Prevalent Wrong Search Results

How To: Perform a great neck and shoulder massage for anyone

Whether male or female, being able to give someone a massage is great for making that certain someone like you just that much more, or helps to relieve stress in a stressful situation for them. If you only seem to be making them feel uncomfortable when you do it, you're probably doing it wrong. In this video you will learn how to perform a basic back and shoulder massage with tips for location and set up.

How To: Sign up for the right acting classes in Hollywood

There are many different acting classes available in Los Angeles, so how do you know if you are taking the right type? Don't get stuck with a bad teacher, or learning the wrong method for your chosen field. This tutorial, hosted by actor Shaun Pilkington, will walk you through a few insider tips for choosing the right mentors. Follow along, practice your skill and make your Hollywood dreams come true.

How To: Teach a horse to neck rein

Neck reining is a method of guiding your horse. In this tutorial, you will be taught exactly what a neck rein is and how to perform one. Most people think they know what a neck rein is but they are actually wrong. If you would like to know the right way to rein your horse, follow along with this video and soon you'll be horseback riding like a pro.

How To: Crochet with beads

This how video will teach you how to attach beads when crocheting. Beads can be found on purses, doilies, scarves, and more. This will take you through a step by step on how to apply. Be careful now, applying the bead at the wrong part of doing a stitch will cause problems in the future. If not attached at the proper spot, the beads will loosen and flip flop around.

How To: Draw a realistic manga face

In this video, "Miki Falls" manga creator Mark Crilley shows us how to draw a realistic manga face. Manga has a unique style, and if you get minor details wrong it can really add up to make your characters look strange and unappealing. This video takes you through the process of drawing manga faces, step by step.

How To: Build a Morse code telegraph

Keeping secrets out of the wrong hands warrants desperate measures—or maybe just sensical. If you have a secret, the best way to protect it is with a code—and the best way to transfer that secret message is via an electronic telegraph system. This video will show you how to make your own homemade electronic telegraph machine, so that you can send those encrypted Morse code messages to your friends without fear of prosecution.

How To: Use basic hammer strikes in blacksmithing

Blacksmithing is an ancient art of metalsmithing that has never gone away and is still done today! Knowing about heat and what sort of metals to use is good, but if you are just whacking at the metal wildly without any sort of form, you're doing it wrong. In this video you will learn the eight basic hammer strikes in blacksmithing that you will need to know to do any sort of blacksmithing.

How To: Make salty, traditional British style chunky chips

There is nothing better with a plate of perfectly fried fish than a handful of absolutely divine crispy chips. In this tutorial, learn how to fry chips the right way so that they are the perfect size, taste and texture. These salty snacks will add to your meals and provide tons of finger licking snacks throughout the day. You really can not go wrong with this recipe. Yum!!

How To: Install an ignition coil on your 2-cycle lawn trimmer

If your ignition coil is out on your lawn trimmer, you will probably have to replace it. You can easily test the ignition with a spark tester before removing it to see if it is indeed your ignition coil. There are a number of things that can go wrong with the ignition, it can simply just not create a spark anymore or it can be acting up where you're lucky if you get it to start up when you need it to.

How To: Take apart your 2nd Gen iPod for repair

If you need to get into your 2nd generation iPod to replace a part or see what is wrong with it. The best way to take it apart is to use a very thin tool, you will see how to take it apart the 2nd gen iPod using a putting knife. Make sure you release all 4 sides of the iPod before yanking it out as you can cause some damage if you do not know what is inside.

How To: Fly fish with poppers

In fly fishing if you want to achieve the right popping motion, you need to make sure that you hesitate whenever you bring the line back and forth. There are some other important tips to watch out for as well. To find out what they are, check out the tutorial above on how to fly fish with poppers to understand the right way of doing it and the wrong. Enjoy!

How To: Transfer music from your iPod to iTunes

It's unfortunate, but the fact of the matter is computers crash and you can lose a lot of important files when this happens. Your music doesn't have to be part of that. If something goes wrong with your iTunes, you can take the music on your iPod and transfer it to another iTunes. This video will show you how.

How To: Answer the "Why do you want to work for us?" question

You could be going into a job interview with the wrong ideas. This video, however, teaches a person how to go into an interview and have a higher chance of landing the job. Learn how to go into the job with the right mindset. You can make the job interviewer see you're serious about working for their company, and not the opposite by having the right mindset.

How To: Pet a dog properly

When you meet a dog, the first thing you do is pet the head and the dog likes it, right? Wrong. Most dogs don't like being pet on the head, even if you think they do, and they're constantly sending signals that they don't want to get a head patting. Learn how to read a dog's body language to find out whether or not they want to be pet on the head by watching this instructional video.