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How To: Do the Folds Breakdown liquid dance move

Liquid dance is a gestural, interpretive dance form that involves fluid like movements. Usually the hands and arms are the primary focus of liquid dance. Liquid dance is commonly associated with rave culture. Watch this dance tutorial to learn how to do the liquid dance move: the Folds Breakdown.

How To: Do the liquid dance Primer Theory Breakdown

Liquid dance is a gestural, interpretive dance form that involves fluid like movements. Usually the hands and arms are the primary focus of liquid dance. Liquid dance is commonly associated with rave culture. Watch this dance tutorial to learn how to do the liquid dance move: the Primer Theory Breakdown.

How To: Do the Contours Breakdown liquid dance move

Liquid dance is a gestural, interpretive dance form that involves fluid like movements. Usually the hands and arms are the primary focus of liquid dance. Liquid dance is commonly associated with rave culture. Watch this dance tutorial to learn how to do the liquid dance move: the Contours Breakdown.

How To: Do the Splits Breakdown liquid dance move

Liquid dance is a gestural, interpretive dance form that involves fluid like movements. Usually the hands and arms are the primary focus of liquid dance. Liquid dance is commonly associated with rave culture. Watch this dance tutorial to learn how to do the liquid dance move: the Splits Breakdown.

How To: Do the Rails liquid dance move

Liquid dance is a gestural, interpretive dance form that involves fluid like movements. Usually the hands and arms are the primary focus of liquid dance. Liquid dance is commonly associated with rave culture. Watch this dance tutorial to learn how to do the liquid dance move: Rails.

How To: Paint a bronze metal effect on ceramics

This instructional painting video demonstrates how to paint a bronze effect on ceramics. You can use this technique on just about any surface, such as wood, canvas, metal, plastic, or paper. Apply gold metallic paint, Bitumen, cadmium yellow paint and primary blue paint. Dry the metallic surface with a heat gun if you have one.

How To: Hack an HTC Evo 4G phone to record video in the dark

Want to shoot video in low-light conditions with a HTC Evo 4G smartphone? Whether you're the owner of an HTC Evo 4G Android phone or just covet one, you're sure to enjoy this Evo owner's guide from HTC Evo Hacks, which presents a complete, step-by-step walkthrough of how to turn on the camera's built-in LEDs to illuminate subjects in less-than-ideal lighting conditions. For complete details, take a look!

How To: Apply formatting to Excel cells that meet a condition

See how to apply condition formatting when working in Microsoft Excel 2007. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular word processing application application or a seasoned MS Office professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the Word 2007 workflow, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, and to get started using the useful formatting feature in your own Excel documents, watch this free video guide.

How To: Use the County Fair workout to improve football teams

Training young athletes to improve their conditioning is vitally important to improving their performance and preventing injuries. This video spotlights one schools inseason conditioning program, called the County Fair workout. It includes such drills as flipping tires, pulling tires, and ladder drills, which improve your athletes physical abilities as well as their team cohesion.

How To: Clicker train your dog to take a bow

Clicker training tutorial on teaching your dog to take a bow. This tutorial utilizes BF Skinner's methods of operant conditioning. This will create a well regulated training schedule between you and your dog or other pet. Operant conditioning is great to get an animal to do bizarre tricks.

How To: Dougie (dance)

JusJerk has the Stick Figures, a jerk dance crew, show us how and what the "Dougie" looks like, a popular dance from Georgia that has spread out through out the United States. Watch and get inspired as several Stick Figure members show off their best Dougie moves.

How To: Treat and access a work related sprain

Sometimes the difference between a sprain and a fracture can only be identified with an x-ray. However with the help of this first aid how-to video you will learn to properly treat a sprain. Complete a modified primary survey of the work related accident, access the limb that was injured, and apply ice. These first aid tips will help your workers stay healthy.

How To: Cook a hamburger properly

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimates that 73,000 people contract E. coli O157:H7 each year. The primary source of these illnesses is ground beef that has been improperly handled and cooked. Watch this video to learn how you can avoid the spread of this bacteria.

How to Speak English: Reported speech with conditionals

In this tutorial, we learn how to speak English with conditionals. Conditional statements need special attention and usually start with the word "if". An example of a conditional statement is "if you want, we'll go out to dinner". This has two parts, a condition, and a result. The condition is expressed by "if". To report them, don't change the verbs unless you're dealing with a real condition. Look and see if verb tenses can change depending on how the sentence is structured. Try to remember...

How To: Do wrestling conditioning

In this tutorial, we learn how to do wrestling conditioning with Jennifer DiDonato. To start out, do 20-50 squats followed by push ups and other drills to get warmed up. This will help you avoid pulling a muscle and let everyone work together. It's important to have a trainer with you to correct your form and posture, or else you might not be doing it correctly and hurting your body. Cardio is important with wrestling, such as: rope exercises, turn buckles, pumps, and more. Martial arts is al...

How To: Replace the AC condenser on a Nissan Altima

This video demonstrates how to remove the air conditioning condenser from a Nissan Altima. If your air conditioning isn't working, especially if you live in a hot, traffiky part of the world, your life is probably pretty miserable. This video will help you to rectify the situation yourself at home without having to pay half of your monthly salary to a mechanic.

How To: Learn about HVAC gauges

Check out this home repair tutorial video to learn about air conditioning gauges. This instructional video thoroughly explains the role of the various pieces and parts on a HVAC unit's gauges. Learn everything you needed to know about air conditioning gauges with this appliance video.

How To: Build a beautiful cedar log coffee table using a chainsaw

If you loved the cedar log bench, try out your chainsaw skills on something for the inside of your home— a log coffee table. Using a chainsaw as your primary woodworking tool is dangerously unusual, but the results are well worth the risk! In this two-part video, learn the techniques to chainsawing your way to a beautiful log coffee table made from scraps. It's great for any outdoorsman's living room or den.