Practice Foot Search Results

How To: Do beginner tango dancing

Want to become a good Ballroom dancer? Libreros step number five of tango dancing is the ouside swivel - a mans step. Start by facing the center of the room in the close position. Take a forward step on the left foot and a side step swinging your right foot to the side. Put your weight onto the right foot and lean back then take a step back with your left foot in the contra body position. As you are stepping back with the left foot, your body turns to the right, helping you partner "swivel." ...

How To: Do an ollie on a skateboard like a pro

Invented by Alan "Ollie" Gelfand in 1977, the Ollie is a skateboarding trick where the rider pops the tail of his skateboard into the air and then jumps with the board ‘stuck’ to his or her feet. Learn how to do an Ollie. You will need a skateboard, a flat & dry surface, lots of practice, and courage, stamina & the willingness to fall down a lot.

How To: Practice the Half Frog yoga pose

The Half Frog pose increases flexibility in the neck and shoulders. Learn how to do the Half Frog Pose in this video clip about yoga positions and moves. To do the Half Frog yoga pose you should touch left foot with left hand, press knee back, pull heel to hip, and breathe properly. With this how to video you will be able to incorporate the Half Frog pose into your yoga routine.

How To: Do the Eagle yoga pose

Improve balance and strengthen legs with the Eagle Pose. Learn how to do the Eagle Pose in this video clip about yoga positions and moves. To do the Eagle pose you should stand up straight on one foot, bring right knee over left, extend & cross arms, place palms together, and breathe properly. With this how to video you will be able to practice the Eagle yoga pose at home.

How To: Practice proper squat exercises

Squats are an important part of working out and fitness in general. This fitness HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to do squats at home or in the gym. Begin the squats by sitting on a bench, placing your feet in a squating position, stand up and sit back down. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for doing squats on a bench.

How To: Practice a proper up-right push up

Up-right push ups are an important part of working out. This fitness HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to do them on a bar or on the wall. Begin the up-right push up by placing your hands should width apart in front of you, feet back and on your toes, keep the body straight and lower yourself keeping your elbows out. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for doing up right push ups.

How To: Practice proper barbell squat posture

Barbell squats are an important part of weight lifting. This weights HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to do a barbell squat. Begin the squat by having your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed outward and the barbell right below your neck. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for weight lifting.

How To: Work on a beginners standing yoga push back

Yoga can be challenging, but with a lot of practice and concentration you can learn to master certain moves and poses. This beginners level yoga how to video shows you how to work your way into a push back from a standing yoga pose. Start from a forward bend, relax you hands, bend your knees, and walk you feet back.

How To: Do basic turns in snowboarding

In this video, we learn how do perform basic turns while snowboarding. To start out, increase the pressure onto your front foot while on the board Then, rotate your upper body in the direction you are turning. When the board starts to go downhill, transfer your weight from the heel to a flat base on the board. The snowboard will turn away, place pressure on your toe and bend your ankles. Place more pressure on your feet, then rotate your upper body in the direction you are turning. Keep doing...

How To: Do the Crip Walk or C-Walk

The Crip walk, or C-walk, is a popular west coast dance move that requires a great deal of balance, buoyancy and switching of the feet. Learn about different foot exchanges that are used to C-walk with help from this free lesson given by an expert.

How To: Do easy break dancing moves

Looking to break into the break dancing world? In this video, learn some easy moves in break dancing with start with top rock basics, such as stepping out with the right foot, crossing the arms, crossing the left foot in front and opening the arms. Add flair to these dance floor friendly moves, with help from this free lesson.

How To: Do the bound forward fold yoga pose

In yoga the Bound Forward Fold involves twisting the body and clasping the hands together. Learn a new yoga pose in this video yoga lesson. Take action: place feet wider than hips, root into feet, bend knees to lock, and focus on breathing. Cindy Mastry, the instructor of this how-to video, has practiced yoga since the age of eight, and also has a background in Jazz and Ballet. Active in the fitness industry for nearly twenty years, she teaches aerobics, kickboxing, and yoga at many fitness c...

How To: Stop yourself with an ice axe in mountaineering

Ali Alami with Fit Climb demonstrates how to stop yourself using an ice axe when mountaineering. Arresting yourself is important if you or a partner on a rope team trip or fall when climbing. To practice hold your ice axe across your chest and slide down a hill on your backside. To arrest yourself roll to whatever side the pick is positioned on, digging the pick into the mountain and rolling your body completely on top of it. Keep your feet above the snow until you are almost at a stop and th...

How To: Do ballet exercises at home

Increase your flexibility, elongate muscles and strengthen your feet with a thera-band and these at home exercises. Continue practicing ballet at home between lessons with the following instruction from a pro. Mikael Monson is an instructor specializing in ballet and pointe at the Virtuosity Performing Arts Studio/Vancouver Elite Gymnastics Academy in Camas, Washington. Learn more ballet from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor!

How To: Do a parkour rail balance

This is how you can learn how to easily accomplish a parkour rail balance. When you first start out, use a rail that is close to the ground; you will probably fall several times while practicing. As you get more used to it you can use rails that are higher. Start out by walking across the rail slowly; keep your feet forward or curved, whichever you prefer. Eventually you will get faster and be able to jump from rail to rail. Just keep practicing and you will get the hang of it quickly.

How To: Dance the Tango Beat in Front embellishments

This is a common embellishment for back ochos and takes a little practice to work up the speed to do it but once you do you'll find lots of places to fit it in. During back ochos, beat your free foot in front as it passes the other on the "&" count (halfway through the beat), before stepping behind into the next step. (You should feel the achilles tendon at the back of the free leg hit the lower part of the shin of the standing leg, just above the ankle.) Try not to let your legs turn-out as ...

How To: Do dance moves from "Fame"

In this video, we learn how to do dance moves from the movie, "Fame". Start out with doing eight chugs forward with the feet apart. The hands should be at the side going in and out as you do the chugs. Next, you will keep your feet out and step right to left for eight counts as your arms are in the air to the side and you are doing shoulder rolls to the side twice. Once you have put these all together, do them in two different eight counts with the first and second counts. Once you have these...

How To: Backside 180 ollie on a skateboard

In this tutorial, we learn how to backside 180 ollie on a skateboard. First, start on the skateboard and have your back foot on the back of the board. Pop the board at an angle, then slide your foot up and turn your body and shoulders. After this, the board will come off the ground, then you will land and roll away. You will roll out one of two ways, and you will need to get used to this before you start to practice. Make sure you do your trick into the grass so when you fall it doesn't hurt ...

How To: Throw a football the correct way

In this video, we learn how to throw a football the correct way with Steve Hand. First, get a good grip on the ball using your throwing hand. Put your hand on the laces, not the spaces. Now, get the proper foot position by squaring your feet with your shoulders. Put your weight on your back food then step into the throw. Finally, cock your back and step into your throw and release the football. Make sure you keep your elbows to the side of you and they are not facing too far down or too far u...

How To: Do a frontside flip on your skateboard

Jarvis from Skate Warehouse demonstrates how to do a front side flip on a skateboard. A front side flip is a kick flip with a 180 degree turn. Stand on the board with your front foot by the front bolts like a kick flip. Place your back foot on the right side of the tail. When you pop the skateboard by putting pressure on it, the board will scoop around to get the front side flip. Remember to keep your shoulders facing the direction that you're going but at an angle. Swing your shoulders while...

How To: Do a proper cartwheel

Cartwheels are so much fun! Who doesn't love to twirl around? If you don't know how to do one of these fun moves, check out this video! Step by step, this tutorial will teach you how to relive your childhood or release your inner gymnast.

How To: Successfully learn the Elastico trick

Learn the Elastico trick with this how-to video! 1. Decide which direction you want to fake with a soccer ball. 2. While leaning to the right, slide foot over the soccer ball (faking right). 3. Slide foot, blocking ball, causing it to bounce the other direction. 4. Make sure you keep your foot as close to the ball as possible to increase effectiveness of the fake. 5. Practice makes perfect. Skilled soccer kids show you how to perfect the elite soccer move, The Elastic.

How To: Practice food safety on a camping trip

Before you make that extended camping trek out into the wilderness, there are a few things any self-respecting camper should know how to do. And one of those things is how to safely feed oneself. With this free video guide, you'll learn how to practice food safety when roughing it in the wild.

How To: Do the jerk dance move, the reject

This video teaches you how to do the popular dance, "the jerk". First, you step on your left foot with your right foot up behind you then you jump and land on your right foot with your left foot up behind you. Then you jump on your left foot, jump on your right foot and jump up on your left foot. Then you jump on your right foot, jump on your left and land on your right foot. It's like a square. Then the creator of the video shows all of the steps in fast forward. Also there is a montage of p...

How To: Do the pendulum footbag trick

New to footbag? Don't worry, this video tutorial will help you out a little. Learn how to do the pendulum footbag trick. All you need is a hacky sack and some feet. The pendulum is a fairly easy footbag trick, so watch, learn, and practice.