Art Gallery

One of the first things you'll do with the HoloLens is place little holograms around your room, and it'll look like you have a large figurine collection. Ralph Barbagallo, Edward Dawson-Taylor, and their HoloHacks team decided to take that a bit further and created an app that allows the user to produce and tour virtual art exhibits.

How To: Build Your Own Projector Screen at Home for Less Than Fifty Bucks

A few weeks ago, we saw a simple 128 inch DIY Projector Screen that looked like a pro built it—and it only cost $200. But this one is even cheaper, and looks just as good. It's also simpler because it's painted right onto the wall. In the video below, How To Lou shows us how to make it with just some white or silverscreen paint, a few pieces of casement molding, and some black velvet for the trim.

How To: Holy String Art, Batman! 6 of the Coolest Thread Art Projects Ever

You may remember string art from your elementary school days. If so, it probably makes you think of the 2D geometrical designs that took every ounce of patience you had as a kid. Or those laborious curve stitch drawings, which string art was actually birthed from. But thanks to some innovative modern artists, string art has gotten a lot more interesting. Here are some of the most creative applications so far.

How To: Publish a project with Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5

Whether you're new to Adobe's Creative Suite (and, by consequence, Flash Catalyst CS5) or a seasoned graphic design professional after a general overview of CS5's most vital new features, you're sure to be well served by this official video tutorial from the folks at Adobe TV. In it, you'll learn how to easily publish your project using Adobe Flash Catalyst.

How To: Make a clock projector

Time flies. Particularly when it's projected. The magical box in this how-to uses light and mirrors to project the image of a working clock face on any wall. To build your own working clock projector, you'll need the following materials: a mirror, a jeweler's loupe, a clock and a flashlight. For detailed, step-by-step instructions on the assembly process, and to get started on this Daliesque hack yourself, take a look!

How To: Use voice-overs in your video project

Contrary to some screenwriting gurus, voice-over can be a handy narrative device. By speaking directly to the audience, rather than dramatizing, voice-over cuts through the running time. It can also cut down on resources. Just don't overdo it. Over-baked voice-overs sidestep drama, and leave little to interpretation. Imagine if everything were explained to you secondhand, rather than witnessing it yourself.

How To: Start editing video projects in Adobe Premiere Pro CS3

For a new user, Adobe Premier Pro can be overwhelming. There's just so much you can do! So, a little guidance, or shall we say "basic training," is what you'll need to get started editing your own home video or professional film. This five-part series is your basic training, taught by Jordy Vandeput, showing you the basic, need-to-know stuff in Premiere Pro CS3.

How To: Use a calendar for future projects in MS Project 2007

In this tutorial, we learn how to use a calendar for future projects in MS Project 2007. First, go to the "tools" menu, then down to organizer. Choose the calendar tab and then change what the calendars are available in. Choose ABC Limited, then click on "copy". Now, click on "close" and open up a new project. From here, go to "project" then "project information", and you will be able to change to the other calendar. Remember to change the default under the options so you have the correct tim...

How To: Add Electroluminescence to any project

Systm is the Do It Yourself show designed for the common geek who wants to quickly and easily learn how to dive into the latest and hottest tech projects. We will help you avoid pitfalls and get your project up and running fast. Search Systm on WonderHowTo for more DIY episodes from this Revision3 show.

How To: Generate a visual report in Microsoft Project 2010

In this clip, you'll learn how to visual data with charts and graphs in MS Project 2010. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular project management application or are just looking to better acquaint yourself with the Project 2010 workflow, you're sure to benefit from this free video software tutorial from Lynda. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Create a material resource in Microsoft Project 2010

In this clip, you'll learn how to create a new material resource when using MS Project 2010. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular project management application or are just looking to better acquaint yourself with the Project 2010 workflow, you're sure to benefit from this free video software tutorial from Lynda. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Create a new milestone in Microsoft Project 2010

In this clip, you'll learn how add a new milestone when working in MS Project 2010. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular project management application or are just looking to better acquaint yourself with the Project 2010 workflow, you're sure to benefit from this free video software tutorial from Lynda. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Create a new task in Microsoft Project 2010

In this clip, you'll learn how to create a new task when using MS Project 2010. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular project management application or are just looking to better acquaint yourself with the Project 2010 workflow, you're sure to benefit from this free video software tutorial from Lynda. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Create budgets in MS Project 2007

These days it seems like budgets are on everybody's minds. Big or small, financial planning is an essential part of daily life following the latest recession. In this tutorial you will learn how to create budget resources, using MS Project 2007, that you can assign to your project to compare you actual hours and costs against your budget.

How To: Save your DVD project in iDVD

When you save your iDVD project, you can save a version of the project in what's called a project archive. Archives contain all the files, menus, movies, and slideshows that make up your DVD. Once created, the archive can be saved to an external disk, copied to another Mac, or saved on your desktop.

How To: Create summary tasks in MS Project 2007

In this tutorial, we learn how to create summary tasks in MS Project 2007. First, put a task into your project and use the fill option to create more tasks. Fill in the duration and start time of your tasks as well. Now, write the subject at the top and then highlight the tasks that have to do with them, and click an arrow to indent all of these tasks. You can have up to nine levels of indenting and tasks, but this can make your project look far too complicated. When finished, save your proje...

How To: Insert a movie from iTunes into your Keynote project

The Media Manager that comes with Keynote is a useful tool for adding in all sorts of media to your slideshow or project; and videos can add an extra level of depth and information to your project. Take any movie or clip from your iTunes library and then use the Media Manager tool to insert it into Keynote. It's a very simple process - the whole video showing you how to do it takes barely a minute!

How To: Do the one drop project yo-yo trick

This video tutorial shows you how to do the one drop project yo-yo trick. The yo-yo is one of the oldest living toys around, and the modern yo-yo of today was born is Santa Barbara, California. There's a gazillion yoyo tricks that you can put in your hobby arsenal, so pay attention and learn from the best. Learn the one drop project yo-yo trick from Yuuki Spencer.